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Should we get a new Game Admin Mod? - Page 2 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Should we get a new Game Admin Mod?
Should we get a new Game Admin Mod to help watch over games in the bot and report/ban etc
1. SyLeLeBeLLe_FR [ 5 ] [18.52%]
2. BajsHoran [ 7 ] [25.93%]
3. AccCreate [ 3 ] [11.11%]
4. Aviator [ 0 ] [0.00%]
5. Mr_Dark [ 2 ] [7.41%]
6. Other (fill name in with post, and reason why) [ 13 ] [48.15%]
7. No (dont need new game Mod) [ 1 ] [3.70%]
Answers total: 27
Web-GhostDate: Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 9:34 PM | Message # 16
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pick me smile

AL_GIDate: Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 9:36 PM | Message # 17
Zombie Pirate
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I can do this

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Web-GhostDate: Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 10:13 PM | Message # 18
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btw on a serious note
i would say make footy or fukufighter or AccCreate game mod
footy is one of the best player, he is a disciplined player, i never had any complains about him, he plays alot too(on alts)
and he knows the game better than anyone(except in uim, he is really bad in uim...he tried goleming in uim tongue )

fukufighter is an average player, i never had any complains about him, he is also in the top 10 for playing alot of games, he is also easy to communicate with (saddly he is not on the forum) and always behaved well 

AccCreate is more like the sheep when you look at her/his replays and stuff she/he sucks but when you play with her/him she/he is op
yes a sheep is the best way to describe her/him
she/he has also taught many players including me, blah blah blah (lazy to type :P ), she/he also has alot of experience in the game
and thats why i believe she/he i can do a better job than me .


Message edited by Web-Ghost - Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 10:16 PM
AL_GIDate: Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 10:28 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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I think I can do a better job than all of you guys MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

FirNesSDate: Monday, 30-Mar-2015, 10:48 PM | Message # 20
Robotic Ninja
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For your information, I'm still volunteer to become game moderator. No one has approved nor denied my application. wink

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 0:21 AM | Message # 21
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Why? I changed my behaviour and I become better person. I dont abuse anything. I will try do my best to try stop Gagamel. I am very fair admin and i will not ban anybody without good reason.
Dan-Date: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 0:25 AM | Message # 22
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mb Uranos or gagamel? smile

SyLeLeBeLLe_FR +1
Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 1:50 AM | Message # 23
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Why? I changed my behaviour and I become better person. I dont abuse anything. I will try do my best to try stop Gagamel. I am very fair admin and i will not ban anybody without good reason.
hmmmmm if you can start watching the replay from ban request like in, analyze it and tell me if its mh or not mh
just post "yes its mh" or "no its not mh but debug" or "i am not really sure" i may ask bond009 to give you another chance
remember please dont post its gagamel again or cou or etc
because yes you have changed a bit smile and the good thing about you is your no more running after elo smile

Added (31-Mar-2015, 1:50 AM)

Quote Bond009 ()
what do ya think?
Quote lspiderl ()
whats needed is a forum mod or two that will do the dang job and enforce the rules without being d-bags or get a long boys
pick me biggrin


Message edited by Web-Ghost - Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 1:50 AM
PLusDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 5:29 AM | Message # 24
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Random260Date: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 7:56 AM | Message # 25
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Hmm thought I might say something. After being inactive for so long; I do believe we need somebody who is active to help with being game mod. After seeing all the ban request, I must say from a business standpoint (hatred/his hatred towards me) that web-ghost would fit this role because in every ban request he has dealt with it and dealt the punishments. Web-ghost has shown he is very valuable he actually deals with ban request.

It's a sad that Al_gi had his admin removed due to abuse (can't remember what he did.) But he would rate #2 / even equaling web-ghost in this position. This is due to his input in every ban request.

Also someone remind me of what AL_GI did. I am considering reopening that possibility of him becoming admin due to his help in every single ban request. (depends on what he did).

Really in order to get this position you must be: Trust, and you must have contributed the most in bans. So 95% of you guys are out.

My vote is just an opinion. Once all the votes are in Bond, cou, bio, and I (if hes still with us) will discuss.

Bond does this mean that they get root admin?

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Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 8:18 AM | Message # 26
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Quote Random260 ()
Bond does this mean that they get root admin?
well i need access in the uxpanel to ban user out of useast i wrote a book about it in the hidden section i will pm you the link
Quote Random260 ()
dealt the punishments
for those who dont know the punishments
well its being tk-ed (cuz 5000years ago you banned that user for something), your enemy will feed others(except you) so you can lose, and they will take tt and only use it on you no one else but you at times they will thor you etc...

Added (31-Mar-2015, 8:18 AM)
[APF]-Walter, how the hell am i doing that?

[-TR-]SadrazamDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 8:22 AM | Message # 27
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Why? I changed my behaviour and I become better person. I dont abuse anything. I will try do my best to try stop Gagamel. I am very fair admin and i will not ban anybody without good reason
İ agree

+1 adamCZ
Random260Date: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 8:31 AM | Message # 28
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Yeah, I've got panel set up on I will give you access if you get the role. Shame I never had a time to put thing to to full use could have many more features but what it has now is good enough.

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Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 8:56 AM | Message # 29
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Random260, its called  tongue
Quote Random260 ()
what it has now is good enough.
did you see the website updates i offered smile ?

Random260Date: Tuesday, 31-Mar-2015, 9:03 AM | Message # 30
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Replied biggrin
miss sad
Hope we can start working together if possible.

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