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DevilsRebel best AOE in CHF?
devil_scorpio2003Date: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 11:46 AM | Message # 1
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Message edited by devil_scorpio2003 - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:51 PM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 1:21 PM | Message # 2
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he is good tech player and probably first player who bring 5.4 footmen style into CHF
KuNG-JiNDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 2:38 PM | Message # 3
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I think FARMER_ and Oneill58 Aoe is best they really play it well and wins without stack sometimes...

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:12 PM | Message # 4
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I fail to understand what this post is about.

Quote devil_scorpio2003 ()

I have just seen a game of a pub house in which a player in the stacked team, devisrebel, went aoe resulting in over 200+ unit kills.
It's a very common thing in CHF........

So uhmm, since this game is very common, I ask, what this thread is supposed to be. I had games in which I had over 1200 unit kills and 78 hk in the past.
It's just a thing. As long as the pubs don't leave game while you make them suffer for fun, you can have as many unit kills or hero kills in the game...

What would be amazing is getting those feat with 1 hero that has death pact, frost armour, evasion, reincarnation without tech.....
But considering aow spells in chf are rigged from level 4, I really cannot understand this thread...

Quote Adam_CZ ()
probably first player who bring 5.4 footmen style into CHF

I still also fail to understand what "5.4 footmen style" is. I recall at the time of regular footies, I was easily one of the better players and most of the 5.4 skills at the end of its prime was copied from CHF, not vice versa.
CHF resulted from the regular footmen frenzy. So the players who did CHF already had exposure to regular footies or at least the veterans....

Anyways, considering I don't play serious anymore, ehh. :/
Just a piece of thought but at prime, F00ty_R3b0rn and SOUNDWAVES does deserve some mention. The latter was a legend of chf at its prime :)
And as for me, I currently think as CHF skills has fallen so low, I am actually the best player in game. However, I'm not really motivated to win so ehh~

Added (02-Nov-2015, 3:12 PM)
Funny Analysis:

Isn't it quite interesting that the player Rival thought to be the best also had the highest APM in the game?
Anyways, even more interesting is that the better players of CHF tends to have APM of at least 150. (From that, it's pretty negligible unless you have horrible teammates in which then I understand 200+ APM since it happened to me too a couple times when both my allies didn't know how to use their heroes and kept killing themselves)
It's quite intriguing that Rival's ranking of 1. Rebel 2. Dan- 3. Himself in the game also resulted in Rebel having most APM followed by Dan- in the game xDDD

Anyways, don't take this seriously. It was just something to note ;)
Oh and in case you guys wonder:
In prime:
Cou has around 160 APM. F00ty has around 240 APM <I don't know what he does but his instinct is definitely some of the nicest in CHF. He can bolt players who was in windwalk in the process of coiling his teammate.. just how fast do you have to be to do that ? :P>. SOUND has around 198 APM. Me around 200 APM (this isn't ladder. Really not much to control).
So, isn't it interesting everyone of the players I just listed (including myself) has at least 150 APM when serious? smile ^_^

btw Dan-,
Learn to use hotkeys. It will improve your skill more. Also, APM doesn't mean much but I think you need at least 150+APM in CHF to even be considered in a pool of the better players.
That said, this isn't ladder. You don't need 300+ APM. If you are in that range, I expect you to be the type of player who can deny every footmen kill in mass. At that point, do yourself a favor and just play ladder 1v1 in w3arena against players like Sonik ^^

Also note that the game is pretty short so the APM could seem higher than normal in that replay. But still, something nice to note~~ :)
Somehow the players that different players respect tend to have 150+ APM. 0.o

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:18 PM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:17 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
I still also fail to understand what "5.4 footmen style" is

maybe for example this replay will help you:

player Hustle_XX used 5.4 footmen style on JST4X (Drose) and Cheesy (Berserker) and very easy win

5.4 footmen style is rush strategy = fast tech with auras + turtle aura + scroll of beast... they are very skilled players who can control many units and have high APM

this style is totally different compare to CHF players like for example Cou, F00ty or Roystom who are only goleming with newts and vengeance

while average 5.4 players have APM between 250-300 best CHF players have between 150-200
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:23 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
player Hustle_XX used 5.4 footmen style on JST4X (Drose) and Cheesy (Berserker) and very easy win

5.4 footmen style is rush strategy = fast tech with auras + turtle aura + scroll of beast... they are very skilled players who can control many units and have high APM

this style is totally different compare to CHF players like for example Cou, F00ty or Roystom who are only goleming with newts and vengeance

This happened constantly back in the days CHF was competitive and there was a pub team.
And no, Cou used to abuse this strat too (Add me, f00ty, sound, fir, etc.). We all just stopped at a certain point because it got out of fashion.

