So I was thinking, if we want to reduce the number of bots that are hosting CHF, we could make some of our bots host something else. Lately, a NUMBER (me, trixx, jamie(?),chinese,shadow(?), etc.) have taken a liking to Pokemon World 7.5. Since BondBot isn't played on very often due to the fact that many of us are now too used to using HPMMbot. I'd say that BondBot and 9000-BOT (srry jamie) should host a different game. We could host some of the maps that Vex made, which are original (i think). This way, we could make our clan more popular in diff ways. We should let HPMMbot and weed-bot host more instead. so we can have a more focused amount of people each game, rather than having people spread out in diff botsAdded (2011-08-20, 0:48 Am)
wtf? i put this in the hosting bots section...