Quote Cheesy-Gordia (

It's because they try to flare it off with an excuse. That excuse of course is buying creeps. Apparently people think it adds an extra 2 inches to your penis if you get creeps and spam their abilities. But in reality it's really not needed to win a game.
Maybe because the creeps have some overpowered skills such as ensnare or dispel or stun?
Quote Cheesy-Gordia (

But in reality it's really not needed to win a game.
So, if you were to maim me with hex and roots, how would I counter 24/7 except by hogging over a blank golem + Vengeance and spamming dispel everytime I get rooted/hexed?
Or what if you decided to golem build (which btw is pretty inefficient) and you need to spam golem's stun or newt's ensnare or shaman's coil?
Surely, all those dispelling, stunning, ensnaring, coiling is unnecessary because the computer would do it for you. After all, APM means "0".
Quote Cheesy-Gordia (

You only have to click what's necessary. Not spam your keyboard to prove a point that "I CAN CLICK THIS FAST WITH MY MASTURBATION HAND"
And how many people can click the necessary right away?
I sure can't. In fact, even the world's best can't.
After all, in games like CHF, the shortest distance from point A to point B is not a single click but a multitude of clicks (to avoid enemy hero, etc.)
It's normal (and I know you know deep inside) to constantly right click the new direction the hero goes to ensure it is safe.
Quote Cheesy-Gordia (

Not spam your keyboard to prove a point that "I CAN CLICK THIS FAST WITH MY MASTURBATION HAND"
No one should be intentionally increasing their APM like this. And I'm sure this isn't what you also think when you play CHF. It is just a more natural thing as you play more and more.
For instance, most pubs in the beginning would go straight for their build.
The better players would check the spells of each player in the game before deciding their spells (or just go their build order even if they know it will not work just for the heck of it).
And a even better player would check all the spells while sending footy to each team to scout for item steal/sheep.
And a even better player would do all that and micro his footy so it doesn't die in the process.
Also, to keep the rhythm of the game, I'm sure your hands will unconsciously continue clicking. That's <surprise!> a natural human behavior!
Clearly, there are so many minute things you could do in CHF that warrants at least a decent APM. Am I wrong? Am I to take that everyone goes windwalk bolt nova?
Also, creeps are abused in CHF because some of them are just broken. Let's be real. Does newts even make sense? Why can't it even be charmed?
Does shaman coil make sense? Why does undead heros have advantages?
Does mass golems make sense? Yes, I understand 2 golems. But any more than that is just really broken (although like I iterated before, golems aren't the most effective in terms of cost/benefit in most games)
Does vengeance <I will count it as a creep for my example> make sense? Clearly, unholy with vengeance can really tick a game off.
etc. etc.
And oh ya, when I watch you in twitch. You spam clicking. I guess by your words you aren't just doing the necessary. Why aren't you? Clearly, you should set an example so that I can follow though I'm sure many of my clicks for the same process are more efficient than yours.
For instance, I would go 'o n n', not click skill level two or three times then click nova and then click nova again and then click on the unit to use nova right away.
That said, CHF is not a micro game. If you have extraordinary APM every game, then yes, it is very questionable. Ehh~
And also, Cheezy, if what you just said is true, then I feel sorry for your size. You must be very insecure of its size. I say it's fine ~