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b3p game moderator - Forum

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b3p game moderator
b3pDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 3:29 AM | Message # 1
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 315
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WC3 Username (list any and all aliases):
Answer: b3p

Realms Played On:
Answer: useast

Your real name:
Answer: Steecy Agosta

Your age:
Answer: 21

Your date of birth:
Answer: 10 january 1993

Country you live in:
Answer: France (#Je suis Charlie)

Please tell us more about you (in good detail):
Answer: I am playing CHF from 2007, and war3 from 2002. I play a lot ladder in Northrend but still play only CHF now. I was in clan HPMM from somes years. Im working at a Commercial jobs. I love Cou. I hate Adam. I had some trouble whis Bio-a, but all done now. I play whis my frenchy team (Sylelebelle and Firness). I mb abused some years ago, but now Im 100% saft. Im a pro for revelal Map Hackeurs. I did a lot analyse in this forum and I can do more if we need. I can also code in PhP and PhPbb

What is your availability to be online:
Answer: Everyday

Relevant experience in a position like this:
Answer: Lol. From 2002 I was admin at like 500 bots. Im HPMM from CLANHPMM bots is online

Any administration/moderation experience?
Answer: yes. I had my own website ( Clan TLS for my clan @northrend )

Do you have Teamspeak 3; have you ever used it?
Answer: No, but I had during some years and I know how to use it wink

What are your current CHF stats on all accounts:
Realm:useast.battle.netGames:1,196CHF games:1,196CHF W/L:955/241 (79.85%)CHF score:2438.91 (3)

Have you been a CHF Bot Admin previously? If so, how and when did you lose it?
Answer: Yes, purge

Have you applied for this position before? If so, when? If denied, why?
Answer: No

How can you benefit this community if given moderator status?
Answer: People will say I want to be admin for ELO but Its false. Yes I mb used 6v6 mode for get faster ELO but I didn't know that was a abuse, from Cou said me to stop, I stopped. I want to be admin for Maphack purge here. Im a fogclick master, I did a lot analyse here and I will ban every map hackeur I find.

Your closing statement:
Answer: What ?

Do you confirm that all information given in this application is 100% true and non-misleading?
Answer: Yes

More info: bep beeeep

See you smile

-> My fan mehraquack will rage soon here, like always... Adam Jr x))


Message edited by b3p - Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 7:00 AM
13eastynlDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 3:35 AM | Message # 2
Group: Users
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mehrquackDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 6:22 AM | Message # 3
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 227
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Reputation: 328
Status: Offline
B3p you abused so heavily that giving you adminship would be a paradox . You derseved many times a permanent ban and you really ask for "game moderator" status ?
It is called game moderator and not "abusing admin powers". The only reason why you arent banned is that Cou/Random/Bond dont want to deal with a little kid who will hack/mass spam if he is banned on a legit reason . In the past you also swore at me many times through pm which showes that u have no life . No dont give him admin . It fucking unfair to :
1.everyone who lost his admin

2. everyone who got perma-banned

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
b3pDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 7:02 AM | Message # 4
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 315
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Hehe what I said x) I rapt u 40x in game so uMAD everytime against me <3

mehrquackDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 8:22 AM | Message # 5
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 227
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No no no no no.... no^^100000000
Every time you won vs me  was 1vs3 . I wouldnt call it rape . People thinking that a stacked based win is a achievement are idiots and shouldnt get admin :d
(Moreover ur mates played better than you so yeah it wasnt even ur win )

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"

Message edited by mehrquack - Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 8:23 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 8:59 AM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
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Guys guys
Lets try toning this a bit

and both of you
you guys can at least talk in spoilers if you usings worda like

AL_GIDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 9:14 AM | Message # 7
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
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Dont even think to be moderator, you abuse a lot and do not deserve admin, you only deserve to be  perma ban for what you did

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)


Message edited by AL_GI - Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 8:05 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 1:41 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
Reputation: 2723
Status: Offline

Message edited by ic3dt3a - Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 1:42 PM
b3pDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 3:07 PM | Message # 9
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 315
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1190
Status: Offline
Lol, this was more of one years ago and THAT WAS JOKING.

RosarioVampireZDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 6:38 PM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 2113
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Do you guys mind actually putting all those comments on spoilers?
F bombs and everything visible isn't what this community is.
Seriously, no offense but if this is still visible after 48 hours, I see no abuse with head admins suddenly reproofing
So uhmmm, all those things in spoilers or
at least the admins can do it for you lol

a_chinese_kidDate: Saturday, 10-Jan-2015, 7:40 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 3952
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Quote mehrquack ()
B3p you abused so heavily that giving you adminship would be a paradox

AL_GIDate: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 5:36 PM | Message # 12
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
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Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
lol i-connect is administrator now?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 11-Jan-2015, 5:59 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
Group: Investor
Messages: 2347
Awards: 1
Reputation: 2723
Status: Offline
Quote AL_GI ()
lol i-connect is administrator now?

this isnt going to make the community grow though. it seems that the only active people are either groveling to be a part of the staff(to a dwindling forum) or are just here(both on the forum and in game) trying to have fun.
i-connectDate: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 0:49 AM | Message # 14
Lead Administrator
Group: Users
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Sorry due to the decision of the staffs, we may not accept you. Re apply next time (maybe three weeks?) once you show the staff you are trustworthy and we may consider adding you onto the staff. ATM helping with ban request and not abusing or violating rules will bring your trust back. Once again, sorry. !DENIED


Message edited by i-connect - Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 0:52 AM
Random260Date: Monday, 12-Jan-2015, 10:08 AM | Message # 15
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 685
Awards: 0
Reputation: 987
Status: Offline
I-connect..... Once a thread is processed please put in processed section. I thought you knew this...

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