This rush strategy was very popular pre 3.7. It's just that over time, people decided suddenly to stop using it.
Is it effective? Yes. Then why does no one do it? Because why not? I don't know. People just stopped using it. Anyways, no, this is not "5.4 footmen style". This type of playing has existed for quite a while in CHF. It just faded away after players like Sound left as CHF became much less competitive (Also add the fact that the game is now 9/10 UIM mode)

Added (02-Nov-2015, 3:23 PM)
Quote Adam_CZ ()
while average 5.4 players have APM between 250-300 best CHF players have between 150-200

Then they are doing something wrong.
Achieving 250-300 APM in 5.4 is actually a bad thing considering 5.4 had less to think about in a given second than CHF.
You should only be achieving 250-300 APM in wc3 ladder or starcraft ladder. If you are achieving such in a simple game like footmen frenzy, you are just at the point of spamming.
150-200 is optimal for CHF. Trust me, wink I know my stuffs ^^ as the best player in game

Also, in case you haven't noticed, the reason why you don't see me rushing, etc. in CHF is because I play to let the pubs win. I already have been at the top of CHF. I have seen it all. I have experienced them all. And from that, I recognized that winning through those strats are actually pretty douchy and discourages players from playing. I think a true pro player in CHF is actually ones that help pubs have a chance while enjoying the game. A 1 sided battle is pretty discouraging for pubs wink ^^
Also, the rushing strat is much easier than golem-ing so o.O. <and it also heavily relies on a team that is super pub>

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:28 PM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:28 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Learn to use hotkeys. It will improve your skill more. Also, APM doesn't mean much but I think you need at least 150+APM in CHF to even be considered in a pool of the better players.

in that replay he was playing just with 1 hero... there is screen from another replay

RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:31 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
n that replay he was playing just with 1 hero... there is screen from another replay

That just means that Dan- is usually just playing for fun in CHF (meaning he has no thought of playing with seriousness ~)

But my guess was right. 199 is in the 150~200 mark. It's pretty optimal for CHF playing ^^

devil_scorpio2003Date: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:35 PM | Message # 9
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Lol rosa ofc long games have more kills I am talking about devilsrebel work rate amount of kills per/sec he pools super fast.
also Rosa dan is 100x better than u, and APM doesn't mean everything Niceveryfastxd has probably highest apm in game while is a great player for sure he not the best player. Even in ladder his apm is much higher than old pro players like Moon (WC3 LEGEND)  doesnt make him a better player

Message edited by devil_scorpio2003 - Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:49 PM
Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:37 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Achieving 250-300 APM in 5.4 is actually a bad thing considering 5.4 had less to think about in a given second than CHF.

5.4 is much hader because you need control more units/groups

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
This happened constantly back in the days CHF was competitive and there was a pub team.
so JST4X and Cheesy Gordia are pubs? it was regular game... JST4X went golems while Hustle_XX went 5.4 style....
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:40 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
5.4 is much hader because you need control more units/groups

No. You will be surprised but it's not. And 5.4 has even more imbalances than CHF.
It's just spam pool 1 player, that guy techs to rifles and goes in hero hunting / base killing mode. <Hope that your teammates had some awesome heros and your teammate with rifles didn't dl out>

Quote Adam_CZ ()
so JST4X and Cheesy Gordia are pubs? it was regular game... JST4X went golems while Hustle_XX went 5.4 style....

People win and lose all the time... :/
It's CHF. There is so much variables in game you can't just... nvrmind

FirNesSDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:43 PM | Message # 12
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Somehow the players that different players respect tend to have 150+ APM. 0.o

Its not wrong but it happens to me not to go beyond 115 sometimes because well APM doesn't mean much after all. I mean in mass I don't click a lot, before mass starts I don't at all, and there are plenty of moments when you have pretty much nothing to do. 
My point is that for instance I have around 120 - 140 APM in chf games these days but I think that in the tense moments of the game I'm around 200 for 30 secs. So the apm on scourge forge doesn't mean much to my mind

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
This happened constantly back in the days CHF was competitive and there was a pub team.And no, Cou used to abuse this strat too (Add me, f00ty, sound, fir, etc.)

Ye ahah the rush build against pubs, it works so well. With footy we tryed to make the shortest game lol I don't remember our score but it was less than 9 minutes inhouse

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:47 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
No. You will be surprised but it's not. And 5.4 has even more imbalances than CHF.

in my opinion is CHF easier because you can play only with 1 hero and win game... for example favourite build empale, flamestrike, ww and death tower... whole game you keep tier 0 and you are killing footies with canon tower

in 5.4 is impossible win game only with 1 hero... you need use units/creeps and micro

thats obviously
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:51 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
in 5.4 is impossible win game only with 1 hero... you need use units/creeps and micro

5.4 doesn't have micro.... :/
Same with CHF.
Neither really has micro..

GondiakDate: Monday, 02-Nov-2015, 3:52 PM | Message # 15
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