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General Staff Qualification Guidelines - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
General Staff Qualification Guidelines
Bio-AssAUltDate: Sunday, 04-Jan-2015, 4:02 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
Awards: 0
Reputation: 603
Status: Offline

(All of the following guidelines must be met by the applicant for any consideration)

1. Applicant is both constructive and descriptive while remaining both relevant and to-the-point on their application.
2. Applicant shows a true desire and want for the position of which they are applying for.
3. The Applications is constructed in a "mature" and appropriate manner as well as the proper format.
4. No aggressive, derogatory, spiteful, demeaning, harassing, bigoted, disrespectful, or racial comments are included in their application or the majority of their forums posts.
5. All prior posts and threads (overall on made by the applicant on any/all accounts have been not in violation of any listed Rules, Regulations or Codes of Conduct. (some exceptions for minor infractions)
6. Applicants prior experience (league, management, VB, elite ladders, etc.) check out and is not found to be, in any way, misleading or falsely represented.
7. All questions are answered in full to the best of the applicant's ability.
8. Applicant is at least 16 years of age.
9. Applicant is non-secretive, misleading, or otherwise acting in a "sketchy" manner.
10. All CHF Staff Members are required to use teamspeak after being added to the staff.
11. Applicant responds to Administrators questions in a timely and complete manner.
12. Significant experience playing CHF.

(Other qualifications may exist. This list is not all inclusive, nor do meeting these qualifications automatically qualify you as a member of staff)
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