New User Group and site punishment rules
lspiderl | Date: Friday, 03-Jun-2011, 10:36 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Ok sooo long story short Kobas came up with a great idea for a way to deal with general forum trouble makers and annoyances
a restricted user group that will limit options and make spamming difficult
it was heavily debated and then created and a few regular offenders were added
well firstly i agreed with all of this up till that point so im removing all members fromt hat group and adding some stipulations
first and formost the new user group is Troublesome users and this is there restrictions Troublesome users from now:
Must write security code before posting new comment (This should reduce spam a lot). Can't change user reputation or see history for same. Can't create new threads. Can't create new polls or vote in already created ones. Can't vote or change any kind of rating all around (Photo Album, Threads...) Can't post outside forum (limited to it, they can only post in already created threads in forum).
i will NO allow anyone to add people to thisrandomly or jsut because tehy dont like one thing they did
this will be directly tied to reproofs
anyone that reaches 100% will be added to this group for a pre determined time frame
1st time at 100% 1 week 2nd time at 100% 2 weeks 3rd time at 100% 1 month lenght of time will continue to double for each further infraction ( an infraction being reachign 100% reproof)
any time a temp ban is given for w/e reason after the ban time has been served reproof will be decreased one level
after 1 month one level of reproof will be removed ( if it hasnt been messege me and ill remove it )
( additionaly as of now EVERYONE is starting at 0 % reproof . it might take me a bit to get everyones reproofs down as theres no mass way to do it . so if you are not at 0 % agian messege me and ill 0 it out one time for the next week if you havent your stuck with what you got )
lastly EVERYONE will be treated equaly there will be no shortened times for clan members and such your all subject to the same rules as everyone else
if you think you were given a reproof unfairly contact one of the admins , either myself , kobas , or vexslasher ( NOT BOND he has enough crap to deal with ) but make sure you do it RESPECTFULLY and make sure you havent commited a CLEAR violation of the forum rules as your appeal will be generaly ignored ( i.e. if you clearly break a rule don expect one admin to treat you differntly just because your a friend , however if you dont think you accualy broke a rule then messege one of us and we will look into it )
in the end the goal is to be as fair as possible about this and to avoid anyone getting punishments that are harsher or lesser than others
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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Pinas | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 1:10 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Even though this is a bit off topic. But do you say lose some reproof after say like 2 weeks of no violations or anything?
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Master-Hero | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 3:20 AM | Message # 3 |
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| There is no rules of the reproof things. That's up to the mods and admins.
Inactive mod.
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Vexslasher | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 5:48 AM | Message # 4 |
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| Quote (flamefusion) Bro, My post was Hero, and my group was Clan Member.... Put me back to clan member's group and gimme my post back.. + I got punishment by spider that i have to type the security code etc for writing on forums and other things.
I think something may have gone wrong when you changed the groups because flame is in the group users and is having those limitations?
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flamefusion | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 8:09 AM | Message # 5 |
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| I am in clan members group but spider changed it
I never back down from any challenge puttin front of me. EMINEM
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lspiderl | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 11:50 AM | Message # 6 |
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| wow way to read people kobas did it i changed it back but didnt know u were in clan members before but i can fix that
@ pinas if you read in there i said reproof will go down one level after a month no infractions
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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Pinas | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 12:36 PM | Message # 7 |
Group: Investor
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| I could of sworn that wasn't in their when I first read it :\
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Master-Hero | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 3:31 PM | Message # 8 |
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| I didn't see it either lol
Inactive mod.
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lspiderl | Date: Saturday, 04-Jun-2011, 5:34 PM | Message # 9 |
 Site Manager
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| it was lol i wanted to create a static form of not only punishment but of removal as well so its no subjective and people dont think oh im bein punished more than so and so for hte same infractions etc
gonna try and do somethin similer for bans as well in the near future
I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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