mehrquack game moderator
mehrquack | Date: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 12:50 PM | Message # 1 |
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| WC3 Username (list any and all aliases) : Answer : mehrquack
Realms Played On: Answer : useast
Your real name: Answer : privat information
Your age: Answer : 17 years old
Your date of birth: Answer : 1997
Country you live in : Germany
Please tell us more about you (in good detail) : I am 17 years old teenager who enjoys to meet friends and several kinds of sports like football or table tennis.
Currently i work hard on my school grades in order to receive a good upper shool certificate. As a result i am only able to play chf on weekends. I really like chf because it allows me to recover from stress . In addition to that it also make a lot of fun ( mostly if the teams arent stacked ). Before playing chf i used to play footmen heros. Then i discoverd an awesome called chf . It allowed you to create your own builds . It allowed you to use unique units in order to dominate the game like golems . It is so fucking complex compared to many games i have played in my [gamer ] career. Of course there are many problems in chf like elo or mass stack ( including alts ).
What is your availability to be online: Answer : I mostly play on weekends..
Relevant experience in a position like this: Yes . I was admin on clan hpmm bot as well as on assasin_west bots
Do you have Teamspeak 3; have you ever used it? In my opinion teamspeak isnt necessary for chf . Therefore i dont have it .
What are your current CHF stats on all accounts: They are quite bad and they dont represent my skill level . I lost many games because of donation , mass stack ( mostly alts teams ) and uim mode.
Have you been a CHF Bot Admin previously? If so, how and when did you lose it? : Answer : I lost it because of the admin purge
Have you applied for this position before? If so, when? If denied, why? Answer : No . In the past however my adminship has been delayed because of being childish.. ( sad )
How can you benefit this community if given moderator status?: The commuinty can benefit from following reasons : 1. I dont want to become an admin becuase of elo/power again . I (as admin) always tried to make a fair/balanced game for everyone . I even swapped good players from my team away in order to achive this ambition 2. I respect the bot rules : If someone abuse/behave against the rules i ban him . I dont ban players because of rage/personal feelings Moreover i used to remove bans which arent legit . 3. I try to improve chf in general 4. I am mostly friendly ( and if i use bad words i only try to make them ( my enemys ) a little bit angry ) and helpful 5. I am not an average chf ucozer ( meaning e.g no drama ) 6. People will have good games (without e.g mass delaying through lag )
Your closing statement : I am nice guy :d
Do you confirm that all information given in this application is 100% true and non-misleading? Answer : Yes .
More info : I wish everyone a good year 2015 even if he tends to be "specail".
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
Message edited by mehrquack - Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 1:03 PM |
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a_chinese_kid | Date: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 7:43 PM | Message # 2 |
Robotic Ninja
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| We're near same age. We could be friends irl probly? What school you are go?
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 6:16 AM | Message # 3 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I think Mehrquack was good admin. He never ban without good reason. But in other side I saw him many times abuse !sp like Fiery_WA... if you will not abuse !sp maybe you will be good admin (my opinion)
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mehrquack | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 6:48 AM | Message # 4 |
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) I think Mehrquack was good admin. He never ban without good reason. But in other side I saw him many times abuse !sp like Fiery_WA... if you will not abuse !sp maybe you will be good admin (my opinion) Frist of all !sp isnt abuse . I dont use it for my own advantage however i use it for balancing teams which are mostly full of alts/elo booster . Where is the problem ?Added (11-Jan-2015, 6:48 AM) ---------------------------------------------
Quote a_chinese_kid (  ) We're near same age. We could be friends irl probly? What school you are go? Nice .. I am going to a german school :d We can play some games together if you want
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 8:06 AM | Message # 5 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| !sp is definitely abuse
for example there are two players who are best friends and they want play together... one of them is for example Mr.123 and second is Mr.456. They both join BOT and they are in same team...
After this some admin (mehrquack or Fiery) join game and type !SP and these two friends are not in same team anymore. What can they do? Leave game and go next because you ruined their game?
I hope now you understand why SP is abuse.
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mehrquack | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 8:30 AM | Message # 6 |
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| Sp isnt abuse when alts/elo booster are in the game
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 8:51 AM | Message # 7 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Are you stupid? Why you cant understand that some players are friends and they want play together? And its their choice if they play under alt or under real accounts. They can do whatever they want (if they dont map hack etc). You dont have permission ruin their game by !sp command.
