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Complaints about the site
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 2:24 AM | Message # 1
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Ok im sick and tired of whining and bitchin about the site , how it looks , functions etc

UCOZ BLOWS but people wanted to throw a tantrum at the idea of moving to a site that ACCUALY functions and has a million more options so from now on any threads complaining about the site , making site suggestions etc WILL BE CLOSED and you can go F#$% yourselves

its simple

have a nice day

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
GameOver3000Date: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 2:28 AM | Message # 2
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YOU make This thread coz my'' NEW LOOK TO FORUMS'' ?


Message edited by GameOver3000 - Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 2:29 AM
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 2:41 AM | Message # 3
Site Manager
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i make this because i get dozens and dozens of complaints and requests for the site that ARNT possible since this stupid site provider blows

however drama queens have done nothing but attack every atempt to discuss moving to a better provider and making a better site

soooo on that note and in that vein no more complaints or suggestions or requests about the site will be allowed since no one wants to do whats nessisary to implement them

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ÜberGeekDate: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 3:15 AM | Message # 4
Mr. Löwenstein
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put a link to the new site into your sig

as an admin, make a new message in Main:


Added (2011-10-16, 4:15 Am)
I made the new message, all you have to do is approve it.

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Sunday, 16-Oct-2011, 9:57 AM | Message # 5
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (ÜberGeek)
make a new message in Main:

and delete mine. i just wanted it to be seen.

Added (2011-10-16, 10:57 Am)

Quote (lspiderl)
no one wants to do whats nessisary to implement them

me and geek here made accounts on the site. maybe lock this site completely with some msg telling them were switching sites.
lspiderlDate: Monday, 17-Oct-2011, 0:53 AM | Message # 6
Site Manager
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
me and geek here made accounts on the site. maybe lock this site completely with some msg telling them were switching sites.

if the general majority of the comunity wanted to do that sure but those that do any time theres been a debate get troled out by the few that dont want to

weve taken votes many times and many were on the fence but they were soon shouted down by trolls for this reason or that

the alternate site me and vex built is jsut one possibility to use there are other options ( not yet built ) but the point is unless the comunity wants to move theres no point but at every oppertunity discussion for it has been shouted down by a loud minority .

Bond simply doesnt want to loose posts which is somethign we can all agree would suck however the only reason we would loose posts is BECAUSE UCOZ sux soo badly the alternate site and most others you can accualy Save your entire site and move it to a new host loosing nothin if you like

what I want people to do is to check ou teh site and test it to see if its somethign they might consider or if they like it etc THEN we can vote ( hopefully without the trolls this time )

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ArcttyDate: Monday, 17-Oct-2011, 1:03 AM | Message # 7
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so much rage over nothing lol
ÜberGeekDate: Monday, 17-Oct-2011, 1:10 AM | Message # 8
Mr. Löwenstein
Group: Clan Members
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so you won't even post the message in the Main page?

wow, thanks dudes

I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!

Message edited by ÜberGeek - Monday, 17-Oct-2011, 1:35 AM
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 17-Oct-2011, 4:53 PM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (ÜberGeek)
post the message in the Main page?

reminds me... im still waiting for u to delete my news. i just wanted it too be seen ^.^(shadow smile
lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 18-Oct-2011, 0:11 AM | Message # 10
Site Manager
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news deleted

problem fixed only mods and admins can post news as it should be

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
a_chinese_kidDate: Tuesday, 18-Oct-2011, 3:51 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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... why are you pissy about us actually using the news feature? i don't see any of you mods or admins posting crap so don't get mad when we take advantage of a feature
lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 18-Oct-2011, 7:15 PM | Message # 12
Site Manager
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the news feature was never ment for random people to use not sure what happened that allowed you to to begin with

but while people were able to post there they (yourself included) constatnly posted random crap and other stupid usless garbage on our MAIN PAGE making the site look bad
so yes i FIXED a problem have a nice day

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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