-no pool & shamans
ic3dt3a | Date: Monday, 11-Nov-2013, 4:40 PM | Message # 1 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| could you disable -gold color when in no pool and in ssd mode? yeah, i've used this a couple of times and it can turn the game around completely
also, please nerf shamans by either removing it or adding a creep that can cast holy light(must be undead hero though so that u cant get a couple and heal each of them with the spell). it's no longer needed, the original use for this was to counter halp meh in 5.4.
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O_o]-PrincipV | Date: Monday, 11-Nov-2013, 5:30 PM | Message # 2 |
![O_o]-PrincipV](/avatar/65/1224-028133.jpg) Grunt
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| Quote ic3dt3a (  ) could you disable -gold color when in no pool and in ssd mode? yeah, i've used this a couple of times and it can turn the game around compl
would be better -Pool of all the time
Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
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Bond009 | Date: Monday, 11-Nov-2013, 9:55 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Quote ic3dt3a (  ) could you disable -gold color when in no pool and in ssd mode? yeah, i've used this a couple of times and it can turn the game around completely lol thats been done in 4.1 for a long time now, no worries.
i can nerf shaman coil a bit, probably right it doesnt need to be so strong esp early game its like a lvl 4 hero spell
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ic3dt3a | Date: Monday, 11-Nov-2013, 10:51 PM | Message # 4 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Bond009 (  ) i can nerf shaman coil a bit, probably right it doesnt need to be so strong esp early game its like a lvl 4 hero spell
thank you
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Adam_CZ | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 3:24 AM | Message # 5 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| better nerf Bob the Newt instead shamans.... you can kill shaman easy with normal spells (no resistant skin) or you can transmute him (xmute level 2 and level 3)
btw 90% people dont pick shaman for heal undenad heroes but they pick shamans for killing enemy heroes (there is very popular "shaman build" cold strike, nova, banih)
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 4:54 PM | Message # 6 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) better nerf Bob the Newt instead shamans.... you can kill shaman easy with normal spells (no resistant skin) or you can transmute him (xmute level 2 and level 3)
btw 90% people dont pick shaman for heal undenad heroes but they pick shamans for killing enemy heroes (there is very popular "shaman build" cold strike, nova, banih)
this topic isnt about newts, its about shamans and pool
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Adam_CZ | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 4:58 PM | Message # 7 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| yes but why you have problem with shamans? if enemy have undead hero and use shamans for healing you can kill shamans easy.... but you can not kill bob newt easy
no logic
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 5:06 PM | Message # 8 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) yes but why you have problem with shamans? if enemy have undead hero and use shamans for healing you can kill shamans easy.... but you can not kill bob newt easy
no logic
i use shamans ALL the time... there is no healing creep for live heros, so there shouldnt be one for undead. there are more live heros than undead so holy light isnt really worth getting, however, death coil can come in handy due to its cast range and damage.
i love lighnitng shield on shamans, its better than zoz. bloodlust is fun too.
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a_chinese_kid | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 7:51 PM | Message # 9 |
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| You're both noobs, shamans are only good for purge and blood lust. please go learn to chf ' s
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 8:24 PM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote a_chinese_kid (  ) You're both noobs, shamans are only good for purge and blood lust. please go learn to chf ' s
go die with adam
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Arctty | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 9:22 PM | Message # 11 |
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| Yeah I mean Newt is 10x better than sham, can kill shams easy and sham is significantly more expensive.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 9:39 PM | Message # 12 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Arctty (  ) Yeah I mean Newt is 10x better than sham, can kill shams easy and sham is significantly more expensive.
make a separate thread on newts, i will post my thoughts on that
shaman deals 350 damage with coil, more than lvl 1 death coil from hero. it is more useful at beginning, casts lignhitng shield(most ppl have not been using this, but towards the end of 5.4 before FN took over map editing, treechopper, shamans were being used during mass.)
Message edited by ic3dt3a - Tuesday, 12-Nov-2013, 9:40 PM |
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013, 1:41 AM | Message # 13 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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-who care to look their allies CHF = TEAM WORK
-what the shaman if you see something that is not balanced heroud> herohuman if there should be chamanud vs ursaholy
- POL ON OR POL OFF = sad excuse
-what is the problem with newt that do not use if they appear to buy all team
- another thing is that only one hero can manage to handle more units no micro
- complain about the " newt use dispèl" so serious "that the golem has immunity to magic" adam sad life
conclusion adam the worst ever , chf want to you modify at will PLS SUICIDE
Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013, 1:57 AM |
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Adam_CZ | Date: Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013, 7:06 AM | Message # 14 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Roy please shut up, better answer me why you and Yeferzon lose easy again?
Remember how you said "FTL Roystom FTL Yeferzon autowin 2v9" ??? I have maybe 20 replays FTL Roystom FTL Yeferzon lose very easy.... Like this game Roystom Yeferzon black arrows lose Adam and Cou and your excuse "lags" you have really sad life Roy  Added (2013-11-13, 8:06 AM) --------------------------------------------- btw many people said you can play only with mass pool... few days ago i did "-pool off" and you died in 5 minutes remember that game Roy?
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[-FTL-]RoyStoM | Date: Wednesday, 13-Nov-2013, 3:49 PM | Message # 15 |
![[-FTL-]RoyStoM](/avatar/28/842883.jpg) Pirate
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Roy please shut up, better answer me why you and Yeferzon lose easy again? http://random360.tk/game/79988/ only an idiot like you may think that this game was lost
yefer 17 - shinki 14 - roys 16+2do hero lvl4 : veteala15 - icon13 - footy 12 t1 can not leave their base
the reason I lost was this
Added (2013-11-13, 4:45 PM) --------------------------------------------- ADAM PLS SUICIDE until now I can not have an answer for you live Added (2013-11-13, 4:49 PM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote Adam_CZ (  ) por cierto mucha gente dijo que puede jugar solamente con piscina en masa ... Hace unos días hice "off-pool" y que murió en 5 minutos recuerda ese partido Roy? http://random360.tk/game/78792/ ars - ftd - veryd hard ??? is a real waste of time you are a mediocre never could win 1 vs 1 so unresponsive as speech or going back ignore??
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