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Trixxareforkids - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 6:55 PM | Message # 1
Zombie Pirate
Group: Investor
Messages: 1162
Awards: 3
Reputation: 2355
Status: Offline
Hello! I would like to apply to be a forum moderator. 

WC3 Username (list any and all aliases): 
Answer: Trixxareforkids  

Realms Played On: 
Answer: East.

Your real name: 
Answer: Daniel.

Your age: 
Answer: 20.

Your date of birth: 
Answer: July 24, 1994

Country you live in: 
Answer: Canada

Please tell us more about you (in good detail): 
Answer: I am one of the most experienced and venerable of the forum perusers. I love this community, and I will do basically anything to gain Bond's approval. 

What is your availability to be online: 
Answer: I hang out online regularly. 

Relevant experience in a position like this: 
Answer: I have previously served as a moderator for this forum. 

Any administration/moderation experience? 
Answer: See above.

Do you have Teamspeak 3; have you ever used it? 
Answer: No.

What are your current CHF stats on all accounts: 
Answer: N/A

Have you been a CHF Bot Admin previously? If so, how and when did you lose it? 
Answer: Yes, for several years; I would have lost it in turnover after I stopped playing.

Have you applied for this position before? If so, when? If denied, why? 
Answer: I lost my forum adminship because I said a bad word to Spider. I was a good admin and I will not say a bad word to you.

How can you benefit this community if given moderator status? 
Answer: I am thoughtful, able to concisely articulated well-developed opinions on issues such as problematic behaviour, insubordination and damaging text and actions. This forum respects my input as well as my ability to bring levity to a tense situation while simultaneously restoring order. 

Your closing statement: 
Answer: I would like to go ahead and thank you for this great honour.

Do you confirm that all information given in this application is 100% true and non-misleading? 
Answer: Yes.

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
i-connectDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:00 PM | Message # 2
Lead Administrator
Group: Users
Messages: 233
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1169
Status: Offline
you are a worthy person to be on staff! You have been in the community for a very long time and seem like you are very worthy to moderate the forums. I approve your application and will notify head admins consider adding you.

Message edited by i-connect - Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:08 PM
TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:02 PM | Message # 3
Zombie Pirate
Group: Investor
Messages: 1162
Awards: 3
Reputation: 2355
Status: Offline

"being admin on a forum is NOT a super power" - lSpiderl


"CHF has been my childhood. It actually defined lots of my childhood." - RosarioVampireZ
AL_GIDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:06 PM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
He dont even write in ban request, you guys are serious?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

i-connectDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:54 PM | Message # 5
Lead Administrator
Group: Users
Messages: 233
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1169
Status: Offline
Forum mods don't need to do ban request -_- but rather moderate forums. forum mods dont get in game access.

Message edited by i-connect - Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 7:55 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 8:28 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
Awards: 0
Reputation: 4239
Status: Offline
Hey I-con
Look at my reproofs

Trixx just reproofs for no reason
and algi is right
trixx just comes and goes every few months
it's really unfair and it should be

some players like firness are actually much more active
just saying bro

lspiderlDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 8:29 PM | Message # 7
Site Manager
Group: Administrators
Messages: 2428
Awards: 1
Reputation: 1492
Status: Offline

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
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