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1v1 rosario - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009  
1v1 rosario
i-connectDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 4:38 PM | Message # 1
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me and Acccreate, aka rosario, 1vs1. I went nova, healing wave, unholy aura, and yamoto and he went nova, healing wave, soul burn, and phoenix . It was a tough game but I end up winning after a fail start lol

Message edited by i-connect - Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 4:40 PM
TalkIsCheap86Date: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 5:00 PM | Message # 2
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Yea i love the amount of times he says GG and tells you t just leave and tries to tell you how to play then you buy a newt and royally fuck him sideways, then he switches up and says he went wrong build, hasnt played in 1.3 yrs, had a bad strength hero etc. LoL some peoples children....

Dont hate the player - Hate the game
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 5:29 PM | Message # 3
Zombie Pirate
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^ (just another pussy who plays this game 24/7 but too scared to enter the tournament because he "doesn't have time")

1v1 proves nothing. you both suck still.

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.

Message edited by xMoNsTeRRR - Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 5:29 PM
TalkIsCheap86Date: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 5:52 PM | Message # 4
Group: Clan Members
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lol for all my haters...the tournament is the worse tourny i ever seen, most of the time its a no show and yea ive gotten around 10 games in the last 3 months in... maybe you should get off my dick and back on cheesys there mclovin

Added (2012-06-30, 6:52 PM)
as I said b4... some peoples children.... lol

Dont hate the player - Hate the game
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 7:57 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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I got rusty in 1v1 chf
Im used to ladder now

I made some careless mistakes

#1. I got soul burn instead of devotion or unholy
#2. I didnt take advantage of the fact that i won mass
#3. I just came straight to base where there was devotion for mass
#4. I had 0 micro
#5. I teched ( instead of buying like an anch or tome
#6. I let pet die
#7. I forgot that forcefield was in the
#8. GG

That was good game. I thought i won it but i guess im sh3t now. Im used to just rushing bk with that build...wtvr wink
Im so mad at myself that i lost 1v1 in a fair game...lmao

talk, u even play chf nowadays? lol

Added (2012-06-30, 8:57 PM)
Watched replay....gotta admit im dumb as fk
My life woulda been wayyyyyyyyyy simpler with nova and ff
and BETTER if i didnt even attend mass and acted like one of those chf nubs in history (xmon)

Some things i found interesting about this game:
+Yamato is pretty good
+People back up units (i thought only 2-3 ppl did that in game)
Im just happy, I con taught me very well that game. And i still cant believe im in forums..i shuld sleep..WTF (slept for 5 hrs?)


Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 8:01 PM
xMoNsTeRRRDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 8:15 PM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (TalkIsCheap86)
worse tourny i ever seen

Please tell me the name of one other successful CHF tourney?
don't worry I can wait. CUZ THIS IS THE ONLY ONE

Quote (TalkIsCheap86)
most of the time its a no show

We've only cancelled 3 games, and we've already had 14 games successfully played. I'd say thats a damn good track record, especially compared to Bond's tournament that had 0 games' played and all of assasin-west's tournaments combined which had 0 games, and, OH WAIT EVERY TOURNAMENT EVER IN CHF HISTORY

glad to know the clan hpmm shaman supports the CHF community tournament though! you are truly a great leader for CHF!

If i was bond i would demote you to peon for all the shit you talk

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.

Message edited by xMoNsTeRRR - Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 8:24 PM
a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2012, 8:27 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (xMoNsTeRRR)
If i was bond i would demote you to peon for all the shit you talk

so ironic hearing someone like you say that.
TalkIsCheap86Date: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 2:11 AM | Message # 8
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LoL I like the way you try and twist things up Xmon, Im not into clan drama or blogging everyday so this is it...
Im Shaman of HPMM becuz:
1. I've been playing this since it went public and put more hours in this game than any other player.
2. I respect the game and 99% of the people that play it. If I dont respect someone I dont go around for the rest of my life with a hate-on trying to make fun of kids or look cool infront of other kids.
3. I added tons of big name players (Vex, Isis, Haseo, Fallen just to name a few) who helped change the skill level of this community and brought this game where it is today. So basically the whole reason you are any good at all originated from me, This game is your entire life bro you dont gotta thank me.
4. I helped tons of players get better from tips, ideas, strategies, and competition. When I win a game I can discuss it with someone to help them get better instead of using proven builds, alt names, or stacked teams to win a game then walking around with my dick out thinking im top dog.
5. I'm the fucking man, you can't even dream of being on my level.

Dont hate the player - Hate the game
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 2:27 AM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (TalkIsCheap86)
5. I'm the fucking man, you can't even dream of being on my level.

i thought u were the awesome tiger
guess i was wrong

Darwinian theory of evolution
tiger went soo awesome => turned human

xMoNsTeRRRDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 3:26 AM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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inb4 stupid realizes that I'm not xmonsterrr

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
CouDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 3:30 AM | Message # 11
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lol woops wrong thread xD

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 3:31 AM
mN-Date: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 4:20 AM | Message # 12
Group: Investor
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Quote (TalkIsCheap86)
5. I'm the fucking man, you can't even dream of being on my level.

Everytime someone says something similar i lose alot of respect for the one. :\
Because if you are the best in the world you dont need to advertise it, everybody would know it. tongue

I am biwinning
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 6:34 AM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (mN-)
Everytime someone says something similar i lose alot of respect for the one. :\
Because if you are the best in the world you dont need to advertise it, everybody would know it.

And thats why some pros like lepiathos is not even famous

I can bet my game account that lepiathos is in top 10 and no one would ever know him
and deathknight is more like top 10 too (but who and deathy are #1 most annoying

stoogeDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 6:57 AM | Message # 14
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Quote (RosarioVampireZ)
me and deathy are #1

That i couldnt agree more with...
but everything else that comes outta ur mouth is horseshit

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2012, 7:16 AM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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kk stooge

so when u plan beating me stooge?
its been more than 1 yr now
cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn im bored

I want ur horsesh3t to make some sense

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