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Disable purchasing wards and rats before and during mass. - Forum

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Disable purchasing wards and rats before and during mass.
Megurine_RukaDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 9:46 AM | Message # 1
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I want Bond009 to disable purchasing wards and rats before and during the 1st mass when it is not ssd mode.
When it is not ssd mode, you can purchase them only if you are stacked.
Stacking is basically unfair for the other teams and why should we make it unfairer by purchasing some nice goods?

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 10:01 AM | Message # 2
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Quote Megurine_Ruka ()
I want Bond009 to disable purchasing wards and rats before and during the 1st mass when it is not ssd mode. When it is not ssd mode, you can purchase them only if you are stacked.
Stacking is basically unfair for the other teams and why should we make it unfairer by purchasing some nice goods?
well i dont 100% agree with you i mean if you have a team who knows english than you can win but if you dont better quit cuz most of the new players are a bit greedy, they did not discover you need to play as a team to win most of them just want gold so they can buy useless stuff 
best thing is make a quick plan 1st player techs, the other hero kills and the 3rd uses magic stuff xD
the one for tech is responsible for stopping things like golems and he must be the on to bk
the 2nd is responsible for lvl-ing hero
the 3rd is responsible for killing units and any type of donation (this player must aim for units most of the time)

mehrquackDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 10:42 AM | Message # 3
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
I want Bond009 to disable purchasing wards and rats before and during the 1st mass when it is not ssd mode.When it is not ssd mode, you can purchase them only if you are stacked.
Stacking is basically unfair for the other teams and why should we make it unfairer by purchasing some nice goods?
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Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 11:10 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Sorry but I cant agree with you. You dont need stack to buy wards or rat. I was playing many games with random allies (they didnt know me and i didnt know them) and they always send me 100 gold. Its not problem ask them "give me gold for wards please" and trust me 90% of them will send you gold (even rogerlucas send me 100 gold). Many latinos players dont speak english and instead "pool me" just say "pasa oro" or something like this.
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 11:14 AM | Message # 5
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+ if that does not work annoy them by doing alt+G and keep clicking till u get gold xD

Megurine_RukaDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:00 PM | Message # 6
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Ok, assuming that my team and another stacked team get wards, then what are the other 2 teams coming to?
There are only 2 sets of wards available before the mass.
Is it still unfair for the other teams?

It is sure that wards during mass benefit a little gamesmanship, but there are more disadvantages than advantages.
Because the mass occupies an important part of the game, losing it (and it is not caused by difference between skills but luck) may cause you critical damage.

Roger never speaks but has played more than 10000 games lol.
Not "even roger" sent you gold, but "because being roger," he sent you gold.

Message edited by Megurine_Ruka - Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:10 PM
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:04 PM | Message # 7
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Megurine_Ruka, hmmmmmm good point but if you buy those aura stuff i think you can win

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:10 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Wards is not OP. You can hit it easy (there is everytime hero with range attack in some team). Actually rat is more usefull than wards.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:11 PM
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:14 PM | Message # 9
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yeah rats can stop heroes from magic which is a game changer in mass

hassanrizvi10Date: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:29 PM | Message # 10
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I think there should be 2 healing and 2 deadly wards should be present before the mass just like 4.1 so it will be balanced i want to disable jammy before mass many people abuse game by not buying hero instead they buy jammy before mass

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 12:40 PM | Message # 11
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hassanrizvi10, i have talked to bond009 about the jammy part so dont worry the only thing i am hoping is for worker cd to increase before mass

AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 4:16 PM | Message # 12
Zombie Pirate
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Rats changed the world!!!!

Call me "GOD”

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AllstarJonesDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 5:28 PM | Message # 13
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wards and jammy is just part of the strat, ''you bring the balance to the force''

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BajsHoranDate: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 7:47 PM | Message # 14
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Quote Megurine_Ruka ()
why should we make it unfairer

i like this sentence smile

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Random260Date: Tuesday, 20-Jan-2015, 11:18 PM | Message # 15
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I agree. I think mass should be fair with no advantages for buying things. The only advantage is getting aura spells. So if we implement this getting auras will be more frequent. I think bond009 should lean into this idea. Rather then spending gold to get an advantage you spend your spell points instead.

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