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Status Update - Page 3 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Status Update
Bio-AssAUltDate: Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:19 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
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Hello All,

As you're well aware the bots have been down for 2+ months again. Bond and I had lengthy discussions tonight resulting in the decision to start over again. (Neither one of us even know who owns the current bots so we have no other options.)

Additionally, LunaGhost (our hosting provider) notified bond 2 months ago that there was an irreversible error now caused by the bnet update effecting all Luna bots. Therefore, they intended on shutting down Luna. I am not sure if this did in fact happen, but none the less it just reinforces our decision to transfer the bots.

I am working with a new hosting provider to restore the bots ASAP. The bots will operate the same as always with the exception of a new type of stats page, BanCP, the usual redirect bots on each realm and no more ELO system. (sorry but we are not going through all that)

If you want something done and you want it done right... do it yourself.  sleep 

Will keep you all apprised.

Message edited by Bio-AssAUlt - Friday, 19-May-2017, 8:22 PM
MrDark_DevilDate: Monday, 20-Nov-2017, 5:13 AM | Message # 31
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you still alive man hahaha XD

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 23-Nov-2017, 8:20 AM | Message # 32
Robotic Ninja
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Hi Katriel, yes the game still exists, but as you can guess it will never be as popular as it used to be. There are still some decent players playing, it's always good to remind the old days. wink

Bio-AssAUltDate: Monday, 11-Dec-2017, 9:50 PM | Message # 33
Head Administrator
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Well it appears Khan's bots are gone. Not to say I told you so or anything, but when people are in it for the money they don't care to work to see the community itself sustain and come out of pocket at times to ensure it does so. This is why I was covering the costs of the new server myself had you guys just been patient. More redirect bots were going to be put up and it wouldn't have been an issue of the game not filling.

Yeah Khan-'s bots were a new shiny toy ready to go but you should have all known to trust that Bond and I would have made sure the new bots were optimal. As I tried to explain, my friend was building our bots at the same time the Diablo2 Ban sweeped WC3 as well banning all bot cdkeys. As he runs the servers he obviously had to focus on getting ENT and VFG back up prior to our bots being up seeing that they ran on their systems.

For now I'm remaining reserved but will consider having them rebuild the system if I think there's any chance of actual resuscitation and whether or not I even have the will to do so at this point.
FirNesSDate: Wednesday, 13-Dec-2017, 10:09 AM | Message # 34
Robotic Ninja
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Yeah it was obvious. At first I did what I could to try to gather the community on discord and in clan LFE, but at some point I realised it was all for nothing. As for now I kinda stopped playing as I've been told F00ty is back I could come and play too. If I ever become active again I would obviously be willing to help you with the bots. wink

AL_GIDate: Wednesday, 13-Dec-2017, 11:40 AM | Message # 35
Zombie Pirate
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Quote katriel7 ()
Does anyone remember me? im just wondering if the game works? i mean ive been out of playing war3 for like almost 3 years now but im thinking to back because i just read on CHF page on facebook(SPANISH) that the game is back and all the old players responded within minutes so i want to know whats going on because im trying to install war3!

HI to all the players in this community who has been here for long time

ofc I remember you wink

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

OttoJDate: Friday, 15-Dec-2017, 1:53 AM | Message # 36
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There is a bot online, it is dollarmix bot. It runs well, but does not have many redirects. I can play each nite and am donating to keep it alive....I never donated to Khan, something was just wrong there.

OttoJ, The Old Man
I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
Adam_CZDate: Saturday, 16-Dec-2017, 10:03 AM | Message # 37
Robotic Ninja
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Dollarmix? I remember his name.
Bio-AssAUltDate: Saturday, 16-Dec-2017, 11:33 AM | Message # 38
Head Administrator
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I just gave access to all ENT code depositories, including the ELO system to dollarmix. Him and I can discuss the potential of utilizing these forums and his bots combined and him potentially joining leadership here in order for us to all work together to reboost the community. I will work with him to try and expand the current system he is running and add more redirects. Will update soon.
OttoJDate: Sunday, 17-Dec-2017, 9:38 AM | Message # 39
Group: Game Mod
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Thanks. Hope we can have a good team again some day. Still if it dies it is ok. It had a long run.

OttoJ, The Old Man
I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 17-Dec-2017, 11:27 AM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
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Cool. Try to get some real admins and not just donators. wink

AL_GIDate: Monday, 18-Dec-2017, 6:47 PM | Message # 41
Zombie Pirate
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The bot is on EU or EAST?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

DooMsDate: Tuesday, 19-Dec-2017, 7:44 AM | Message # 42
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dx_hbot on eu , dx_hbot1 on east
l3etuceDate: Tuesday, 19-Dec-2017, 2:11 PM | Message # 43
Group: Game Mod
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Quote Bio-AssAUlt ()
I just gave access to all ENT code depositories, including the ELO system to dollarmix. Him and I can discuss the potential of utilizing these forums and his bots combined and him potentially joining leadership here in order for us to all work together to reboost the community. I will work with him to try and expand the current system he is running and add more redirects. Will update soon.

Cool story bro.

I love green leetuce
Bio-AssAUltDate: Saturday, 23-Dec-2017, 11:12 PM | Message # 44
Head Administrator
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It is not going to work out with dollarmix. He’s only selling admin (I don’t even need to explain again how I feel about that and the issues it causes)

Additionally dollar was not willing to give Bond and I root on the bots and he is unwilling to be an admin here and says he doesn’t really use the forums. So not sure what he plans to do about his ban requests, appeals and general community engagement but I suppose he can figure out how all that works the hard way.

He’s additionally trying to channel traffic to other sources (stats page, etc) while using Adsense to make money. I’m not sure why every new person who tries to host the map thinks we haven’t been through it all before. We’re not here to make dollarmix money nor ourselves.

Nevertheless, Bond and I just talked about it all and are going to once again do what we do and try to get the original system back online and back up to standards. But if there’s going to be nothing but complaints this will be the last time we go out of our way to try and keep this game alive. He may have made the map, but we barely play it. We do what we do for the community as a whole, not to serve our own self interests.

Will update soon. Happy Holidays to you all
Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 24-Dec-2017, 1:57 AM | Message # 45
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Quote Bio-AssAUlt ()
LunaGhost (our hosting provider) notified bond 2 months ago that there was an irreversible error now caused by the bnet update effecting all Luna bots. Therefore, they intended on shutting down Luna. I am not sure if this did in fact happen, but none the less it just reinforces our decision to transfer the bots
i think ik how to fix it now :3

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