Well you dont deserve admin.
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hassanrizvi10 | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 9:54 AM | Message # 8 |
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| You are right Adams ! Sp should be done only if people agrees
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mehrquack | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:05 PM | Message # 9 |
Group: Clan Members
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| Quote Adam_CZ (  ) Are you stupid? Why you cant understand that some players are friends and they want play together? And its their choice if they play under alt or under real accounts. They can do whatever they want (if they dont map hack etc). You dont have permission ruin their game by !sp command. Frist of all in the most cases i swap friends together ( i have a other definition of friend e.g sampe ip adress ) Whats is more unfair : Mass stacked alts => You dont know that u have no chance win => The lack of knowlege gives you no choice to leave or You have the choice the leave the game if you want
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
Message edited by mehrquack - Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:44 PM |
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Adam_CZ | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:20 PM | Message # 10 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| I agree its impossible win vs stack and its not really important if they are alts or real accounts. You can use !cs and !alias them and you can just leave and go next game.
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i-connect | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:31 PM | Message # 11 |
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| I have some question about your app as it seems unsatisfactory atm. If you only have time to play on weekends, will you still be able to do forum works like ban request? Would you do some on the weeek days? Im a senior with 4 ap classes, straight A's and still have time at night to check forums.
Do you know how to detect map hack?
Fyi team speak is for staff; not to play chf.
Tell me a little more about your application and answer my questions. Your application may be denied, so tell me something that wiill impress me and ill make sure To recommend you to staff, only if you do impress me.
Message edited by i-connect - Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:34 PM |
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mehrquack | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:51 PM | Message # 12 |
Group: Clan Members
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| Quote i-connect (  ) If you only have time to play on weekends, will you still be able to do forum works like ban request? Would you do some on the weeek days? Im a senior with 4 ap classes, straight A's and still have time at night to check forums. Yes , I would be able to deal with ban request on tuesday
Quote i-connect (  ) Do you know how to detect map hack? Well i dont know how to use fog click dectector. But i still think that i am able to dectect map hack by/through watching replays
Quote i-connect (  ) Tell me a little more about your application and answer my questions. Your application may be denied, so tell me something that wiill impress me and ill make sure To recommend you to staff, only if you do impress me. In the past i mostly handled admin abuse. Thats not a joke
Edit : Giving me admin is an advantage for chf . In my opinion if someone is a contribution to the bot he should get admin ( in the most cases)
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
Message edited by mehrquack - Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 1:55 PM |
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i-connect | Date: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 2:19 PM | Message # 13 |
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| Quote mehrquack (  ) Edit : Giving me admin is an advantage for chf . In my opinion if someone is a contribution to the bot he should get admin ( in the most cases) Than a lot of people would get admin, therefore, leading to corruption.Quote mehrquack (  ) Yes , I would be able to deal with ban request on tuesday thats it?
I will notify head admin of their decision on your application. I have mine.
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mehrquack | Date: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 11:11 AM | Message # 14 |
Group: Clan Members
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| Quote i-connect (  ) Than a lot of people would get admin, therefore, leading to corruption. No it seems we have different definition of contribution. I my is the following : -->only trustful player e.g me/cou/you=> no admin abuse -->excluding the most donators because a high % of them tend to abuse + they dont know the rules -->players who want to : a) improve the game b) to become admin in order to guarantee good games for everyone ( no elo/power again ambition)
Quote i-connect (  ) leading to corruption. The problem of corruption was based on several grievances: -nobody checked bans ( including you , cou etc). Many abuses were obvious because of the ban description -giving adminship to people you dont know . - weak puinshments for admin who abuse their power
Edit : Think what you think . But i was and would be a good admin
Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 11:20 AM | Message # 15 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| The problem with trusty people is that almost all the members in this forum are trustworthy
In fact, this forum only has veterans Now the problem is uhm... how will you distinguish yourself from this crowd? I mean we cant let everyone be game mod so..
how? A good way I think is if you say you would check mhs OR you would take over some other game mod's role (if a game mod decides to quit cause it is such a taxing role with almost no benefits) and the game mod is happy with switching and all things are agreed by others ^^
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 11:21 AM |
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