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only 1 or 2 heroes in mass - Forum

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only 1 or 2 heroes in mass
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 7:29 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Well, i just lose vs noobs who had only 2 heroes in mass. They get bonus gold from leaver and they buy jammy priest and frenzy soul (endurance aura item) and they got more exp. After mass they were level 9 and i was only level 3 and there was nothing what can i do and i am really angry because

1) lose many elo

2) i know in regular game they have no chance win

i asked many times if its possible fix this bug? i mean teams with 1 or 2 heroes WILL NOT get more exp than other teams... 2 or 1 heroes in mass already ruined many games

with 2 heroes mass i can rape full stacked team easy too: or (team 3 soundwaves and osetinas alts)
PLusDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 7:42 AM | Message # 2
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ELO isn't life adam...!
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 7:46 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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First World Problems...sigh, lol

It's funny how we all constantly face this issue 
for Adam, after years, it is now his FIRST TIME

oh first world problems...oh first world ADMIN problems.......
Never ever played a fair game OR a game with a disadvantage
Always played with EXTREMELY high advantage..xD

And we all wonder why admins these days can't increase their skills...
it's cause they don't challenge themselves.
They only complain. Even about little things like this. 

"ELO life is hard. Deal with it. A real man would get up and learn from it instead of whine" <= By RosarioVampire2

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 8:17 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Quote PLus ()
ELO isn't life adam...!

say guy who play only full stacked for ELO :-d

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
And we all wonder why admins these days can't increase their skills...

its not only about admins... all good players play only stack for elo... its really sad...

check for example this game: trash Cyray swap two good players in his team and they are playing full stack vs full downloaders... last days i saw many times JST4X+Cheesy+Monster playing vs downloaders... but if Roystom joined lobby they left... because
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
it's cause they don't challenge themselves.

if there will be only games "full TDT" vs "rogerlucas and wildjapgirl + other downloaders" it will be really boring and downloaders will not play this map anymore...

why there are only games like Cou + Cyray vs rogerlucas + edu.reme instead games like Roystom + Yeferzon vs Cou + Cyray etc?
MakaryDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 8:42 AM | Message # 5
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I win against noobs who only has 1 hero in the mass cool
MrDark_DevilDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 12:37 PM | Message # 6
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Quote Makary ()
I win against noobs who only has 1 hero in the mass
all noobs not same lol XD

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
SecreT-Name-Date: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 12:41 PM | Message # 7
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Quote PLus ()
ELO isn't life adam

VexslasherDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 1:11 PM | Message # 8
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Yesterday my team won and all other teams had only 2 heroes for mass. You just need to pay attention to it if you know someones got 2 heroes for mass you just focus them. If they are both pro players tho it's probably gg unless you get lucky and kill them in mass.

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:02 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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If you win vs team who had 2 heroes it was only because you got luck and they were big noobs... Today i was playing 10 games and my score 8 wins and 2 loses. And this loses were because enemies got 2 heroes and after mass they were 3 or 4 level more than me........

Check for example this:

You can see team 1 and team 3 is full stacked pro players (team 1 is probably best team CHF) and they lose vs average/weaker than average player in team 4 because he had 2 hero mass.

Added (11-Feb-2014, 4:02 PM)
today i lose 4 games only because everytime somebody left and enemies got 2 hero mass... you can wach my replays and you will see everytime they were 3 or 4 levels more than me (after mass) and there was nothing what i can do vs black arrows etc

Cyray@USEASTDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:03 PM | Message # 10
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roy yefer secret name are not the best team in chf...

stupid adam basura

name: james mcgovern
[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:07 PM | Message # 11
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 [-ftl-]yeferzon the connection

Added (11-Feb-2014, 4:06 PM)
have replay lose in 3 vs 3 ???

Added (11-Feb-2014, 4:07 PM)
Quote Cyray@USEAST ()
roy yefer secret name are not the best team in chf... stupid adam basura
lol is true [-FTL-] >>>>> ALL and stuf

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:08 PM
Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:21 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Roystom is best player.... and he have awesome team work with Yeferzon and Secret Name and also with Nexsus... this team is unbeatable.
Cyray@USEASTDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:26 PM | Message # 13
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Roystom is best player.... and he have awesome team work with Yeferzon and Secret Name and also with Nexsus... this team is unbeatable.

we will see in the tournament when your GOD dies to TAS

name: james mcgovern
F00ty_R3b0rnDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:40 PM | Message # 14
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Quote [-FTL-]RoyStoM ()
have replay lose in 3 vs 3 ???

Yes ofc I have.
But also I have this 1 TAS, me solo, vs 3 FTL


F00ty_R3b0RN deaths = 0, FTL FAGSTOM DEATHS = 15 +

Your pathetic excuse : "mi no use micro ok ??". The truth is you got golems / vengeance / Rats and lost everything cause u are a delusional sucker.


Added (11-Feb-2014, 4:40 PM)
Adam stop to create 5 threads a day plz. All of them are useless anyway

Current CHF APM ! The Legend is R3b0Rn !

[-FTL-]RoyStoMDate: Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:57 PM | Message # 15
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i remenber u lose 2 whit  time whit you patetic micro and i say no use micro , i what moment i use units ?? check replay why liar ??? really u stupid

ia funny that's the first time I play with MrDark and is menber think of at least 1 month?

I BORING USE MICRO VS YOU STUPID MICRO the desire to dream that you already

why no remenber you stupid excuse i have ally in alt my friends AJAJAJAJ  omg u sad noob

instead of talking nonsense always keep practicing micro level is to put a complete mediocre excuse
" dam we play bad " AJJAAJAJAJ

psd : i boring search replay in mediafire adam pls u have replay roys + horse vs reborn shaman

could please put me so we can all laugh a while  ,  neither mode hk the no good

Message edited by [-FTL-]RoyStoM - Tuesday, 11-Feb-2014, 4:58 PM
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