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a_chinese_kidDate: Wednesday, 31-Aug-2011, 7:35 PM | Message # 31
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Lol i used to play that game then i hacked now its just gay....... so now i spend my mean time hacking wc3 and pissing spider off with my cute lil doggys
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Wednesday, 31-Aug-2011, 7:37 PM | Message # 32
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Quote (wilz)
anyway u look at it is pretty much "i rather play CHF than to work, meet girls, socialize, have ambitions, workout) and it shows....haha if u wanna tell me different numbers stated here please. cuz even a third or fourth for months and months of that is still loserville. bond should charge u by the hour...he'd make a lot more off u than njag paying for shaman. but they are in a tough fight for who's bigger loser.

and ur best come back is to call me a handsome actor on tv. thank you. ppl are right u have no imagine or wit to play around with.

ummm wilz... dont forget sound loses about 5 games a day in a day where he play 40. factor this in. in the meantime i have a hilarious link.

ÜberGeekDate: Wednesday, 31-Aug-2011, 10:44 PM | Message # 33
Mr. Löwenstein
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On behalf of the forum members, I would personally like to thank both parties for bringing the lulz.

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
ArcttyDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 0:07 AM | Message # 34
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Alex[STAR]Date: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 1:48 AM | Message # 35
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plz less little writing kthxbai

stoogeDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 2:25 AM | Message # 36
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i love the fact this gaylord likes to bring me into almost every thread with his husband...altho in game he begs me to have friendly game and no trashing...i suppose if u had as much time as this nerd on a pc u'd have nothing but to troll...btw post all the replays u played against me and when i say all i mean all not the ones u won by some miracle without mass pool...so post everything u got against me and let everyone be the judge of how many u won wihtout mass pool lol...
as far as the forums go i didnt really wanna start a trolling shit with u nor with ur husband but seems u guys cant keep away from me even tho im married...maybe its the money maybe its my looks or maybe just maybe that u guys both have erectile dysfunction problem so ur looking to suck on someone other then ur husband...
1. if its the money, well i gave 23k tax this yr and 21k last yr and we all know thats more then what bikini and sounds mum's make working the streets...while they suck each other off and hope it will get up..
2. if its the looks well now that we know what sound looks like and pretty much wouldve guessed it anyway, and bikini's too embarrassed to leave his pic on (enuf said there)
3. if its erectile dysfunction problem, well i cant help u there u'll have to seek medical help...(oh wait, u dont have time to see a dr lol cuz u spend ur life on pc and bikini under ur table)

now thx to all of u who took the time to read, i hope i was amusing enough and hope u all enjoyed it...


Added (2011-09-01, 3:25 Am)
btw forgot to mention did those chicks in ur pics come with happy ending or did u spend ur money on flowers to impress a hooker? ops sorry i meant ur mum?

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 2:38 AM
wilzDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 5:40 AM | Message # 37
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haha funny how arctty thinks im mad. this is a mini vacation for me from my day to day stuff. but if u wanna tag in to the ring, go right ahead.

stooge stop bitching about your taxes. i paid $38k last year. but i mis-invested in buying sound and bikis mothers. i found out theyre useless after one day and donated them to science in the hopes they'll find the cure for ugly soon.

oh and i apologize to biki for calling him gay...apparently it not just him its the entire country...
gotta watch the whole video haha funny stuff...russel peters is hiliarious

Message edited by wilz - Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 6:08 AM
ArcttyDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 2:06 PM | Message # 38
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lol Wilz clearly you are mad if you make a wall of text about Soundwaves. Then devise a math equation to try and figure out how much time he spends playing wc3 and that somehow justifies the fact that he beats you in chf. Why would you even spend the amount of time needed to make this thread and respond to it if you weren't mad?

Also you guys sitting here and having a pissing contest over five figure tax payments isn't pathetic at all lol.
wilzDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 4:12 PM | Message # 39
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haha sweet! fresh blood...i was getting bored. i made a wall of text in response to someones wall of text. and know your facts about who flamed whom first. i just flame harder. so are u mad too? cuz u made the time to respond to me? that makes no sense...y people say someones "mad" maybe this is fun for others.

haha maybe the math question was hard for you but im asian so its easy. if u actually read the post correctly (which it doesnt seem like u have for many posts here) it was a justification of nothing. its a basic idea of how much real time someone spends in front of a PC playing the game. its basic math btw. i dunno how u gonna have a future in anything...i seriously dont. obviously u aint that bright, u have no confidence, or maybe we should continue till your balls literally drop...

we figured we'd have a pissing contest about tax payments or times banging your mom....the tax payments were way more interesting.
CouDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 4:59 PM | Message # 40
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2 + 2 = WILZ IS A FAGGOT! biggrin

Legendary Team All Starz pack: http://chf.ucoz.com/forum/49-3291-1

Message edited by Cou - Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 5:00 PM
ArcttyDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 5:14 PM | Message # 41
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wilz read my post in http://chf.ucoz.com/forum/26-1583-2

becuase clearly it now applies to you.

your excitement when you thought I was actually going to start a flame war with you proves it. Sound has always been respectful and I have never seen him start shit with anyone who didn't go after him first. Don't put it on him. To say you are not mad is clearly a lie.

If you respond to this (and it would be best if you didn't for your own health), I won't respond back and you will feel empty and hurt, just watch.


Message edited by Arctty - Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 5:18 PM
wilzDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 7:38 PM | Message # 42
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damn this possible flame wars got my dick so hard it knocked the back of cou's head to the underside of my desk. you ok there buddy?!? cry
clearly you are more upset than me haha. think as u wish i dont care.
haha when have u seen me START something. I respond hard only and i respond to ppl talking shit. if you look at who has more beef with whom take a look at sounds list compared to mine. and no its not flattery cuz there's many players that are very good but dont have shit talked to (ie trixx, legal, stax). im sure u have your judgments, as all of us do, make it as u wish. lemme know when u wanna start a battle of wits. i got nuke bombs.
CouDate: Thursday, 01-Sep-2011, 7:41 PM | Message # 43
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Legendary Team All Starz pack: http://chf.ucoz.com/forum/49-3291-1
13riNgiToNDate: Friday, 02-Sep-2011, 8:05 AM | Message # 44
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Quote (Arctty)
Also you guys sitting here and having a pissing contest over five figure tax payments isn't pathetic at all lol.

haha I can´t stop laughing to this one.
keep hatin.

Owls <3
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Friday, 02-Sep-2011, 10:52 AM | Message # 45
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (wilz)
stooge stop bitching about your taxes. i paid $38k last year. but i mis-invested in buying sound and bikis mothers. i found out theyre useless after one day and donated them to science in the hopes they'll find the cure for ugly soon.

Verbal FUCKING murder

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
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