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DevilsRebel best AOE in CHF?
devil_scorpio2003Date: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:54 PM | Message # 16
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
That just means that Dan- is usually just playing for fun in CHF (meaning he has no thought of playing with seriousness ~)

LOL who plays this game for seriousness? Is there prize money involved? medals to be won? Will he get the noble prize? Obviiously people play games for fun. Especially since CHF isn't exactly in WCG or something.
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:57 PM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
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well i need admit this my post about 250-300 APM for average footmen player is bullshit

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:59 PM | Message # 18
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
maybe for example this replay will help you:
You never give any description.


You're jumeau ratting us like a pussball while t4 is also doing it and you only are in game just to sabotage us while we deal with team 4. You call that easy? really?

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 4:03 PM | Message # 19
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
5.4 doesn't have micro.... :/Same with CHF.
well i agree but 5.4 is still harder than CHF... by logic... in CHF you can win game only with 1 hero (example mauler or aoe) but in 5.4 you cant win with 1 hero... why you cant agree?

anyway 5.4 is more about knowledge this map... example if you will mind rape DevilsRebel he dont know about peasant + amulet of recall etc

btw for example Rudan was pro ladder player who win vs Lyn or Th000 but his score in CHF is 0 wins and 5 loses because his knowledge about CHF is 0%
GondiakDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 4:14 PM | Message # 20
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Adam suicide retard
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 4:28 PM | Message # 21
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Quote Gondiak ()
Adam suicide retard

BajsHoranDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 6:28 PM | Message # 22
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Quote KuNG-JiN ()
I think FARMER_ and Oneill58 Aoe is best they really play it well and wins without stack sometimes...
Lol i would like to see proof of this... I highly doubt either of them have playd a single game unstacked. U have seen Oneil lately? And if not its probably because there is no thai flag with -700 elo on his team to help him make his fake score... Im not the greatest but i play even with Oneil when he have 30 k pool vs 0.

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 9:54 PM | Message # 23
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APM means 0 in chf.

You don't need a high APM to win NOR do you deserve a win whether your APM is high or not

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 10:00 PM | Message # 24
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
APM means 0 in chf.

You don't need a high APM to win NOR do you deserve a win whether your APM is high or not

That part is not really true.
Although if you go for hk/aoe spells (most effective), APM would most likely be lower.

But still, there is a "lower limit" of what your APM should be. If your APM is like 40, forget about it. You're definitely horrible in the game. ;)
Anyways, APM is just a tool, nothing more. However, it does show something. You cannot lie and deny the strong correlation between the better players in CHF and the not so good players in the stark difference in APM.

In fact Cheezy, even when you play a relaxed game, it will be much higher than pubs. I think that shows something :)
But like I said, at a certain threshold, it gets pretty meaningless. However, it seems Adam doesn't seem to understand this correlation properly.

Anyways, ;)
If you have like 300~400 apm in CHF, I expect you to deny every footmen kill in mass. Otherwise, you are definitely spamming xD

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 10:01 PM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 10:57 PM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
. You cannot lie and deny the strong correlation between the better players in CHF and the not so good players in the stark difference in APM
It's because they try to flare it off with an excuse. That excuse of course is buying creeps. Apparently people think it adds an extra 2 inches to your penis if you get creeps and spam their abilities. But in reality it's really not needed to win a game.

Added (02-Nov-2015, 10:57 PM)
You only have to click what's necessary. Not spam your keyboard to prove a point that "I CAN CLICK THIS FAST WITH MY MASTURBATION HAND"

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 11:25 PM | Message # 26
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I guess the conversation is going a bit tangent. Anyways, nice game. Enjoyed it Rival ^^
Lots of HK i see :P

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 11:46 PM
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Tuesday, 03-Nov-2015, 1:25 AM | Message # 27
Robotic Ninja
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I smkimmed very fast because it was very TL;DR. However:

- Right clicking to move wont basekill 9 bases??? I'm talking about winning here. You don't need a high apm to win.

- I'm talking about those who wonder why they lost or think it's not a loss for them because they had a higher apm than their opponent. Me and cyray, most games we don't need to do much. We can just watch our decisions unfold.

-I'm addressing those kids who think they deserved to win or have pride in their loss for having 100 extra APM than the winners of the match. It happens alot and just comes to show that honestly you dont need APM to win. Sometimes you will win, and sometimes you will lose. It's as simple as that. Hell to any pubs any of us have lost to, their apm was probably god awful to whatever number ours were

- Creeps: Shamans, just nuke it, golems, physical damage destroys it now (shouldn't have used it so much in my time, community and bond just QQ'd so hard to make it now have food, cost more than it used to, and a long ass CD as well) Vengeance and newts are the only things I think need a fix that's it. Newts are the only creep with ensare. Vengeance is stupid as hell. Makes me wonder why unholy has NEVER been nerfed once. It's the spell that makes mass pool work so well.

In general, I'm saying the higher your apm, does not mean you'll win. Something that can also affect APM so you don't have to spam is have a fast casting hero.

Vs roy, our apms were lower
My teams apm was lower when they had an inhouse without me

Yet we still won. APM doesn't = a win

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Tuesday, 03-Nov-2015, 1:40 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Tuesday, 03-Nov-2015, 1:42 AM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
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Btw Rival, when you online? You always dodge me :(
Come east and play with us~ :3

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Tuesday, 03-Nov-2015, 1:46 AM
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 04-Nov-2015, 1:10 PM | Message # 29
Robotic Ninja
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AccCreate you are funny sometimes...

(08:28 / Allied) Firness: who is lb
(08:40 / Allied) AccCreate: just a pub lol
(08:50 / Allied) Firness: no

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 04-Nov-2015, 1:26 PM | Message # 30
Robotic Ninja
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I immediatly saw he was good lol
who is this guy?

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