clean up hpmm clan
BajsHoran | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:05 AM | Message # 1 |
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| Hi i have a suggestion that i been thinking about for a while just been lazy to type this up....
So. Ill just wright my thoughts feel free to add up ur thought or experience with theese guys....
Farmer_ Deadlyman. and iftheshoefits ( im not sure how involved shoe is in this i just saw him with them sometime )... this is 3 guys i want to get kicked out of hpmm... i ban farmer and deadly once but i still get complaints they wont stop doing their mode shit they always do...
this is mode abuse every single game.... change mode when all pick hero... do ssd with rocks and kill rocks when people pick skills. there is uim all pick uim builds... change to ssd just before mass and have 9 chimz with healwave after mass vs arrows and noobstones etc... pool for wards then do pool off... any way possible to get an advantage by being on red slot.
When i saw them last time i just moved them to t2 and they wont even play full stacked vs me solo on non red slot lol. I remember not long ago i was on red on alt... They join and say me to move.... i say no u can stack all that u want but im red there is 3 free teams... and he thraten to rejoin and kick me if i dont move now.... basicly what im saying is... there is very easy solutiion... kick theese 3 from hpmm... then they wont be reserved and they cant to this over and over n over n over.... im pretty sure everyone that play vs farmer would agree with me on this matter... And also it make hpmm look bad in general...
so what u think about this idea? i just say for me i will keep banning them when they do this as long as i am admin...
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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gigasus91 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:26 AM | Message # 2 |
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| Farmer_ did that to me once while i was with 2 friends. He basically kept rejoinin game until he got red slot and in-game he did ftd very hard, ars mode. Then he didn't pick hero and built mid tower.
I support bashora's idea
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:33 AM | Message # 3 |
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| You are right even i saw them playing together in many games but i don't think they should be kicked out but should remove their reservation
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[-TR-]Sadrazam | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:38 AM | Message # 4 |
![[-TR-]Sadrazam](/avatar/81/996756.jpg) Noob
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| He did -6v6 and he bought demolisher and attack my base because he didnt like me. He is a bitch, i will to offer evidence.
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Ghad | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:45 AM | Message # 5 |
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| Yeah its real annoying.
You could be waiting for 5-10 mins in red slot then a reserved idiot like farmer comes along. They abuse the shit out of the reserved right just to stack and have red slot. They never join early to be in t2 etc..They always join then re join when its full.
Please kick them, they abuse this shit way to much
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fantasoss | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:46 AM | Message # 6 |
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:46 AM | Message # 7 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Clan HPMM is not real "clan" in my opinion. Its just group of people who want reserved slot and other privileges. There is many people in HPMM who are not friends and they dont even know each other and joined this clan only for reserved slot. While other clans (FTL, APF...) are good friends.
Solution? Just remove "reserved". Many times i was kicked by reserved players (i was red) who joined full game. And really shame for Bond & Random that i am not reserved because i donated 20$ and i cant even keep red color...
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BajsHoran | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 5:50 AM | Message # 8 |
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| Quote hassanrizvi10 (  ) i don't think they should be kicked out but should remove their reservation being in clan hpmm automaticly gives u a reserved slot... hence the easy solution is kick from clan... they will still be able to join clan channel to meet up with freinds etc just not the reserved slot in game
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 6:06 AM | Message # 9 |
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| Ok boss, i didn't knew about it very well because I'm new and i use realm garena not battle net,
Now a days many cases of abusing and hacking in chf 4.0 really sad
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 6:09 AM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote BajsHoran (  ) being in clan hpmm automaticly gives u a reserved slot and thats fair? why some people join lobby, wait 5-10 minutes for game and after they are kicked out by some reserved HPMM moron who join full game? solution is delete reserved for EVERYONE... make this game fair for all players
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 6:22 AM | Message # 11 |
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| Adam u are right , because many people like red and red cannot be occupied easily If reservation is given to some people it will affect other players
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AL_GI | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 7:02 AM | Message # 12 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Can you post replays where they abused modes pleae? (more than 1)
Call me "GOD”
︻芫══一 (—_—)
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BajsHoran | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 7:47 AM | Message # 13 |
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| Quote AL_GI (  ) Can you post replays where they abused modes pleae? i think gagamel use his nick to.. cause sometime from germany... but just go playchf... look any game with farmer us and u got it... its basicly every game lol
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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Gagamel | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 11:03 AM | Message # 14 |
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| yes, if you spoof one of their names you can keep them out of the lobby cuz ghost doesn t allow one nickname to join twice. As you can see i didn t abused modes with the spoofed account like original farmer_ ) Al_GI i also saw them abusing the holdlist many times to get red and abuse modes like ssd and rocks.
Its not only Farmer_ Deadlyman. and iftheshoefits its also b3ngan and mr.dark_devil000 (who tried to sell me the codehack for 15$ recently by the way). Anyway those players are skype friends so if they team up together that is ok, but abusing the holdlist to abuse modes afterwards is clearly abuse.
if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
Message edited by Gagamel - Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 11:04 AM |
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 03-Apr-2015, 11:22 AM | Message # 15 |
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| Quote AL_GI (  ) Can you post replays where they abused modes pleae? (more than 1) AL_Gl,join chf in ur alt account and see  Added (03-Apr-2015, 11:22 AM) --------------------------------------------- As i want to say that rocks in the middle is useless mode as it makes only one team to be levelled up that is t1 because the person in the red slot will take his unit to the middle before mass and type -rocks
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