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User groups and their job! - Forum

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User groups and their job!
-Kobas-Date: Tuesday, 26-Oct-2010, 4:52 PM | Message # 1
Legacy Staff
Group: Site Management
Messages: 248
Awards: 0
Reputation: 452
Status: Offline
Site Staff

Site Owner (Root Administrator)

Work with codes, site look, edit groups and so on!
He is here to add new stuff, create awards and shitz.
Difference from other administrators is that his permission to join to CP can't be disabled!

Map Creator (Administrator)
-Overall Site Manager-

Dude that created all this, without his map, there is no this community...
He is here to work on site resources!
We all can upload maps and shitz here, but this man decide what will stay or be deleted!
As he is respected user we created unique user group for him: Map Creator

Administrator (Administrator)
-Site Manager-

Is here to work with community, he can edit user profiles, change user groups, do things here and there!
He is allowed to ban users, move threads from one to another forum and so on!
He is in charge for Directors!

Director (Super Moderator) (Moderator)
-Community/Resources... Director-

Is here to work on different parts of site!
He is in charge for moderators!
Each drector has different FORUM to do job there!
He need to clear threads, merge double posts, give warnings and so on!

Moderator (Moderator)
-Map/HPMM Clan... Moderator-

Is here to work on different parts of site!
Each moderator has different SUB FORUM to do job there!
He need to clear threads, merge double posts, give warnings and so on!

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