Team Item Destroying Bans
Bio-AssAUlt | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 12:06 PM | Message # 1 |
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| Alright now lets discuss this one;
Team Item Destroying/Stealing. I've been asked by several people whether this is for destroying your own teams items or if destroying another teams items as well as your own is bannable.
Let's hear your guys thoughts on this as the rule is certainly unclear.
I do feel like destroying another teams items should be bannable. Base protection was turned on for a reason. The reason would be to allow people time to choose their heros, etc prior to mass without being attacked by other teams. I feel that by killing another teams items while base protection is turned on that players are by passing the point of base protection. Newer players need time to choose their skills and get to their items than experience players. I personally don't think it is fair that experienced players have the ability to kill newbies items while still selecting their heros. This hurts the new players or even experienced players that are just still selecting their heros damaging their ability to play well.
What's your opinions?
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BajsHoran | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 12:34 PM | Message # 2 |
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| its not really experienced players who do it. its just a mix of dickheads with various experience. And also i think a lot of experience players wait to pick their builds to see eventual vote / builds of another good player etc.
However i do think its ban no matter if its ur own or enemy team. But with so few admins... Its rly annoying to go post an offical qq request on here with game name that someone killed ur amulete... to much effort over such a small issue thats like what? 1 day ban?
Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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Web-Ghost | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 1:15 PM | Message # 3 |
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| Bio-AssAUlt, firstly i pm-ed about this to give me credit 2ndly it should be ok i mean half the time people camp to see other peoples spell so to stop them you force them to get there heroes out and if they dont they lose the item it should be ok although its very annoying but still its fun
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Adam_CZ | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 1:43 PM | Message # 4 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Many times i lose mass because i didnt have jaood amulet thus i didnt have mana (there are gay heroes like Ogr Lord or Tauren Chiftain and they cant cast just one f*cking spell without jaood) so i think we should ban people for killing items. Its not easy checking your base while your hero is in spell area and you are picking spells.
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FirNesS | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 2:40 PM | Message # 5 |
Robotic Ninja
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| Bio, be correct, answer to my pm.
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 3:11 PM | Message # 6 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Bio-Assault, congrats on becoming the head site owner of this forum. (lol?)
Anyways, item destroying won't work from 4.1 so 'till then, let's just keep it banworthy for like a day or two. And for ban issues.....
We barely have admins to do the jobs properly and Bajs is kinda telling the truth about this issue. The ban is too like... small for pubs to annoy themselves making an account in CHF.UCOZ.COM
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AL_GI | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 4:08 PM | Message # 7 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Ban
Call me "GOD”
︻芫══一 (—_—)
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Bio-AssAUlt | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 7:00 PM | Message # 8 |
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| Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) Bio-Assault, congrats on becoming the head site owner of this forum.
I didn't change that. Spider changed bond, himself, me and and kobas to the same group so we had access to a builder function which only that group possess. I didn't even notice it until you said that lol.
Quote RosarioVampireZ (  ) We barely have admins to do the jobs properly
I haven't been adding staff because the ban system is screwed up an random has yet to fix it still.
Quote Web-Ghost (  ) Bio-AssAUlt, firstly i pm-ed about this to give me credit
lol sorry i didn't realize that you deserved credit for asking a simple question, let alone it being a question numerous other people have already asked me anyways.
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OttoJ | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 10:22 PM | Message # 9 |
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| I would like to ban it. It is really hard to compete without. It takes a bit of gold to replace the loss.
I would be doing more bans, but mine only work in games. Sorry.
OttoJ, The Old Man I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2015, 11:35 PM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) Team Item Destroying/Stealing. I've been asked by several people whether this is for destroying your own teams items or if destroying another teams items as well as your own is bannable.
omg, lack of game experience is leaking. . .
it was meant for people on your team, "allies". this is a form of team killing, sort of, as you are contributing to the loss of your team mates. this does not just cover the jaood amulet or boots, but includes all items as some people will steal your items(thanks to the auto sharing once ur hero is out of tavern) and will remove control so that you cannot regain them.
leaving ur items out in the open is your fault and its ur duty to keep them safe(put footies in the area to block . . .)
if you're going to nitpick about this, then you may as well remove all the win code heroes as it is not fair to new players, it isnt fair that medihv, captain bond, undead bond, ice dragon, and warden have a free blink. . . just look at the wisp, it has a free wind walk. that cou hero has evasion, cyray and heroes are hard to click on, shamans have death coil(should be removed but instead, bond lowered the damage/heal, this is unfair to alive heroes. . .)
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Bio-AssAUlt | Date: Friday, 30-Jan-2015, 6:50 PM | Message # 11 |
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| Quote ic3dt3a (  ) omg, lack of game experience is leaking. . .
Not sure what starting a thread about a question that numerous experienced players have asked me has to do with a lack of game experience but alright!
Quote ic3dt3a (  ) if you're going to nitpick about this
There's no nitpicking to it. The rule is unclear and needs to be written in a clear manner so I stop getting nagged about it. Is there a reason why you are always so rude? It is absolutely unnecessary.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Friday, 30-Jan-2015, 7:26 PM | Message # 12 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) Not sure what starting a thread about a question that numerous experienced players have asked me has to do with a lack of game experience but alright!
regarding my comment, its an overall to everyone complaining about items being destroyed.
Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) Let's hear your guys thoughts on this as the rule is certainly unclear. Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) What's your opinions?
Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) There's no nitpicking to it. The rule is unclear and needs to be written in a clear manner so I stop getting nagged about it.
i think it's pretty clear; it is pretty fkin obvious that the other people are NOT on YOUR TEAM. if there is ANY question about what TEAM it is referring to, then anyone who puts in a request for a ban for "another team killing my items" deserves a ban as they are team killing the other players.
Quote Bio-AssAUlt (  ) Is there a reason why you are always so rude? It is absolutely unnecessary.
rude? there was nothing rude about my reply. . . if you are seeing something as offending(to yourself obviously), maybe u should check your hormome levels( <- now this is how its done, nab)
Message edited by ic3dt3a - Friday, 30-Jan-2015, 7:27 PM |
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Friday, 30-Jan-2015, 8:31 PM | Message # 13 |
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| I think that people before mass shouldn't be allowed to enter enemies Base this is idea to over come it Added (30-Jan-2015, 8:31 PM) --------------------------------------------- Suggested player who do this in all game is 777silver777
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Random260 | Date: Friday, 30-Jan-2015, 9:47 PM | Message # 14 |
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| Bio... do you seriously need to open a thread for every single rule. The rule as it stands is no ally item destroying. If people didn't have a problem with the rules already stated then why open one up for discussion? The issue is the ban time not the rules.
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Adam_CZ | Date: Saturday, 31-Jan-2015, 1:26 AM | Message # 15 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote ic3dt3a (  ) if you're going to nitpick about this, then you may as well remove all the win code heroes as it is not fair to new players, it isnt fair that medihv, captain bond, undead bond, ice dragon, and warden have a free blink. . . just look at the wisp, it has a free wind walk. that cou hero has evasion, cyray and heroes are hard to click on, shamans have death coil(should be removed but instead, bond lowered the damage/heal, this is unfair to alive heroes. . .) I agree about Cyray and Princess Pink... actually last month i am abusing that Princess hero 400 codes i am trying get her every game because i know for my enemies its very hard to kill me.
Shamans is not OP i dont understand why bond wanna nerf them. If you play vs average players they all focus shaman with spells like bolt, nova, acid bomb or roots... trust me going banish and shaman vs players better than rogerlucas and edu.reme is very bad idea.
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