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Top ten chf players
AL_GIDate: Tuesday, 03-Mar-2015, 3:58 PM | Message # 166
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Web-Ghost , best player in CHF history smile

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 03-Mar-2015, 4:48 PM | Message # 167
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Quote AL_GI ()
Web-Ghost , best player in CHF history
=D, acccreate you jelly? xD


Message edited by Web-Ghost - Tuesday, 03-Mar-2015, 4:49 PM
jonathanDate: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2015, 11:05 AM | Message # 168
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
jonathan, we dont want the top 10 "elo booster/uim freaks/mh" list

ok smile this thread have been dead for 4 years so i thought i'd revive it smile
Im not an expert in what parameters the top 10 should be decided through or aswell as best players now or all-time.

And then there are also different player per game style smile

I have actually worked with diplomas for some companies and it would be cool to set up something here and have something like:

- All-Time, All-Categories
- Today, All-Categories
- Per Mode: Uim, FTD etc
- Most kills 
- Most loyal
- etc etc etc

I think this could be a good thing...ofc someone needs to do it smile but in this way we can put importance in more things than just this we can get more
players to join CHF ... i think its great if some more things can become important so that elo-hunting is not everything...

CHF should have it all: community, playervalue, promoting both winners, strategists and the loyal ones...

Well well, this is just a thought :))

AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2015, 11:50 AM | Message # 169
Zombie Pirate
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No...just no.

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2015, 1:50 PM | Message # 170
Robotic Ninja
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Quote jonathan ()
CHF should have it all: community, playervalue, promoting both winners, strategists and the loyal ones...
Well but the thing is....
the ones that won their rank through ELO for some ironic reason has very low skill level.
In fact, many of the top ELO rankers I would never have considered twice until the recent ELO system.

That's the problem...
If those ELO rankers were somewhat decent I would agree their skills but..
their skills and their supposed rank has a huge discrepancy right now. .... wink

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2015, 2:15 PM | Message # 171
Robotic Ninja
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I dunno about others but even tho Sylelebelle is not the best chf player, he clearly deserves to be in the top. Vetealamierda and roystom too, and those guys are pretty well ranked too

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 1:46 AM | Message # 172
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Quote FirNesS ()
I dunno about others but even tho Sylelebelle is not the best chf player, he clearly deserves to be in the top.

Current top? 100% agree

but "top" in whole CHF history? i am not sure

i think become "current TOP" is very easy in year 2015 because most of best players left the game

for example if Cou will play vs Sylele today i am sure Sylele will be winner... its because Sylele is still very active player (he play almost every day 3-5 games) while Cou left game and he play maybe 1 game per month for fun.

but lets compare Cou in his "best" (2 years ago EFB-Bot) vs current Sylele - i am sure Cou will be winner

also depend about modes too... 2 years ago (on EFB-Bot) i didnt know what is -uim mode... i played maybe 1000 games on EFB-Bot but i dont remember just 1 -uim game... right now there is 50% games -uim and even pros lose easy because everyone have darks in 15-20 minutes

and dont listen to AccCreate... he is really bad and even if he was playing every day he never was "better than average"
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 9:59 AM | Message # 173
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
he is really bad and even if he was playing every day he never was "better than average"
Yap. That's why I always beat you and you always hogged around me for free ELO and came for tips all the time because you had hard time with golems and DotTs and such.

Now you claim I can't even golem. Which is pretty funny cause I'm the one who taught you or tried to. Not my fault that you can't control more than 1 unit lol

Quote Adam_CZ ()
but "top" in whole CHF history? i am not sure
You just put Soundwaves and such players as above average.
I don't even know what you are talking about. If Soundwaves was above average in his prime, I must say, the bar for "average" is extremely high because even now, there are barely any players that can compete with players like Cheezy and Sound at their prime.
In fact, in prime, I would even easily claim that players like Cheezy and Sound was much better than players like Cou.
Makes me really wonder how you rank players.... (totally favoritism and ELO list lol)

Quote Adam_CZ ()
for example if Cou will play vs Sylele today i am sure Sylele will be winner... its because Sylele is still very active player (he play almost every day 3-5 games) while Cou left game and he play maybe 1 game per month for fun.
I'm sure if Cou really needed to go back in shape, he can do it awfully quick.
It's just that there's no competition in CHF anymore and with all these ELO hoggers

And Adam, if I am not even above average.
Don't even put me in the same rank tier as you.
You won 0 times out of 7 1v1 games and all of them ended in like 10 min.
In fact, one of them, within 6 min, I was level 17 and you were level 2.
And you even thor-ed. And about the "bears" part. You couldn't even level up to get bears. You were stuck in level 1 in mass and level 2 barely after you thor-ed me.
To even claim that I am in the same level is like saying ... well, there's nothing to compare to. Wow

Anyways, Adam, sure I am not even "above average"
But ya, for some reason, if I play, I can easily beat many of those above me in your rank with only 70% of my concentration on a laggy Windows 8 mousepad delay crap.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:03 AM
Priest-Of-SinDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:15 AM | Message # 174
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
for example if Cou will play vs Sylele today i am sure Sylele will be winner
well maybe...but even so i dont think so.if you have a brake form chf and then come back  ,you only need a couple of games to shape up (usually playing with pubs in your team makes you shape up faster ).and also you cant say that new comers are better then old players,now this days with the new play style (ELO style) you only need 2/3 builds  and you are good to go,it doesnt take to much brain for 6v6,ssd,ftd and any other noobish has nothing to do with skills.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
and dont listen to AccCreate... he is really bad and even if he was playing every day he never was "better than average"
i dont agree with you ,but what do i know...right?. maybe you should challenge AccCreate to 1vs1 and you will find out if what you say its true.

