phoenix or chimera
Cyray@USEAST | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 6:39 AM | Message # 1 |
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| pls tell me the answer to this question
i have wondered since the days of chf v1.0
name: james mcgovern
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Cou | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 6:56 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Pay attention to level 1 phoenix and level 1 chims when both summoned at the same time. Pheonix has larger HP and more armour and remains stronger then chims through out the levels.
My vote is pheonix.
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gigasus91 | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 6:59 AM | Message # 3 |
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| At lvl 1 and lvl 2 phoenix is better but at lvl 3 chims best.
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Cou | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:04 AM | Message # 4 |
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| Early and mid game is more important, unless you're playing SSD but you'd want 2 levels of ulti to be useful. Tbh,
Also what makes chims stronger then pheonix at level 3?
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:47 AM | Message # 5 |
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| Well, no one really puts effort to discern the differences between pheonix and chimera but...
If I am correct, both pheonix and chimera have splash but 1. Pheonix has like a after-burn damage. (Edge to pheonix for UK ) 2. Pheonix (in my opinion) seems to have a larger splash pool 3. Pheonix is a little bit faster (again, my opinion at level 1)
In level 1, no contest, pheonix is much better (VERY VERY easy to see with level 1 pheonix. OP!) [level 2, well they about equal...i guess, idk, did the armour nerf of chimeras from 4.0 change this? lol]
In level 3, well, I don't really know In the past, chimera was gotten due to the sheer fact they can tank [hp and # of armour] and the fact that they have higher damage output and they still may (didn't check) but.... I remember Bond saying that he changed the armour type for chimera recently in 4.0 so .... lol {idk why but i always felt pheonix is for UK while chim are for late game bk :l <= chims at level 3 somehow always do a better job}
Pheonix = short game Chimera = late game Chimera > Pheonix in ssd Pheonix > Chimera in a not so long normal game Chimera > Pheonix late game in normal
im gonna guess level 1-2, pheonix > chim level 3, chim > pheonix Like I said again,....idk wat mischief Bond has done with in the chimera nerfing anyways, level 2 should be about the same or the exact same or well..ehh, not that much difference. All u have to know is
up until level 15, it is better to get pheonix from level 16, it is better to get chimeras UNLESS the armour type which changed for chimeras made chimeras weaker than pheonix (plus there's 4 pheonix!) **somehow i feel like chimeras last longer at level 3Added (07-Feb-2014, 7:47 AM) --------------------------------------------- Whats better, tower or inferno? This is likke the same question (i say inferno WITHOUT auras vs tower)
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:37 AM |
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ZiZi-____-ZiZi | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:51 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Normal - phoenix much better. SSD-chimera better why: level 3 chimera = 1800 hp, 71-85 dmg, 6 armor. Phoenix level 3 = 1400 hp, 56-70 dmg, 3 armor.
Phoenix lvl 3 have only beter Cool Downs.140 sec chimera = 160 sec .
CHF for life :) ^^
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 8:26 AM | Message # 7 |
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| I really dont see big different...
you can also give questions like "starfall or thunderstorm" and "infernal or death tower" and "storm bolt or firebolt" and "roots or lasso" etc etc etc.
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Cyray@USEAST | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 8:43 AM | Message # 8 |
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| i think this thread calls for a 15 page indepth analysis from f00ty r3b0rn
Added (07-Feb-2014, 8:43 AM) --------------------------------------------- Quote Adam_CZ (  ) you can also give questions like "starfall or thunderstorm" and "infernal or death tower" and "storm bolt or firebolt" and "roots or lasso" etc etc etc.
its because you are a noob
i wouldnt expect you to understand
you dont realize how one small factor can change the game
for example picking infernal and roots vs death tower + lasso death tower and lasso much better
but u too noob to understand
name: james mcgovern
Message edited by Cyray@USEAST - Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 8:43 AM |
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TangerineSky | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 8:51 AM | Message # 9 |
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| one key thing about chimeras and phoenix is that killing a chimera egg gives ALOT of hero exp, and over 150 gold. Phoenix eggs dont give as much exp OR gold.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 9:01 AM | Message # 10 |
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) I really dont see big different...
