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Still Alive : Life update
lspiderlDate: Friday, 12-Apr-2019, 1:26 AM | Message # 1
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So yeah , been a while. tbh I actually kinda forgot about this place for a while with everything going on in my life . dont know where I left off on the updates so I guess ill just recapp 

So 3 years ago as of last week I nearly died in a car accident and my leg was pretty much destroyed. after ten months I had a second complete rebuild on my leg and spent a total of a year and a half in a wheelchair before moving to crutches. Last october they did a 3rd complete rebuild of my leg  and as of this past month  I have successfully gone from chair to crutches to crutch to cane and now am walking unassisted for the first time in 3 years.  I still have a ton of work to do but I wont let anything stop me. 

now while dealing with all of that  I also refocused ( no pun intended ) on my photography. I also transfered to a different college and should be graduating with a Bacholors in Photography with a Minor in Film video television. I have had my work displayed in 5 different gallary shows and recently took Best of show in a jurried compitition and my  photo was purchaced by the gallery for permanet rotation 

as of a year from now  I will be selling my house and I will be relocating from St Louis to Las Vegas. Some of the downsides are that I do have some memory gaps ( quite a few)  because of the accident and I also need custom shoe inserts because my left leg is now a little shorter than my right  from all the bone that was destroyed..... small price to pay to be able to walk again and when i graduate next may I will be able to WALK accross the stage  not roll or crutch but WALK  , its hard to beleive 2 and a half years ago we almost made the descision to amputate before finding a specialist that would take my case ( i got turned down by 4 specialists that said it was beyond them) its been a long road but sitting here looking at these pages Im left realizing how much Ive missed this place

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Web-GhostDate: Saturday, 13-Apr-2019, 2:49 PM | Message # 2
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Welcome back webfan smile

Bond009Date: Sunday, 14-Apr-2019, 3:45 PM | Message # 3
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Man.. thats a pretty crazy past few years for you, glad to hear you're doing better now.

lspiderlDate: Tuesday, 16-Apr-2019, 10:27 AM | Message # 4
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if you all wanna check out my photography im on instargam www.instagram.com/lspiderl

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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