Should we get a new Game Admin Mod?
Random260 | Date: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 8:57 PM | Message # 76 |
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| Bond. This is a game mod admin right? They are in charge of all the game mods aka are they are bosses.
So basically you don't need to be active to be a game mod. I actually prefer some game mods that weren't active player (a balance). But from looking at the ban request not much of the inactive ones are actually doing ban request.
But if this thread is talking about game mod admin like bio-assaults role than yes. They actually need to be active.
Edit: this is just a normal game mod lol.
Forget everything I said about web-ghost he is already a game mod. As for normal game mods I'm less strick; so I will leave it up to bond009 and cou. But remember if you get in you need to deal with ban requests. If not your game mod gets removed
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Adam_CZ | Date: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 11:13 PM | Message # 77 |
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| Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) Adam has like no clue how to detect fog clicks too. How he even going to properly file ban requests if he doesn't know how to detect maphack? Thats true... Yes i really dont know how to use MH detector properly. Probably the only one true in your whole post. But i can still ban mode abusers, team killers, feeders on purpose etc.
Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) Adam like a few others in this forum has already been caught spoofing/maphacking very recently. Big lie. You insulted me because i NEVER use maphack in my life. I mean in real game. Maybe 2 years ago i was playing private game "1v1" (mode Red vs Green) vs MrDarkDevil. We both used maphack that game and we both knew we have maphack since start. Reason? I wanted see how maphack works. But as i said it was just private game. After that game i deleted MH and i didnt use it anymore...
About spoofing - its really hard define what is spoofing and what is not spoofing. Some players left this game for example many years ago. Who said you cant create that account? In my opinion there is not something like "All rights reserved forever" for specific accounts. Or yes? For example if you will created account "Adam_CZ" in another realm and you will pretend be Adam_CZ thats definitely spoofing because i am active player.
For example if you will create acc "BikiniAndPunani" thats not definitely spoofing because this player left many years ago and probably he will not play anymore. Also real Vexlasher is not playing anymore (last game he played maybe one year ago). I created account "Vexlasher" on Europe realm and i played 2-3 games because i wanted see how debung mode works. But how many games played Gagamel under Vexlashers account? He ruined over 50 games while i ruined just 2-3 games (max) you dont see that great different? Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) He did spoof Vexslasher a couple times in a few months ago What mean "couple times"? I cant translate it properly but i played only 2 or 3 games on Vexlasher account. So "couple times" is the same like 2-3x times?
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Cheesy-Gordia | Date: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 11:39 PM | Message # 78 |
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| Ghad read. fucking read. fucking read my words that I type. There will be more than one. it should not be mandatory to be one of the active ones to be able to do your fucking job. there will be both those that are active and not. just because you're active it gives you the god given right to be a mod? fuck yourself honestly. proper work etiquette comes as a priority. being active is something that can be discussed in a group, designating who does what at when. it's all about communication. should not just assume things about people.
I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES
You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
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Ghad | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 0:36 AM | Message # 79 |
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| cheesy-dick, tell me what is the point in being mod only to be active on forums? yeah you can deal with ban request but most abuse doesn't even get reported. Obviously you have to know the game to be a mod and know how everything operates idiot. You look at the likes of random that dont even play the game but can edit the rules that done even make sense.Then you look at some of the admins that are active on the game but not on forums,they ban people for things not in the rules. So goes to show you have to be active on both to understand what the f*#k goes on.
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Cheesy-Gordia | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 1:06 AM | Message # 80 |
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| You realize if there's more than one mod that won't even be an issue at all. Just like how part time workers come in to work the days the full timers have off. When did I say that by not being active means something like not playing the game at all, but you're on the forum a lot, or the other way around. I did not even fucking talk about that once so stop twisting my words, because that just comez to show how shitty you are at debating.
Rules are pretty common sense so I don't even know why you mention that being some issue that isn't being handled.
what I think you mean to say is those that are active in game with power have poor judgement skills and yes I do agree because some shit should definitely be bannable and it doesn't get touched, while others not really bannable but it happenes ccuz of PMS. Plus even if you are active you can't catch every single thing. That's why people do their best.
With being active or not, it all comes to communication. People have different time zones, people tend to get busy sometimes, etc. so it's all about talking to eachother to let others know when to fill in their time for duty. Not everyone should have the responsibility to be a full time mod, because you also just very clearly mentioned that there are those who are active who can't even fill the role of being a mod properly. So being active IS NOT A PRIORITY OVER SOMEONE WHO CAN DO THEIR JOB.
Ps: If you think I'm am idiot, you clearly have no fucking clue who you're talking to. baka.  Added (03-Apr-2015, 1:06 AM) --------------------------------------------- plus if you're concerned about the less active getting the same amount of power, then simply give them less power. make them a tool for cooperation to make the active's jobs easier or some shit idk. just an idea
I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES
You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
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Ghad | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 2:05 AM | Message # 81 |
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| LOL, i have no problem with you.All i am saying is that mods should play the game, i am not saying they need to dedicate there life to it at all. It's all about experiencing what is going on and what needs to be changed. Out of that whole list Jane.web and bajs are the only ones that know the rules proper and are active. The rest either don't know the rules,don't play the game,there because of donation and don't give a shit and only to stack and abuse. Like you said anyway, communication is the biggest downfall and that starts from the top of the chain. Current mods should be able to enforce new rules or at least have a say what rules need adding to bond or whoever.
The rule that doesn't make sense is ''Team killing items'' I have never seen someone kill there own teams items, you only ever see someone destroy another teams items.
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Other | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 3:44 AM | Message # 82 |
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| hi all, firstly i would like to thank you all for voting for me its an honor to be the game mod so when will i get admin?
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 4:55 AM | Message # 83 |
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| Hahaha u r brilliant but read it clearly
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Web-Ghost | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:15 AM | Message # 84 |
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| hi
Message edited by Web-Ghost - Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:15 AM |
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Other | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:17 AM | Message # 85 |
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| by the way my nickname is (fill name in with post, and reason why) at times my family calls me other or (fill name in with post, and reason why) like Cou's real name is Michael but his nickname is Mikey hi
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 6:16 AM | Message # 86 |
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| Gud joke
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AL_GI | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 7:06 AM | Message # 87 |
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| Quote Cheesy-Gordia (  ) plus if you're concerned about the less active getting the same amount of power, then simply give them less power. make them a tool for cooperation to make the active's jobs easier or some shit idk. just an idea good idea
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BajsHoran | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 7:48 AM | Message # 88 |
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| since im allrdy admin do i get double admin if i win?
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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Web-Ghost | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 8:10 AM | Message # 89 |
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| BajsHoran, you get an extra chance :P
Message edited by Web-Ghost - Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 8:10 AM |
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[APF]-Walter | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 10:02 AM | Message # 90 |
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| Web-Ghost, stfu noob
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