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Top ten chf players
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 11:21 AM | Message # 181
Zombie Pirate
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Is there a head admin available here? Because its looks like we are alone -___-

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 11:24 AM | Message # 182
Robotic Ninja
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Its funny how you know everything about Warcraft 3...

But you need realise "playing game" and "talking about game" is totally 2 different things

I mean talking is much easier than doing something

You are talking too much but if you are playing in real game you cant reach 50% win rate... and AccCreate talking is really very easy...

for example i can say "i will do B2 and H4 and C3 and i will rape Garri Kasparov in chess"

but can i really rape him in real game? use brain please... oh sorry i forgot - you dont have it
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 11:51 AM | Message # 183
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
You are talking too much but if you are playing in real game you cant reach 50% win rate... and AccCreate talking is really very easy...
But you, who have 85%+ winrate, always lose to me?
Like I said, I don't care about ELO.
I already have a history of CHF myself and unlike you, I was many times throughout CHF invited to play inhouse on various teams.

You? None.
That's the difference bertween a pro level and a wannabe level like you.
Actually, why aren't you even banned for trolling and being worse than rogerlucas already?

Quote AL_GI ()
Because its looks like we are alone -___-
WC3 died 9 years ago so.. xDD

And no Adam, I wasn't talking.
I was informing you.
Because you learnt the basics wrong which is an embarrassment for me because I taught you how to DoTt and golem.
The fact that you can't do it makes me cry a bit inside because even after teaching you 100000000000000 times in both game and forum, you still can't micro more than 1 unit.
The fact that you can't multi-task makes me laugh.

Sure I have lower than 50% winrate so pubs can have fun and I can have fun but
Never have I lost anywhere close to 50% in inhouses. In fact, I won most of them and I'm sure CHF forum digging can prove me right on that.

It's funny Adam because you talk loads of BS but you were never in an actual team in CHF. At least I was in Sound's team in the past (Nihob/67uo/Soundwaves/13ikiniAnPunani). You? Oh! None.
You just judge players when you are not even 1/10th of their skill. You claim Cyray is average like you? Cyray has 99% winrate in ELO and can smite you anyday of the week in CHF.
Sure he maphacked but even without maphack, I doubt in a fair game you would ever face the possibility of getting even close to a 1% win rate against Cyray.
There is a big difference between players like me who has 100% winrate against you out of 7 games, and players like you who can't do math.

7-0 is no way same tier.
I don't know what world you live in is but 7-0 is called TOTAL domination.
And yes, just ONE of them was SSD. But what excuse you have for rest?
Oh ya, and don't even get me started with you vs me in ladder. Cause then it would be like 13-0. And your micro was so bad you lost to 1 archer + 1 warden against the massive 12 militias, 4 footies, 1 hero. <--Just how is this possible?? Even right click is better than this micro.

So ya, maybe I am all talk.
But yes for all the talk, I actually can win almost all the players here.
And I think that is what matters.
My talk has a 100% winrate against you in actual game.
Your talk? ELO? Lol, pathetic. If ELO was CHF ranking, then b3p and Syll should be legendary player.
I don't see them anywhere close to the tip top of CHF skills.
Your just blind by your hatred. Even after multiple losses from me, you still think you are better than me because of solely ELO.

Your ELO is 85+%
You have higher ELO than some players like Sound, I-connect.
Doubt that I-con's 60% is worse than your 85+%. In fact, even if I-con's was 10%, I would deem it better than your ELO of possible 100%.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 11:59 AM
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 1:47 PM | Message # 184
Robotic Ninja
Group: Users
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
But yes for all the talk, I actually can win almost all the players here.

I can win Garri Kasparov in chess

I can run faster than Christophe Lemaitre

I am better driver F1 than Michael Schumacher ever was

Added (05-Mar-2015, 1:47 PM)

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
7-0 is no way same tier.I don't know what world you live in is but 7-0 is called TOTAL domination.

we played some 1v1 games but it was 2 years ago... i was beginner and i didnt know how to play... you happy? in that time i didnt know i can buy jammy and dispell black arrows... even rogerlucas base killed me with summon treants 2 years ago

but i won 5 games on HPMM bot (real 3v3v3v3 games) and i dont remember you won just 1 game....

i think 5-0 is TOTAL domination

oh you remember game Adam level 16 and you level 8? i base killed you ONLY with my hero

FirNesSDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 2:05 PM | Message # 185
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
but "top" in whole CHF history? i am not sure

i think become "current TOP" is very easy in year 2015 because most of best players left the game

I'm not even sure. Current top players are to my mind almost better than the previous, they actually have a better micro. But it might be because Bond added a lot of stuff in chf in last versions so that the meta of the game changed a lot. Anyway it doesn't really matter, the old best players kinda all left and won't come back for most of them. wink

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 2:26 PM | Message # 186
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
but i won 5 games on HPMM bot (real 3v3v3v3 games) and i dont remember you won just 1 game....

i think 5-0 is TOTAL domination

oh you remember game Adam level 16 and you level 8? i base killed you ONLY with my hero
Wow. You actually save and take pictures of replays still?
I don't have a single inhouse of you so wow... you must be saving stocks just for a specific folder like "AccCreate"

I am very thankful that I have a #1 fan xDD
You like have replays of everyone and it's very amusing. Keep doing your job!

Anyways, like how old are these replays and like who are your allies and my allies?
Damn, you like love me don't you? Spamming me in whisper everyday for a picture of my body or something and claiming that I should be banned for believing I'm one of the best CHF players since I have lower ELO than you.

Adam #1

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 2:28 PM
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 2:40 PM | Message # 187
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
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why still argumenting on this? ENJOY LIFE!! smile

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Web-GhostDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 7:10 PM | Message # 188
Head Administrator
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Hahhaha I just use my laptop so the keyboard and the mousepad are like... the standard
whats a keyboard    ?

AL_GIDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 7:29 PM | Message # 189
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
whats a keyboard    ?

I need to understand what is a laptop first

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)


Message edited by AL_GI - Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 7:31 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 05-Mar-2015, 8:20 PM | Message # 190
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
Reputation: 2723
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Ssd? Well no wonder he got bears.... And anti spell?? He was trying to counter you, but failed MISERABLY
And Adam, I tried to show u how to Druids, but all you would do is target me... That was a bit of my initial dislike of you. Afterwards, you're just stupid and annoying in trying to obtain a rank that means nothing because all knew you abused the system
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