Adam vs Kietrivers
Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 7:49 AM | Message # 1 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| easy game:
Message edited by Adam_CZ - Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 7:52 AM |
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FirNesS | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 8:04 AM | Message # 2 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Oh wait... 3v1? lol
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 8:13 AM | Message # 3 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I didnt know my allies. Of course i noticed that funny nickname "MADAME_CZ" but before game i didnt know who is he. After that game i checked PlayCHF website and I saw Sweden flag... it mean probably he is BajsHoran? I dont know really.
Anyway I am posting this because Kietrivers said I am scared play vs him and I am leaving lobby whenever he is in lobby vs me.
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kietrivers | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 8:29 AM | Message # 4 |
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| hahahahahaha, Adam_CZ you are a funny kiddo.
you !alias MADAME_CZ in lobby, and found out its Bahjs alt. So you stayed cos u know its a stacked team.
your team went golem + dono + interchange vs me alone with 2 noob allies
bitch plz! before i got killed still atleast took out ur asshead's base
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BajsHoran | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 9:59 AM | Message # 5 |
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| pretty silly thread indeed.... no fair game i love the ron swanson sign tho where da bacon at
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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gsfeathers | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 10:16 AM | Message # 6 |
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| people say !alias can check if you have any other account. I guess it is based on IP address. but does it always work?
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AL_GI | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 10:20 AM | Message # 7 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Kietrivers wasn't stack, not really fair. BAJSHORAN FTW
Call me "GOD”
︻芫══一 (—_—)
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 10:49 AM | Message # 8 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Ok... I will not be a liar and i will post the true.
I agree this game was totally unfair for Kietrivers. He had 2 totally noob mates (one was first time playing and second was almost -1000 elo with only 9% wins and 91% loses) while i got one decent ally with donation and interchange and second ally was Bajshoran who was goleming and doing almot all work (i knew it was BajsHoran since start, Kietrivers was telling the true i really did !alias in lobby and I saw who MADAME is).
And Kietrivers is probably better player than me (look at his APM he have almost twice higher than mine) and he is also not bad with golems while i never use golem-newt-vengeance strategy. Anyway look at Kietrivers games... his wins is 90% unfar games. He always playing full stacked with Gigasus, Frungy or Ameen and they are doing OP strategies. Always picking 3x heal wave (this totally rape mass more than for example 3x serpent wards) they are playing vs random noobs and abusing golems, wizards etc.
But Kietrivers and his TBP have 0% chance win against Roystom-Yeferzon (if Yeferzon will be playing seriously and no getting "funny" build) in fair game and thats the true. They really cant reach FTL´s skills.
Also look at this game vs Osetinas. Kietrivers make "-pool off" mode and after he is losing and abuse something like "hey dont move your keyboard/mouse i will type -TEST AFK" wtf is that?
Message edited by Adam_CZ - Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 10:52 AM |
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gigasus91 | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 10:59 AM | Message # 9 |
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| im tired to see adam kissing FTL's asses all day long . I wonder why u keep playing if u srsly got 0 skill , no friend in game nor in real life.
i mean , ur the biggest piece of shit ive ever seen in my entire life , stop bringing up examples with ful ltrash & liar , bring up examples ABOUT U.
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BajsHoran | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:02 AM | Message # 10 |
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| i am team ADAM
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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kietrivers | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:02 AM | Message # 11 |
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| Adam be like: "wooohooo, i beaten kietrivers with overwhelming advantage, woohoo, better post this in forum so people can laugh at my stupid ass"
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Web-Ghost | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:03 AM | Message # 12 |
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| Quote gigasus91 (  ) no friend in game i am his friend
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:08 AM | Message # 13 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Gigasus please shut up... you are just average (or weaker than average) player. You forgot say this is TEAM game. You really think you need some skills for picking 3x healwave and them spamming "E" on your keyboard during the mass?
You guys think you are good players because you are spamming "E" (healwave hotkey) vs pubs? In games vs FTL you saw where is your place. And this game today was still less unfair than 90% games where Kietrivers won vs random pubs.
And stop talking about my "real life" because you dont know anything about me and also i dont know anything about you. But i still remember game 2 months ago where you lost game (you and Ameen vs Mr.CX and Sylele) and then you said "I will leave CHF forever bye all" but whole time you are hidding like rat and waiting Kietrivers´s comeback? And since he started play again you are back again? Maybe because you cant play alone?Added (24-Jan-2015, 11:08 AM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote kietrivers (  ) Adam be like: "wooohooo, i beaten kietrivers with overwhelming advantage, woohoo, better post this in forum so people can laugh at my stupid ass" I won more games vs you... but i dont save replays. But stop talk about this game today (i already admit it was unfair for you) lets talk about your heal wave abuse and the fact you cant win FTL.
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kietrivers | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:08 AM | Message # 14 |
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Gigasus please shut up... you are just average (or weaker than average) player. This coming from you is like a nerd saying to a bodybuilder "you are not that strong".
hahahaha, this retard cracks me up
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gigasus91 | Date: Saturday, 24-Jan-2015, 11:11 AM | Message # 15 |
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| can tell ur mad since u have to write essays to make us 'understand' things while we need a proposition to make u look retarded =D
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