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AccCreate base killed in 11 minutes - Forum

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AccCreate base killed in 11 minutes
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 9:54 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Just finished game vs AccCreate 5 minutes ago. Only 11 minutes and base kill. Seriously I dont remember when I won so easy last time.

RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 10:06 AM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Sorry that there are admins that swap during countdown
I never knew admins were this retarded but here we go

Right during countdown, all the teams got swapped by adam
Go thank him. He's a son of retard

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 10:27 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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You are just liar. This game was fair and ballance my team we are all average players and we playing together, its not stack. Why you ("pro" Korean) with 2 average allies cant beat 3 average players? Maybe because you are not good player CHF like you think?
Osetinas7171Date: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 10:56 AM | Message # 4
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ROSA did you played again bad on purpose? =/
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 11:05 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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I was just going against stacked where Adam swapped right before countdown 

Kind of no hope in this game
No CHF pro in history can solo this with my mates. Trust me. NO ONE
Adam's admin abuse is hilarious
He's trying to fu1k everyone's elo by swapping in last second

Seriously, why is this guy admin? He should donate at least 5000 dollars for it. Not like a couple dollars
Random is freaking corrupt as fuc1. Look, how is the MOST HATED player admin?
I don't get. Random and Adam has same intelligence level

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 11:19 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Osetinas7171)
ROSA did you played again bad on purpose? =/

He was playing his best. He used banish, frost nova and buy shaman for kill heroes. Nova and banish is AccCreate best combo ( and I still raped him/her in 11 minutes very easy.

And I did not abuse my admin. I just swapped MrDarkDevil and zizi to my team because we are playing together 1,5 years (we played together on garena before i bought original CD and started play on EFB-Bot) but we are still just average players, only average.

This game was ballance and fair, there is not some place for excuses. I agree AccCreates pink ally was really stupid (divine shield, thor aura....) but definitely gray was not noob. He had 25 win codes and he know how to play, he bought jammy and use for dispell my black arrows units etc.

This game was average Adam + average Zizi + average MrDark VS noob pink + average gray + pro AccCreate, thats it.... whatever you say is just lie and excuse.


EDIT: And give me just ONE good reason why I can not be admin? Yes I was team killer on EFB-Bot but its long time ago (and i was banned) but for example 2 weeks ago you were team killer too (i posted replay) and you are not still banned on HPMM bot why? Its fair??? Adam banned for team kill but AccCreate not?

And why you attack Random "Why is Adam admin?" but its not Random who gave me admin, it was Cou.

And why are you liar swapping is abuse? If Roystom will swap Yeferon to his team you will say its abuse too? If Cou, stooge and Mr_Dark swapping each other to their team is abuse? Maybe its not abuse but they want play together? I saw many times F00ty and Firness swapped you to their team. Why you didnt say its abuse?

Not long time ago somebody created thread on Randoms forum about swapping players and call it abuse but you can see Randoms reaction where he say swap is not abuse, you are just funny person who need excuse.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 11:37 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 12:01 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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That awkward moment when Adam just recently spoofed Osetinass on garena and is still admin
Hmm...Random is legit retard like Adam or have mental disabilities
And which kind of bot owner idiot wants someone to donate 100$ to even THINK 30% chance about getting admin? This games dead and bots like 3 to 5 dollars a month. ROFL. I would rather start like 5 new bots for 4 months and steal all the people playing in random's bot

Random, ur admins are crappy as fuc1.
You seriously need to start using your brain
What were you thinking putting people like Adam as admin? REPUTABLE? SKILLED? He has neither LOL
And Stooge? This guy stacks more than TDT ever stacked in history. For example, lets say tDt stacks 6 out of 10 games. Stooge stacks 10 out of 10 games. This guy ALSO loses in elo with stack. LOL
At least cyray soloed 30% of his games (rest stack with alt or wtva). He hadn't lost a single one yet

Damn, I c this fine admin trend with the SWAPS 
Yap..totally balanced chf bot
More like totally corrupt chf bot
This feels like Random as Steve Jobs and him making a few people as "mac fanboys" when everyone who knows computers knows that PC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mac.
(FYI. i have 2 macbooks and 8 PC. Macbook crashes more often than PC. And my PC hadn't gotten a major virus in like what? Since 8 years ago? Yap. Mac fanboys too retarded to know Photoshop, etc. are in PCs also LOL)

Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 12:24 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Why you talking about Osetinas? I spoofed him true, but it happen 6 monts ago maybe and I gave him password back... so? You still didnt answer me why you are not banned on HPMM Bot for team killing one weea ago?

You are kidding if you say i am abuser and my team was stack. How many times I saw  Firness and F00ty_R3b0rn swapped you to their team? Maybe 5x or more times. And you played full stacked 3 "pro" vs downloaders noob. Why you were not talking about swapping abuse? ajaja


So when "average" Adam swapped two "average" players to his team and play against "pro" AccCreate with "average" gray ally its not ballance?

But when "pro" Firness with "pro" F00ty_R3b0rn swapped "pro" AccCreate to their team and after play against "noobs" its OK????

QQCreate seriously.... how I say many times you are definitely the most stupid person in CHF.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 12:26 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 12:42 PM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Adam_CZ)
QQCreate seriously.... how I say many times you are definitely the most stupid person in CHF.
However, I don't post those crappy replays of stacking in forums
Actually, I don't even post some 1v3 I win
I would post once in a blue moon

Now what about you? Everytime you see me, sound, ose, and other "pros"?
ROFL. The day Cechi loses to you in chf or ladder, the day CHF forum would be spammed of topics of this sh1t

shinkirouDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 2:05 PM | Message # 10
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omg :3 adam so wierd

That's easy. If someone wins, the fighting will end.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 3:43 PM | Message # 11
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don't waste your time at arguing with retard.
adam is worse than icedtea+mehrquack added.

Rest in Peace Rookies
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 4:00 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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adam play vs me
adam is worse than icedtea+mehrquack added.

QQwaves had to mention me, his god.
stoogeDate: Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 7:50 PM | Message # 13
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Lol Rosa so butthurt from all the loses he got from me that he has to talk shit about me every thread.
Check game history moron 80% of my games are solo while cryrays solo is stax helping him in alt.
I even said to cryray if he wants admin 1v1 me in main account and if i lose i give random $50 to give cryray admin but if he loses ill get all his loses added back. Lol u were there too and he ran off frothing outta his ass.
Also it goes for u too qqcreate if u want admin.
Also love shitwave posting old replays of us losing a rigged game Hahah.

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.

Message edited by stooge - Thursday, 15-Aug-2013, 7:52 PM
RoyieDate: Friday, 16-Aug-2013, 1:50 PM | Message # 14
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Adam i don't know you but you sound really pathetic,every time you win against someone who is good you post a thread about it, 
and i think that everyone are tired of it not just me.

mehrquackDate: Saturday, 17-Aug-2013, 8:10 AM | Message # 15
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lol soundwaves
U and acc take the players who take the game too seriously
It shows me and other players that u are moron
My english skills are low so i am not able to describe u but i think everyone who is normal recongnize u as reatarted person

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
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