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Status Update - Page 2 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Status Update
Bio-AssAUltDate: Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:19 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
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Hello All,

As you're well aware the bots have been down for 2+ months again. Bond and I had lengthy discussions tonight resulting in the decision to start over again. (Neither one of us even know who owns the current bots so we have no other options.)

Additionally, LunaGhost (our hosting provider) notified bond 2 months ago that there was an irreversible error now caused by the bnet update effecting all Luna bots. Therefore, they intended on shutting down Luna. I am not sure if this did in fact happen, but none the less it just reinforces our decision to transfer the bots.

I am working with a new hosting provider to restore the bots ASAP. The bots will operate the same as always with the exception of a new type of stats page, BanCP, the usual redirect bots on each realm and no more ELO system. (sorry but we are not going through all that)

If you want something done and you want it done right... do it yourself.  sleep 

Will keep you all apprised.

Message edited by Bio-AssAUlt - Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:22 PM
Fiery__WADate: Friday, 11-Aug-2017, 10:52 AM | Message # 16
Group: Users
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Well it's August ant news om the HPMMM bots?
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 13-Aug-2017, 7:20 PM | Message # 17
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
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Quote Fiery__WA ()
Well it's August ant news om the HPMMM bots?

game's dead
Bio-AssAUltDate: Tuesday, 15-Aug-2017, 0:18 AM | Message # 18
Head Administrator
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Khan went behind my back and set up a new system of bots while we (Bond and I) were in the process of having ENT rebuild everything. Following discovering this, I cancelled our agreement and shut down the new server. I worked hard for weeks to try and get the new system up to par only for those efforts and investments to be rendered useless by Khan/LFE and their new system. I'm not here to compete with anyone and after that whole fiasco which I found to be pretty disrespectful I too have lost motivation to resuscitate this community. I have promoted Web-Ghost to a Head Admin. Web now has full authority and proper access to handle all matters as they pertain to these forums.

If you need to reach me for any serious issues which WG cannot resolve (site being down, etc) feel free to email me at .

I would have worked with Khan but our views differ greatly. He is allowing people to buy admin therefore the issues of abuse and stacking from the past will be very real again. The community is fully aware of my disagreement with being allowed to buy admin. Additionally I was going to be covering the costs of the server on my own therefore eliminating the need for donations. I was never in this for the money and never will be so I am sorry but I don't want to associate myself with them and their New for-profit agenda.
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 20-Aug-2017, 3:28 PM | Message # 19
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
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the sale of admin was also taking place with you guys, so i dont see how you can get upset with khan. i dont know the back story, so i dont really understand how you and random got involved with the game at all. tbh, the game, when you guys became involved with chf, it started going south... trying to implement the elo system in this game was a joke
Bio-AssAUltDate: Sunday, 20-Aug-2017, 11:13 PM | Message # 20
Head Administrator
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You clearly have me confused with someone else. I banned buying admin the second I had the authority to do so. I wanted the ELO system gone from the get go. That was all random buddy.
l3etuceDate: Tuesday, 22-Aug-2017, 1:17 AM | Message # 21
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What happened ? I have no clue here ?

I love green leetuce
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 27-Aug-2017, 5:26 PM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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Discord site link died 2 weeks ago.

Just saying.

Username: Funky_Sh1t at USEast

FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 30-Aug-2017, 6:59 AM | Message # 23
Robotic Ninja
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Can't come to East rosa, im shaman of clan LFE

sneakyamxxDate: Thursday, 02-Nov-2017, 4:20 AM | Message # 24
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I own dedicated servers across the globe. If anyone has experience setting up bots i am willing to host them.. just hit me up
Best method is via STEAM @
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 08-Nov-2017, 5:02 PM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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lol who the f are you

attackers2012Date: Thursday, 09-Nov-2017, 6:32 AM | Message # 26
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toxic person firness, not welcoming new assholes at chf
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 10-Nov-2017, 2:06 AM | Message # 27
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
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Hey Fir, any bots for CHF? The one I'm on right now (DX's bot) takes forever. 

I just wanted to play just outa memories :DD

FirNesSDate: Friday, 10-Nov-2017, 4:29 PM | Message # 28
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
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It's the only bot. It doesn't fill that fast but when I tryed it, it was pretty okay.
@attackers says the guy who's only about insulting other people. It's just that if someone sets a CHF bot I think we all deserve to know who he is before supporting his request, I'm not going to trust the first random guy who shows up. If he's gonna ask for any donation I don't want people to get scamed. But maybe this is too complicated for a restricted mind like yours?

attackers2012Date: Saturday, 11-Nov-2017, 11:27 PM | Message # 29
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Sorry cry
katriel7Date: Friday, 17-Nov-2017, 11:32 AM | Message # 30
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Does anyone remember me? im just wondering if the game works? i mean ive been out of playing war3 for like almost 3 years now but im thinking to back because i just read on CHF page on facebook(SPANISH) that the game is back and all the old players responded within minutes so i want to know whats going on because im trying to install war3!

HI to all the players in this community who has been here for long time wink

I'm not the better but some day i will rape you!!
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