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so bleach is at a temp stopping point - Forum

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so bleach is at a temp stopping point
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 15-Apr-2012, 2:30 PM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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currently watching: fairy tail, one piece, beelzebub

starting: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

what do u recommend me watch?

i've already seen durarara, baccano, code geass, slayers, fullmetal alchemist, death note, shiki, soul eater, highschool of the dead; so if u got something similar to these post up?
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 15-Apr-2012, 7:10 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Ever heard of hentai?;)
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 15-Apr-2012, 8:08 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
Ever heard of hentai?;)

if i feel i need to watch porn because i somehow cant afford to go to the strip club because for some reason i am unable to pull a chick at a club, i would not watch cartoon characters fuck
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 16-Apr-2012, 10:38 PM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
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pretty sure u know these already but Angel Beats, and Full Metal Alchemist

Added (2012-04-16, 11:38 PM)
and Princess Munonoke( may be spelled differently though).

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 5:57 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
and Princess Munonoke( may be spelled differently though).

how "japanese" is this? by that i mean, how perverted does it get? i watch some of these in public places or at work and dont want to be seen as an extreme weirdo("weird" enough as a man watching "cartoons")
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 6:41 PM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
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none of mine will be porn FYI. that one is extremely violent tho BTW.
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 9:22 PM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
none of mine will be porn FYI. that one is extremely violent tho BTW.

i dont mean porn, i mean as in sexually suggestive/nude scenes
lspiderlDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 9:43 PM | Message # 8
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strike witches and strike witches 2

2 seasons of awsome

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 10:55 PM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (ic3dt3a)
i dont mean porn, i mean as in sexually suggestive/nude scenes

none of that either. like its a real good anime. no porn/nudity crap. u wont get anything like that from me.
lspiderlDate: Thursday, 19-Apr-2012, 11:07 PM | Message # 10
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HSOTD ( high school of the dead) is F$#King EPIC btw

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
ic3dt3aDate: Wednesday, 30-May-2012, 11:50 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (lspiderl)
HSOTD ( high school of the dead) is F$#King EPIC btw

watched it sometime last year, it was pretty good, except for the nudity...

u guy should watch shiki corpse demon and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni tho. o and fairy tail
LamsauceDate: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 9:49 AM | Message # 12
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bleach went down hill when he lost his shinigami power and the death of Aizen.... They should have made aizen even stronger or something to get the story line going. the best parts was when he fought the espadas. but they kind of recovered with the last bit of it when he got his powers back..


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ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 31-May-2012, 10:01 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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aizen doesnt die..he's immortal
a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 01-Jun-2012, 0:20 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (ic3dt3a)
aizen doesnt die..he's immortal


lol bleach was supposed to go down. that was the conclusion to a series. you cant have a nonstop non ending rivalry. personally i like it when they close a series sooner rather then later. instead of dragging the same thing out for a year. like naruto.
ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 16-May-2013, 5:59 PM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (a_chinese_kid)
Quote (ic3dt3a)
aizen doesnt die..he's immortal


lol bleach was supposed to go down. that was the conclusion to a series. you cant have a nonstop non ending rivalry. personally i like it when they close a series sooner rather then later. instead of dragging the same thing out for a year. like naruto.

huh what?

aizen is locked up for 200 or 2000 years or some shit, they also mentioned something about going to hell(a side story i assume, where they say that ichigo is the key to them getting out)

dude, if its over 100 episodes, its obviously going to be dragged out as much as possible.

some good ones under 100 are:

death note
full metal alchemist(both versions brotherhood sticks more accurately to the story)
code geass( and r2 also)
soul eater
black blood brothers
devil may cry(yes dante)
darker than black(it was ok... got all weird with all of their deep pasts and what not)
guuren lagaan(it was pretty decent too)

Added (2013-05-16, 6:59 PM)
yeah, the hell thingy was a movie, it was ok, i mean he gets a temp new power but only works in hell.
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