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WC3-4Life / Custom Hero Footies!!!

CHF 4.1 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009  
CHF 4.1
Bond009Date: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2018, 11:02 AM | Message # 1
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So i have been working on it again and plan to actually finish it this time. tongue

When I release it on the bot how many old players will come back to play? Just curious. I wonder how many old players still check this from time to time as well. smile

Also if any of you have anyone's contact email info etc reach out to them and let them know.

aaronsaavedra1toDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2018, 7:27 AM | Message # 2
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VERY NICE  biggrin
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2018, 2:10 PM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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It would be nice to see "old players" like JST4X, Soundwaves, Cou or F00ty R3b0rn play again. But they will not join only because new map. They dont even read this forum.

Added (22-Jun-2018, 2:10 PM)
Bond I will return only if you will make bears lvl 6 chaos attack.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Friday, 22-Jun-2018, 1:58 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 22-Jun-2018, 10:00 PM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
"old players" like JST4X, Soundwaves, Cou or F00ty R3b0rn play again.
I'm older than most of them if not all in terms of "first start" custom hero footies...

And yet I'm never mentioned. Eh, that sucks.
Anyways, Firness and I would be excited to play. The only issue is when I try joining the bots, it takes foreevvveer to fill up making me lose motivation to play the game unless I'm smurfing around with my offrace account (since I mostly play ladder nowadays).

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Bond I will return only if you will make bears lvl 6 chaos attack.
Might as well make critical strike be chaos damage 100x crit rate too at level 1 wink

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 22-Jun-2018, 10:03 PM
khan_meDate: Saturday, 23-Jun-2018, 12:01 PM | Message # 5
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Yes bond009 finally you have the time to make 4.1 that's a good news  smile . I will come back if you update the map and hopefully we will see some new abilities and heros etc.. looking forward for this happy

I think I best player in the world ty np )()()()()()()()(

[̲̲̅̅D̲̲̅̅a̲̲̅̅n̲̲̅̅G̲̲̅̅e̲̲̅̅r̲̲̅̅O̲̲̅̅u̲̲̅̅S̲̲̅̅] ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿ KhAN-╤───
Adam_CZDate: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018, 5:49 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
I'm older than most of them if not all in terms of "first start" custom hero footies...

You are old player but "old player" does not mean "good player". For example rogerlucas is old player but I did not mention him.

Message edited by Adam_CZ - Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018, 5:49 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018, 6:37 AM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
You are old player but "old player" does not mean "good player".
Ya... Never understood your logic.

I'm pretty sure I know my own skill level and I'm pretty confident I by any measure was way beyond a "good player".
There isn't much to know about custom hero footies to be good at it.
1. Play with teammates.
2. Get mass pooled.
3. Claim to be #1 yourself.
Then automatically to players like you, that player becomes "good player". If not, then "not good player".

And for your future reference, "old player" means "old" player. "old" != "good".
You can check it in google through:
"define: old"
"define: good"

And plus, whenever I played with those "good players" (many of whom I enjoyed playing with or against), I'm fairly confident my end score was generally one of the highest if not the highest in each games.
Sure, I lost to them a lot but I don't play with teammates and I didn't at the time have some smurf or ally called Adam_CZ who would either feed the other player all game or go afk in my team and then claim I'm a "bad player".
It's incredibly hard to vs players like Cou, Stooge, JST4X all together (or at least two together) when I got an ally who keeps going afk and then claiming that I'm a bad player. Or even better, the ally feeding all game and then claiming that I'm bad because he mass pooled me all game after fight not understanding that feed doesn't mean much when you are being maimed 3v1 and that feeder is mass feeding the opponent levels.

Just saying the above cause I'm tired of all this "old player" does not mean "good player" even at 2018. I was hoping you would learn a thing or two over time but eh, I mean you were the guy people in this forum wanted to ban for a long time.
I kept trying to stand up for you multiple times and playing with you but what I got out of that is, you took advantage of that and decided to label me in the same tier of player as you in skills.
And seriously, you and I are different tiers. You should put me as "best players" instead of "good player" if you don't understand what I just stated above. smile

MrDark_DevilDate: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018, 6:54 PM | Message # 8
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Thats Great Adam already informed me , btw the hostbot still hpmm ?

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
OttoJDate: Wednesday, 27-Jun-2018, 7:33 PM | Message # 9
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Haha, not sure i am an old player, cuz i never left.  So i will play. 

thanks for the work Bond.

OttoJ, The Old Man
I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
FirNesSDate: Saturday, 30-Jun-2018, 12:14 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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eventually got a new pc. I'll come back a bit sometimes

AL_GIDate: Sunday, 01-Jul-2018, 5:31 PM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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I might play if we do an inhouse

P.S. I hope everyone is doing great

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

Web-GhostDate: Monday, 02-Jul-2018, 1:19 PM | Message # 12
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Cou, Stooge, JST4X
you forgot the old good player 

Adam_CZDate: Tuesday, 03-Jul-2018, 10:20 AM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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AccCreate we already spoke 1000x times about this. I will not waste my time by explatin you again and again. You are not good Custom Hero Footies. You are a little bit better than Rogerlucas or edureme. I saw you play 1000 games. And I play vs you 100 games. I won vs you very easy many times. But I never won in regular game (without stack) vs players like Roystom, Cou, F00ty or JST4X. Its very big different between you and them.
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 04-Jul-2018, 3:24 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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adam stop lol roystom is trash i never lost solo vs him

OsetinassDate: Wednesday, 04-Jul-2018, 8:49 AM | Message # 15
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something new wow. I promise order war3 within amazon and check out new version. When you think gonna finish?
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