you can also give questions like "starfall or thunderstorm" and "infernal or death tower" and "storm bolt or firebolt" and "roots or lasso" etc etc etc. Starfall has much higher AOE but less damage than thunderstorm. Personally, I always feel thunderstorm > Starfall unless you are playing ftd (even in ftd i like thunderstorm better because well...its sheer raw damage!) Starfall is good on ftd early game if you are in mid and you want to get kills from t1 t2 t3 t4 at the same time ^^ (thunderstorm is more for just 1 team in ftd...sometimes 2)
Infernal vs Death Tower Overall, I find death tower better. Why? Do you see the insane splash damage it does on peasants? Infernos don't have that! Only thing I like about infernos Inferno level 1 and 2 > Death Tower level 1 and 2 However, Death Tower level 3 > Inferno level 3 (This situation changes depending on specific game plays <= for ex, if ur enemy has ToT, no matter what, NEVER get inferno if you have to chose between 2. Also, if ur vsing mass peasants, Tower better. However, if u're in a game with mass high level auras, inferno anyday )
Storm bolt vs firebolt Almost all cases, Storm bolt > Firebolt No offense but the sheer raw damage of storm bolt just makes it !!! (Not saying firebolt is bad but in OVERALL game plays, storm bolt is better. However, there are games in which fire bolt is much better ^^) **btw, i nvr knew u could firebolt deadly wards until a few weeks ago xDDD [ice shards hit buildings btw lol]
Roots vs Lasso Personally, I <3 roots more than lasso. Lassos are better if you want an enemy to be stuck in a place unable to tp (especially good with tech) or to disable enemy from casting spells while your allies gank on him Roots are better in inhouse games mass staff since 1. TP scrolls get mred so less people get it 2. You can't staff those in roots 3. Level 1 roots is good enough ^^ {ur hero is still free from gank!} 4. The length from which u can cast roots is ...WOW!
Quote Cyray@USEAST (  ) for example picking infernal and roots vs death tower + lasso death tower and lasso much better Ehh, I like roots and death tower combo ^^ but then again, depends on ur gameplay, and the context of the game itself
Quote TangerineSky (  ) one key thing about chimeras and phoenix is that killing a chimera egg gives ALOT of hero exp, and over 150 gold. Phoenix eggs dont give as much exp OR gold. Yap. This is biggy.
anyways Adam, tbh, there isn't that big a difference I mean, you have admin. You get to swap and kick players at will to make game in ur favor so u will never be in desperate situation in which small things ever matter anyways lol
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 9:03 AM |
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Cyray@USEAST | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 9:13 AM | Message # 11 |
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| roots are awesome
the reason why i dont use them is because they will be dispelled easily by any person who uses creeps
name: james mcgovern
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 9:41 AM | Message # 12 |
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| Its funny how Cyray said "Adam is noob" but he is only average player who NEVER play alone... every game he have alt from Denmark (JST4X) or some other players. Of course i play stack (i mean i have allies who are much better than me) but sometimes i am playing alone too....
Adam_CZ: 80% games stack and 20% games alone
Cyray: 100% games stack (didnt play just 1 game alone)Added (07-Feb-2014, 9:41 AM) --------------------------------------------- for me is better infernal than tower... it happen 100x times i put tower in some base and they all left and it was just waste of ulti... infernal i can move and he get auras too... they only + tower is that its out of range arcane towers
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i-connect | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:45 PM | Message # 13 |
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) for me is better infernal than tower... it happen 100x times i put tower in some base and they all left and it was just waste of ulti... infernal i can move and he get auras too... they only + tower is that its out of range arcane towers zzz are you serious.... the only time you will get more uk is very rare because only noobs will let footies attack infernal same with death tower.... death tower is by far better.... more dmg aura and hp... and also range... a 300 gold tower already counters infernal........frost tower sick hp and slow infernal and can heal with pez easy.. death tower doesnt get slowed by frost tower and death tower can bk more easy. demolisher can kill death tower easy but infernal are even easier to killl. demolisher can die easy also. demolisher can also counter infernal also. i dont know your logic but death tower is usally better in scenarios. frost tower already gg to infernal.
on topic to chimes vs phoenix. who knows TheFallenOne? fallen always say chimes are better. chimes actually have more splash then phoenix.... phoenix does have the extra fire thing but chimes splash is much greater.... i dont get why people say phoenix better for uk. phoenix is only better for hero kill in my opinion for speed and an extra phoenix at level 3 for more attack, like good with minus armor spells.
Maybe a better question is what is better drunken brawler or crit? or evasion vs crit. or evasion vs brawler? incinerate vs cleave? fork vs chain lightning?
Message edited by i-connect - Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:49 PM |
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LG-Fisherman | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 7:49 PM | Message # 14 |
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| i like more chimera but it depends on the length of the game
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Friday, 07-Feb-2014, 8:12 PM | Message # 15 |
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| Quote i-connect (  ) on topic to chimes vs phoenix. who knows TheFallenOne? fallen always say chimes are better. chimes actually have more splash then phoenix.... phoenix does have the extra fire thing but chimes splash is much greater.... i dont get why people say phoenix better for uk. phoenix is only better for hero kill in my opinion for speed and an extra phoenix at level 3 for more attack, like good with minus armor spells. Maybe a better question is what is better drunken brawler or crit? or evasion vs crit. or evasion vs brawler? incinerate vs cleave? fork vs chain lightning? Pheonix has more AOE early level
It's more like Pheonix starts off with advantage early level but late game, Chimera easy win :P
Personally, I like pheonix in more 1v1 situations and chimera in full house (because heck, everyone levels to 11 easy against pubs ^^)
if chf was hard to level, and level 3 ult was next to impossible, pheonix > chimera ^^
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