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Adam_CZDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 0:28 AM | Message # 1
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I was checking PlayCHF website and I found something really interesting:

This game was one year ago and you can see it was obviously real TheFallenOne trying comeback. He was from Germany and he had ally D_Jerry who was also from Germany. They were in team 3 and you can see they also had other fake accout in team 4.

I checked this  over 3 years old thread: where i-connect said that D_Jerry was always playing on many computers. And same strategy is now using Gagamel. He is in team together with another his friend from Germany who is playing on 2 computers and they have fake acounts in another team. And Gagamel with his friend are also from Germany (like TheFallenOne and D_Jerry).

Also how its possible Gagamel know about debug mode and he know every secret account which you can use for debug mode? Bond admit there is only few people who know about it (Bond, Vexslasher, TheFallenOne....)

I think Gagamel must be TheFallenOne or just some German  player who got all these information from the real TheFallenOne. Check this link with replay and read chat log please:

That player Biga04 was TheFallenOne (probably) and he sold for money debug code to Gagamel? Read chat log and you will understand what i am talking about. Also i was testing account Biga04 vs computer and that debug code is really working on that account (same like with Bond009 and Vexslasher).
BajsHoranDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 1:43 AM | Message # 2
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o.0 detective adam...

i wonder if flamefusion is tooo_selfih biggrin lmao

adam can u ivestigate that theory ? smile

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
Random260Date: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 2:00 AM | Message # 3
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OMFG FLAMEFUSION = TOO_SELFISH. Adam figure that out please. Wow this is good stuff adam. Got to say well done. The debug code eh? BUYING THE DEBUG CODE FOR FREE ROOT ADMIN. Also if there is a debug code why doesn't bond remove it. Because this is my understanding he hacked it so he gets the gold. So that means if he played dota he will be able to hack it????

Or is it just chf. If it is chf and bond009 did add something like that then why the hell did he add it. Just remove it....

lolololol. Just kidding.

Uploaded with
GagamelDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 7:35 AM | Message # 4
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
I think Gagamel must be TheFallenOne or just some German player who got all these information from the real TheFallenOne. Check this link with replay and read chat log please:

Yes this was the person who came up to me with the debug mode first. As you can see this game was 4 days ago. And before then i did not know about the debug mode myself. You tell people here to read the chat, but have you done this yourself? I think its obvious that the guy biga04 was not from germany since he wrote someting like he destroys the germans. I also remembered that some poeple recognized him before the game in the loby and left then. If you check on epicwar you can see that biga04 and bond009 are the same map creditor. But that does not mean this guy was bond009 neither was he german nor did he sold anything to me because i am certenly not retarded enough to pay someone 30 buxx to get scammed and virused in return. You think if i were interested to buy something from him i would ask him to go to clan hpmm @ azeroth?

Before you make more theories of who i might be. This is my oldest account i have played chf with:

And you will also see that i played ladder before:
Quote Random260 ()
lolololol. Just kidding.
Really? Because what you are saying here makes more sense than nearly 90% of the other theories here on the forum.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob

Message edited by Gagamel - Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 7:36 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 12:47 PM | Message # 5
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Quote Gagamel ()
Yes this was the person who came up to me with the debug mode first.
Oh no....Debug mode was known since like ... before the beginning of this new forum.
It's just that it was never made a big deal because the players in the past just happened to be more mature.
And as a matter of fact, this kind of issue had occurred multiple times in CHF history. It's just that those players after a few times decided it was not worth the time and because at the time, CHF was still young so no one knew what was going on -.-
(We are talking about the time when people still used footmen to basekill with ward of god)

Quote Gagamel ()
Really? Because what you are saying here makes more sense than nearly 90% of the other theories here on the forum.
Don't joke around.
His theories make 90% no sense lol.

Quote Random260 ()
Also if there is a debug code why doesn't bond remove it.
Because debug mode was made so that the game could actually get better....
It's just that there are ways around this loophole since wc3 is so ancient and un-updated.

Quote Random260 ()
So that means if he played dota he will be able to hack it????
In Dota 1, if there is such thing as debug mode, yes.
But not Dota 2.
Any custom game with debug mode that is affiliated with WC3 system is yes, prone to it.
However, no one does it cause...well, just no one does it.

I can choose to donation glitch every game. Do I? Nope. It's just that the minority who happens to know these prefer not to abuse these loopholes because the games gets really boring once you start using those strats.

Quote Random260 ()
why the hell did he add it. Just remove it....
There was a deleted post in the past that recommended Bond to make 2 different CHF versions.
1 - the official that does not have debug mode
2 - one with debug mode that is only on private hosted bot from Bond.
Unfortunately, that idea was rejected with the post because the poster also posted a way to turn on debug mode in game.

lspiderlDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 8:13 PM | Message # 6
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flamefusion rofl wonder what happened to that kid

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
BajsHoranDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 8:33 PM | Message # 7
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i was under the impression he died of cancer while putting his flag on top of mount everest.

Added (09-Feb-2015, 8:33 PM)
and now he has been reincarnated as tooo_selfish... to once again rise to the top of chf legends no

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 8:44 PM | Message # 8
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b3p is adam_cz
MrDark_DevilDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 9:22 PM | Message # 9
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All killing chf that sucks sad i blame u ADam to let me know this map CX angry

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
Bond009Date: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 10:12 PM | Message # 10
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if you see someone spoofing and abusing the debug code to cheat in game, just type -kick
that will auto kick red from game if anyone types it within 30 secs of a big warning messaging coming up on the game saying DEBUG MODE has been unlocked.
Also they cant get a win code or win the game at all if that has been enabled. So they can screwed the game up but cant get free wins..
I will be fixing this for 4.1 also now too.. sick ppl out there.. lol

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 10:18 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Bond009 ()
I will be fixing this for 4.1 also now too.. sick ppl out there.. lol

But where is 4.1? Maybe 8 months ago you posted "4.1 will be out within 24 hours" but 4.1 is nowhere. Many people dont believe that 4.1 will be ever released anymore. If you stopped work maybe you should just release this "4.1 B5" version. People are bored by current 4.0a and need new version - Beta 5 is better than nothing.
hassanrizvi10Date: Monday, 09-Feb-2015, 11:55 PM | Message # 12
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
People are bored by current 4.0a and need new version - Beta 5 is better than nothing.

Chf 4.0 is boring

Web-GhostDate: Tuesday, 10-Feb-2015, 2:23 AM | Message # 13
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 why cant you stick to 1 thread ????

FirNesSDate: Tuesday, 10-Feb-2015, 1:52 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Well Bond you're allowed not to ever release 4.1 if you don't feel like you want to, it's up to you, but you could at least tell people approximatively when you'll release it if you ever do, trying to be the most objective possible. I mean if it has to take one year more, it's no big deal, people will wait. But when you give a date you have to respect it

ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 10-Feb-2015, 3:56 PM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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^no he doesn't; you've contradicted yourself, idiot.

bond, i've never come across this, but the debug mode, does it do like a game message in the middle of the screen? just want to know what to look for
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