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what about something new? - Forum

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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Random260, Bio-AssAUlt  
what about something new?
katriel7Date: Saturday, 13-Feb-2016, 11:40 PM | Message # 1
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ive thinking about the same think chf is dying idk how to explain it maybe new player wont understand it cuz they all noobs(im trying to offend) but for me all of them play -uim mode so is so boring every game play that mode so easy lol whoever can win.. someone can organize a tournament something dif!! something new!! maybe head admins can hep us with that give to the winners 2k elo maybe idk biggrin

I'm not the better but some day i will rape you!!
13eastynlDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 3:10 AM | Message # 2
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Something like last man standing ore king of the hill
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 6:01 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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The only person able to touch elo is Random, and he does not answer to PMs and does not seem to even care about this game. Then a tournament is a good idea but it already didn't work when it was chf golden age and so many people were active so I don't think it will right now. Plus who is willing to organize it entirely lol?

lotrrotkDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 6:09 AM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
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Quote katriel7 ()
someone can organize a tournament something dif!! something new!!
PLus recently tried an inhouse 2 weeks ago (here) and it didn't go so well
So I'm not really sure a tournament will work without making announcements on the bot (because most of the active players don't view these forums) but in order to make announcements on the bot we need Random260 to come back from being afk (which I don't think is possible.........more like I lost hope).
So yeah organizing a tournament on the forums won't go too well because we'll barely have people OR even if people do agree we have a huge time zone difference so choosing an exact date and time + making sure everyone gets there and discussing all of this on the forums will not work out
If people do post on this thread and are willing to play in a tourney, I'll talk to Web/Bio/Bond and we can organize something.....but only if people are willing to (we need at least around 15 people....which I think are still less in number but looking at the active players on the forum 15 would be okayish)

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 6:15 AM
13eastynlDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 6:48 AM | Message # 5
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also another nice mode would be is to drain down enemies pole ore something like that
Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 10:54 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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No chance revive CHF. Why? Its simply. Because old players (Cou, F00ty, JST4X, Cyray, Soundwaves...) will not come back anymore. PLus tried make inhouse few weeks ago and also dont forget that it was me who tried do something too:

Bye bye CHF it was really cool game.
13eastynlDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 11:48 AM | Message # 7
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Bye bye CHF it was really cool game.

We have a saying in the netherlands, if you aint got nothing good to say then better say nothing.
The game you know is dead, the game i know is still going on.
angrylucasrogerDate: Sunday, 14-Feb-2016, 12:09 PM | Message # 8
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Game dont be dead, because we are still playing in CHF without few old players. We are play 2 year without old and? I think if forum/invest/lobby active , game cant be dead. gl/hf and come on play. new players try play good.
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