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Roystom owned in 8 minutes - Forum

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Roystom owned in 8 minutes
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 6:51 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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I think CHF forum is very boring and inactive... So i made decision we need bring some drama back ;-)

There is replay from today morning where FTL Roystom was playing under alt "Angelariuz" and he was stacked with his friend "Jeshu" who is member of clan FTL and also old player Footmen Frenzy 4.2

There was also MrDarkDevil under alt in team 3 (green) but Roystom and Mrdark didnt know about each other.... Roystom failed mass and he was level 3 while other teams were level 5-6... he left game crying because he realized its over.

My question - how its possible Roystom who called himself "god of CHF" and "best player ever" lose vs pubs? I was trying find some excuse but its not possible. There was 100% fair game full of random players and Roystom went his best "golem build"
l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 7:17 AM | Message # 2
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there is no God of footies, everyone has gotten owned at some point by pubs or got very unlucky and lost,  there are newbs, decent players, then the last tier are very strong players with micro ability and knowledge of how to comeback and what are the right choices to make.
angrylucasrogerDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 7:33 AM | Message # 3
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i cheked this game game and what i think

- Roy dont know about t3 alts and t3 have good choise spell for that game and have stats 80/67 etc. Next, roy send all footies to t3 and window t1 is open to kill t4 without exp t4 because all footies was in t3. Jeshu in spells room when mass come. t3 have wards and t4 dont kill his. Yes t3 kill all footies t4 and they dont have exp and bad mass afer this lvl 3 vs lvl 6. roy not god of CHF but this game he play how lucasroger with his 1200/4000 games.
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 9:44 AM | Message # 4
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detective Adam strikes again smile

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
angrylucasrogerDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 9:58 AM | Message # 5
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everything about ROY is ADAM . Best friends xd.
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 4:12 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote angrylucasroger ()
Roy dont know about t3 alts

thats true but also team 3 didnt know about t4 alt Roystom... as i said they didnt know about each other and thats reason why game was 100% fair and there is not place for some excuses
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 07-Jan-2016, 6:34 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Roy has never been "one of the best chf players". He just made his name by playing with friends of him and by stacking. I've never lost once against roy when he was alone. Please give me any replay when he solo carries a game against pro players, I'd be very interested in it. Without mentionning he's a asshole, but we all know that. I guess all the reputation he got is because of the overwhelming south american community there is in chf. Without this community roy would be nothing. Do you think we would be talking about him right now if he had been from Sweden or whatever? smile

Dan-Date: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 1:20 AM | Message # 8
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
My question - how its possible Roystom who called himself "god of CHF" and "best player ever" lose vs pubs? I was trying find some excuse but its not possible. There was 100% fair game full of random players and Roystom went his best "golem build"
before mass  t1 know what t4 pros and t1 focus t4 too... t4 was in sandwich.. 

Quote FirNesS ()
Roy has never been "one of the best chf players".
i saw many good players in chf, roystom one of top
OsetinassDate: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 2:07 AM | Message # 9
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yes Firness roystom one of the best.
MrDark_DevilDate: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 5:11 AM | Message # 10
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stupid pubs If i back play 24 hour /7 like dan and you people i let pros come back and you will all left and hiding never talking .. 

yes Adam it was luck i lost vs danpub -.- because he cant play with out ward and good team o.o lasso ward o.o

btw Adam no need to post lets play fun and lose we growing old -.- we cant always play hard .

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
OsetinassDate: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 5:39 AM | Message # 11
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so much rage from mr lips. Who care you win or loose? Me? Dan? Adam? Roger? Your brother? Mom? tell us.

this make :DDDD he said we growing old...

Message edited by Osetinass - Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 6:10 AM
lotrrotkDate: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 6:20 AM | Message # 12
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Osetinass ()
mr lips.
The hell kind of a name is that

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
angrylucasrogerDate: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 7:12 AM | Message # 13
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Quote MrDark_Devil ()
stupid pubs If i back play 24 hour /7 like dan and you people i let pros come back and you will all left and hiding never talking .. yes Adam it was luck i lost vs danpub -.- because he cant play with out ward and good team o.o lasso ward o.o btw Adam no need to post lets play fun and lose we growing old -.- we cant always play hard .
I hope you r come back and i will see how you play hard after 24/7 without sleep xddd you die man befor then you rape me because computer during these 24 hours are going to suck all your life.  *you alone pro and all PUBS who cant play*.

Message edited by angrylucasroger - Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 7:17 AM
Dan-Date: Friday, 08-Jan-2016, 8:27 AM | Message # 14
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Quote MrDark_Devil ()
yes Adam it was luck i lost vs danpub

sorry darkpro, but we play solo 3 games without stacks u was on laycock im was on of_course.. and was 3 losees for u (: im very lucky.  dont be mad on me.. im noob (:
MrDark_DevilDate: Saturday, 09-Jan-2016, 5:39 AM | Message # 15
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Ye I'm noob you all pros with pubs and no ward then talk

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
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