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Lord Gays,LG searching for 3v3 Practice Match
LG-FishermanDate: Friday, 31-Jan-2014, 10:17 PM | Message # 16
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roystom is god or sounwaves is the best lool biggrin golden_st1ck is besat and "LG-Fisherman is CHEATER" what is that wannna be drunk or poop shit or what adam want play like a stack and play stack play like hansome like this <33333333333333333333333

Added (31-Jan-2014, 10:17 PM)
im cheater with drunk" with speedhack

BajsHoranDate: Friday, 31-Jan-2014, 10:41 PM | Message # 17
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lol at adam + keeper... keeper is like rly rly rly rly good... i remember i play alone vs adam keeper and kofola. sure i loose just funny adam saying he owned me when both his allies has 3 lvl more then him biggrin

Added (31-Jan-2014, 10:41 PM)
i think adam has 2 apm lol. 1 click ww to hide. 2 click down game write someone a pm saying he is trash player. biggrin

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
LG-FishermanDate: Friday, 31-Jan-2014, 10:57 PM | Message # 18
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hahahah i want beat adam 1v1 he only got same build 1000x games banish stormbolt frostnova... he said i wanna tech.. and we lose for adam suck tech,.. adam suck your self and my asshole

Added (31-Jan-2014, 10:55 PM)
Bajshoran thou art true,adam is shit micro macro pleir lol aasd

Added (31-Jan-2014, 10:57 PM)
lol iknow k33per adam and loverboy are stack so much but no bad for loverboy is good player but..

PLusDate: Friday, 31-Jan-2014, 11:01 PM | Message # 19
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Sure , I can solo you.
LG-FishermanDate: Friday, 31-Jan-2014, 11:11 PM | Message # 20
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Group: Clan MembersMessages: 62Awards: 0Reputation: 247  ±Reproofs: 0%Status: OnlineSure , I can solo you.
 ofc i know cuz im played cjf 2 months,.. lol :3 but im drunk now still want sucking cock adam_CZ still KIDDO OFC HES IN FORUM 21YEARS but IN HERS LIFE 12YEARS:. wnb LG-Naraku

Added (31-Jan-2014, 11:11 PM)
PLusPLusPLusPLus,  you are adam? like a shit and etc etc rats beat u with golemz stun with suck my cock hard for u 80%alcohol

Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 5:09 AM | Message # 21
Robotic Ninja
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in next 10 minutes i go play with my team so if you want play vs us you can
LG-FishermanDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 5:22 AM | Message # 22
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why not 1v1 :O
gigasus91Date: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 5:22 AM | Message # 23
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Is fisherman drunk ?
LG-FishermanDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 5:25 AM | Message # 24
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sorry bro goldenman
LG-WaariDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 8:33 AM | Message # 25
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hahahaha fisher :DDDDDDDDDD why you no call me?

Leader of LG
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 1:08 PM | Message # 26
Robotic Ninja
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K33per is good? B*tch please. Koko is good? Same sh*t. Dunno about loverboy but should be the same kind of player.
I mean I have nothing against them, I'm not trolling/criticizing them or anything, just saying that they're not pro players, like not even top 40 maybe 50. 

(No need to mention adam)

PLusDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 6:39 PM | Message # 27
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Quote LG-Fisherman ()
why not 1v1
sure , keke you guys think you're the best team
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 7:06 PM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
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Quote FirNesS ()
K33per is good? B*tch please. Koko is good? Same sh*t. Dunno about loverboy but should be the same kind of player.I mean I have nothing against them, I'm not trolling/criticizing them or anything, just saying that they're not pro players, like not even top 40 maybe 50.

You said "I left CHF" but you are still talking sh*ts on forum every week why? Keeper is not TOP? Really nice joke. So why won vs full TAS team (Cou, F00ty_R3b0rn, Mr_DArk) or why won vs full APF (Walter, Cesar, Unstoppable) or why very easy win vs Cheesy-Gordia and XmonSteRRR? He also win 4 games vs Roystom (but its true Roy was practicing with FTL Sharen who is very noob).

Kokotkonoro dont play CHF anymore he just played 5 games after more than 1 year inactive in Warcraft but he is still better than average.

Loverboy is New_Comer aka Venum_MMA and i remember you said many times he is TOP 10 but now he is not even TOP 50? You are really nice clown.
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 7:39 PM | Message # 29
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
You said "I left CHF" but you are still talking sh*ts on forum every week why?
You said you uninstalled wc3. I still see you log fact, you probably play/watch chf the most in this whole forum

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Keeper is not TOP? Really nice joke.
 Keep3r is  a good solid player. Not that I really care.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
So why won vs full TAS team (Cou, F00ty_R3b0rn, Mr_DArk) or why won vs full APF (Walter, Cesar, Unstoppable) or why very easy win vs Cheesy-Gordia and XmonSteRRR? He also win 4 games vs Roystom (but its true Roy was practicing with FTL Sharen who is very noob).
Most people who played long in this forum beat each other at least once. Wait, probably at least 10 TIMES. So these kind of annoying arguments are useless. Yes, before you came, players actually WON games solo vs stacked. It's just that no one really cares about those replays cause its chf, who gaf

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Kokotkonoro dont play CHF anymore he just played 5 games after more than 1 year inactive in Warcraft but he is still better than average.
Kokot, me and Lep go WAYYYYYY back. I remember Kokot always cried for mass pool and Lep always scolded him.
TBH, you guys should give some credit to Lepiathos. In his prime days, he was really really really good hero stealer :l

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Loverboy is New_Comer aka Venum_MMA and i remember you said many times he is TOP 10 but now he is not even TOP 50? You are really nice clown.
Quote FirNesS ()
Dunno about loverboy but should be the same kind of player.
Read ENGLISH adam. Firness said "he doesn't know about loverboy"
and anyways, as far as I care, Firness > New_Comer
Firness, we miss you. ehh, not really, I kinda am slowly quitting this game anyways. ehh

BajsHoranDate: Saturday, 01-Feb-2014, 11:16 PM | Message # 30
Group: Game Mod
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lol plys they never sayd they where the best team... this is nice guys that like this game and the first post says they want some some mid teams for nice matches. naraku is a good techer tho. all he said is he wanted to 1 vs 1 with adam but we all know thats impossible exept adam if adam is red with sheep on extra hard ftd with pool off

Added (01-Feb-2014, 11:16 PM)
im not a big fan on loverboy or adam but i think u guys underestimate keeper. this guy rly know what he is doin.

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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