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Forum moderator: Bond009, Bio-AssAUlt, Cou, Random260  
VexslasherDate: Saturday, 11-Apr-2015, 10:36 PM | Message # 1
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Your Actual Main username: Vexslasher
Your username you were banned on: Vexslasher
What Realm/Server were you banned on: USEAST
Rule you violated and give short explanation why you were banned: Says Spoofing. I never spoofed anyone so guessing it means someone spoofed me.
Any further thoughts: I know I haven't played in long time but I'd like to be able play sometimes.. Not fair to ban me for someone spoofing me.

Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 0:57 AM | Message # 2
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Vexslasher, banned for check your pm


Message edited by Web-Ghost - Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 0:59 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 1:29 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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You are banned because you helped make the game.

Like legit, that's the reason for your ban.
>.< Welcome to CHF ^^

Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 1:36 AM | Message # 4
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
You are banned because you helped make the game.
she is right

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 2:32 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Vexslasher ()
Not fair to ban me for someone spoofing me
its fair because under your username its possible activate "debug mode" and ruin game

you should player under alt account or send PM to Bond/Cou and they will unban you on US East (probably the only one realm where you keep your username)
Web-GhostDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 3:05 AM | Message # 6
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i can unban you if you want but if i do it you will be unbanned in all realms, until than wait for 6months and be a good boy :P

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 6:44 AM | Message # 7
Robotic Ninja
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ask Bond for unban you on East... because unban account Vexslasher in all realms is VERY BAD idea

just keep him banned... he is not IP banned and he can play under alts... he dont really need play on main account Vexlasher
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 9:37 AM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
he dont really need play on main account Vexlasher
He worked hard for his wincode.
Why don't we just ban your account and see what happens?

Quote Adam_CZ ()
its fair because under your username its possible activate "debug mode" and ruin game
So now it's fair to ban helpers of the game? LOL
It's like saying it's alright to ban Bond009 from game because well, he can "activate "debug mode""
No, it is not fair at all.
It is just that so many people in CHF are idiots who are trying to take advantage of debug mode. (including you)
I cannot even begin to comprehend why you would want to ruin games with debug mode.

Debug mode was made for 1 purpose. To help make the game better.
Not for idiots to play around with. 

GagamelDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 9:59 AM | Message # 9
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
just keep him banned... he is not IP banned

i would not be so sure about that.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 11:22 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Why don't we just ban your account and see what happens?

Maybe because WE CANT activate debug mode with username Adam_CZ? Use brain if you can please.

Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
It is just that so many people in CHF are idiots who are trying to take advantage of debug mode. (including you)

including me? i used debug mode  2-3 games maybe 2 months ago.. there are players who ruinend maybe 100 games with that debug mode so i guess my 2-3 games is not big problem...

Vexlasher should send PM to Bond009 and ask him unban his username on US East, bug keep him banned in another realms... do you understand?
RosarioVampireZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 12:27 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Maybe because WE CANT activate debug mode with username Adam_CZ? Use brain if you can please.
 And that's why it's fair for "Vexslasher" to be banned? Man, your logic is so flawed I laugh.
No wonder a "fair" game between me and someone else when you judge me doesn't make sense.
Your idea of "fair" is complete bogus. Go look at urban dictionary and even that has better definition than your "ideal" view of the term "fair"
Quote Adam_CZ ()
its fair because under your username its possible activate "debug mode" and ruin game
How da flip is it fair that an idiot is taking advantage of your authority? It's completely unfair rofl.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
including me? i used debug mode  2-3 games maybe 2 months ago..

Oh greatz...your changing the number of times you used debug mode again. Wasn't last time like 6 or 7? Man, stop trying to escape your lies through blatant bulls.

Quote Adam_CZ ()
Vexlasher should send PM to Bond009 and ask him unban his username on US East, bug keep him banned in another realms... do you understand?
Ya, Vex, for now it seems this is the only solution.
You know Vex, :\
If you want to play West and other realms once a while, I think you're gonna have some problems cause of some mentally challenged players in this game -.-

Anyways, hope to see you in East! Long time no c~~

Adam_CZDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 2:16 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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solution is send pm to Bond - he will unban Vex on East realm but he will keep him banned in other realms where Vex got spoofed...

now yu happy QQCreate?
FirNesSDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 3:05 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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That's a shame Vex. The only person you have to blame this for is gagamel; feel free to lower his reputation and to spit on his face.

GagamelDate: Sunday, 12-Apr-2015, 3:53 PM | Message # 14
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Quote FirNesS ()
That's a shame Vex. The only person you have to blame this for is firness; feel free to lower his reputation and to spit on his face.

fixed it.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
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