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:17 AM | Message # 175
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About Adam claiming he never plays with bears:

It is pretty obvious he got them in order to level up faster and in hopes of getting lol 6 bears as they are magic immune. Adam will come up with ANY excuse for his losses.

Yeah, he can only control one group at a time( apparent when he uses Druids and wind walks and just stays in one spot while he tries to get a kill with the Druids).

What kind of keyboard do you have? I find it difficult coming from a laptop to a desktop now; the keyboard feels off and light, lol.

I'll admit syllele is good, but I wouldn't put him on top of that list. When me him and baj played together, I felt baj was the better player. Again, most of you are basing rank off of elo and since you weigh this so high, you should look at the games and the teams. For example, Adam considers himself better than rogerlucas and we all have to disagree as roger has proven himself many times in the past, he's faced heavily stacked teams and manages to stay around till the end, without any help.
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:34 AM | Message # 176
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
What kind of keyboard do you have? I
Hahhaha I just use my laptop so the keyboard and the mousepad are like... the standard

Using just a Toshiba Satellite 
Nothing special sad

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:39 AM | Message # 177
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
In fact, one of them, within 6 min, I was level 17 and you were level 2.

you are retard, really...

frost nova, cold strike, banish VS bears, spells shield

you didnt realise you picked best HK build in CHF while i was having fun with bears?

you killed me with cold strike and thats reason why you were level 17 (it was SSD 300% EXP) while i had bears and i lose mass ofc

then you got fast ankh because you knew it was imballance SSD mode and all i needed is just thor hammer and without you getting ankh i was level 17 or higher too

you should post nextime whole true instead bullsh*ts like "level 17 vs level 2"

other games 1v1 we played 2-3 years ago and i was beginner... in that time was even rogerlucas much better than me... i still remember one game where rogerlucas base killed me only with summon treants because i was noob and i didnt know i can buy jammy priest and use dispell

also i remember how Slayer666 base killed me with earthquake and windwalk because i didnt see his hero and i didnt know how to use dust or rat silence/reveal

but in serious games 3v3v3v3 on HPMM Bot is score 5-0 for me
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:43 AM | Message # 178
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
frost nova, cold strike, banish VS bears, spells shield
But you were level 1 in mass so you had aoe instead lol
You never even had the chance to get the rest of those spells even with thor....

Quote Adam_CZ ()
you killed me with cold strike and thats reason why you were level 17 (it was SSD 300% EXP) while i had bears and i lose mass ofc
Like I said, you died before you even got bears. You had an AOE. Stop distorting the facts.
The fact is, I didn't even need to use Cold Strike against you to win mass. A simple aoe called nova made me go level 17

Quote Adam_CZ ()
then you got fast ankh because you knew it was imballance SSD mode and all i needed is just thor hammer and without you getting ankh i was level 17 or higher too
But then that's all strat?
You called off maphack here and left game and called me noob for maphacking
Why you always come up with excuse?

Quote Adam_CZ ()
but in serious games 3v3v3v3 on HPMM Bot is score 5-0 for me
But you never won...that's the thing
And the times you won you stacked and seriously, you thored me far away from another account just to win

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:53 AM | Message # 179
Robotic Ninja
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
Yeah, he can only control one group at a time( apparent when he uses Druids and wind walks and just stays in one spot while he tries to get a kill with the Druids

hero ctrl +1 and druids ctrl +2

OR (easier)

hero and druids together and TAB TAB

for example you have bolt, nova, ww, druids... hero "1" and druids "2"

if you want use them in same time you need press "1" (hero) then "T" (hotkey storm bolt) and then click on enemy hero...

druids firebolt duration is ONLY 2 seconds... so you need do so many actions in less than 2 seconds... in that way is almost impossible get Hk with talons vs average player

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 10:58 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 11:10 AM | Message # 180
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
druids firebolt duration is ONLY 2 seconds... so you need do so many actions in less than 2 seconds... in that way is almost impossible get Hk with talons vs average player

Quote Adam_CZ ()
hero ctrl +1 and druids ctrl +2 OR (easier)

hero and druids together and TAB TAB

for example you have bolt, nova, ww, druids... hero "1" and druids "2"

if you want use them in same time you need press "1" (hero) then "T" (hotkey storm bolt) and then click on enemy hero...
I taught you all this. The problem with it is you don't have the APM to reproduce it.
Let's be honest.
I have the potential to play up to 220 APM at my prime.
You have the potential to... can't even go half that? Lol

If "average" players have APM of 220.
Damn, that's some pretty damn high APM.
Cause last time I checked, all pros had from 130 APM+ in CHF.

Adam, I tell you a cheat that will make sure your hero is alive when you play Dott + 1 hero (2 units total!)
First, all heros have a hero icon in which you can see its HP.
In other words, you know exactly when your hero is dying and getting hurt without even seeing the screen.

Next, there is something called "shift + z" in DoTts so they can all attack in intervals automatically without the need to bother seeing them. In other words, if you are certain that the enemy will die 9 fire bolts from DoTts no matter what, then you can just auto mode them to hit them in certain time periods really quick.

And if you put hero and druid together... that is just asking for suicide
Cause whatever you do with druid, your hero will move with it. In other words, if your hero is in danger while you DoTt, you will almost 100% lose your hero in a dangerous situation.

And since druids are TEMPORARY units, please don't even bother assigning hotkeys on them. You just wasted 2 actions which you could have used on your own hero.

And if you have bolt with druids... lol
There's no even need to micro  cause stun is perma
How you still lose your hero? xD

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