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Forum moderator: Bond009, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt, Random260  
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 12:24 PM | Message # 1
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
Awards: 0
Reputation: 603
Status: Offline

Congratulations, you have likely been selected as a member of the CHF Staff and instructed to affiliate yourself entirely with the information contained within this handbook. This intensive overview is intended to educate you on all staff policies, procedures, guidelines, positions, duties and any/all other relevant information for members of the CHF Staff.


Section 1: Staff Policies and Procedures
Section 2: Banning Procedure
Section 3: Staff Positions and Duties
Section 4: General Staff Qualification Guidelines
Section 5: Staff Complaint Procedure
Section 6: Staff Additions Procedure

Staff Policies and Procedures

The following is a concentrated overview of all Policies and Procedures for Administrators on Custom Hero Footie’s Host Bots.
Too many times staff members have argued that they did not know something was unacceptable to do as a member of staff. This overview is intended to ensure that issue does not occur again.

Ascertaining Bot Admin is a privilege, not a right. It is given to either people who apply and are willing to do the necessary work to become and maintain game moderator status or who give a sizeable donation to help keep CHF alive and receive admin as an added perk.

In either case, Staff Positions are NOT permanent nor are they guaranteed. Your privileges may be revoked at any time and for any reason that the Head Administration deems necessary with or without prior notice.

In any case of the removal of a donators’ admin, the donation given WILL NOT BE REFUNDED at any point. As a reminder, you are not donating to acquire bot access… you’re donating to support the CHF Network and bot admin is an added, temporary perk.

The CHF Network strives to provide a fair competitive gaming community for all players on CHF Host Bots. In order to accomplish this task, rules have been implemented and bot administrators assigned to enforce them.

Please CLICK HERE to view the official CHF Hostbot Rules and Ban Times.

Admin Abuse is taken very seriously and all complaints of such abuse will be investigated in full.

Violation of any of the following rules and procedures may result in the temporary suspension of your staff privileges, the permanent removal from staff and all related access, a ban on the bots and/or forums and/or any other action(s) deemed fit by the Head and/or Lead Administration.

The following is a comprehensive list of admin-specific rules and regulations on CHF Host Bots:

1. ALL members of staff are expected to follow and adhere to the in-game rules, as a player, entirely.

2. Admins who abuse their reserve status to join full game lobbies MAY, depending upon severity or repeat of offenses, be subject to reverse administrative action(s).

3. Players may only be muted in-game by an admin for Spamming, Excessive Flaming, Excessive use of Vulgar and Harassing Language or Racist and Bigoted Comments.

4. In order to swap another player in a game lobby you need that player’s permission. However, if the player is completely unresponsive when you ask for their permission you may proceed with the swap. If following swapping a player, the swapped player says he/she did not want to be swapped or to move them back… you must do so.

5. Admins are expected to present themselves as respectable members of this staff at all times while in-game and on the forums. Again… being given bot admin is a privilege so please do act like it. In places such as the forums, in-game, game lobbies and CHF Clan Channels you are expected to present yourself as a member of staff. Being excessively immature, rude, harassing, making racist/bigoted/vulgar comments or things of equal or greater magnitude may result in adverse administrative action against you. We cannot stress this enough… If you’re given staff privileges you need to act like it. For far too long this staff remained out of control in many areas and I can’t even count the number of times I have heard that no one respects CHF Admins. Hopefully you guys can help us to regain the community's trust and faith in both ourselves and the game moving forward. Joking around with people is one thing, sure and direct offenses to this rule will not be taken very lightly any longer. There is a fine line between fun and just plain rude.

6. The use of !autostart on/off or !abort/!a at ANY time and for ANY reason is strictly prohibited. All other methods by admins to delay the start of games are also strictly prohibited. Unless you are a root admin, you are never to delay the start of any game.

7. The use of the !synclimit command can be tricky at times. We recommend that you do not exceed 300 any longer. Synclimit is recommended to be set between 50-300 depending on overall game performance. The higher the synclimit, the higher the risk of desyncs. The standard synclimit is automatically set to 50.

8. The abuse of privileges at any time to influence ELO will result in the immediate and permanent removal from staff.

9. Staff on Staff issues are required to remain internal at all times. If at any time, a member of staff has an issue/problem with another member of staff they are two do one of two things. Either post accordingly in the private staff forums or forward their complaint directly to a Head Administrator. In places such as the public forums, clan channels, game lobbies and in-game… staff on staff issues should not be voiced or discussed. These are private internal issues and shall be treated as such. Staff members are not to institute bans on other staff members at any time, and for any reason. Banning of staff members may only be permitted by a Head Administrator. Again, if a rule is broken please report this in the staff forums or directly to a Head Admin.

10. The use of the !owner command is strictly controlled. No admin is permitted to set any player as game owner except for other members of staff on their approved account(s). If the Head Administration did not grant an account administrative privilege, setting that account as game owner will be treated as impersonating a Head Administrator moving forward.

11. Using the !lock command is prohibited. Unless you are a root admin, you are not allowed to lock the game at any time and for any reason. By using !lock, you are disallowing moderator access to any other staff member present in the game. Only Head Administrators reserve the right to allow/disallow access.

12. The use of third party programs which are not specifically designed to aid in assisting the staff member with doing their job effectively will result in the permanent removal from staff without debate.

13. No person, staff or otherwise, shall be given access to any CHF related function without prior Head Administrative approval. Any unauthorized access and/or related action will be considered malicious. Any staff member found to be allowing a third party unauthorized access to CHF Administrative Controls will be terminated without debate. (This means DO NOT share your password either)

14. Staff will maintain professional isolation between duties and member friendship.

15. Staff members will never collude with other staff or community members about administrative issues. (use Google if you don’t know what collude means)

16. Staff Members will remove themselves from any staff to member matter if impartiality is not present.

17. Staff should always remember and maintain the attitude that they are on the same level as any other member of the community; being staff does not make them any better (or worse) than anyone else.

18. Every position here at CHF is 100% volunteer work. Keep in mind that this means you may resign or be relieved of your position at any time and for any reason deemed necessary. You have been selected for a position with the CHF Staff based upon your experience and maturity level. You are expected to use both diligently when dealing with any and all CHF related issues.

19. Your approval and acceptance onto this staff is what one would consider a commitment. By committing to this staff you also commit to dedicate adequate time to accomplishing your positional duties. Failure to be active without giving prior notification to the Lead or Head Administration may result in termination due to inactivity.

20. Any harassment, bullying, grievance, abuse or any other misuse of CHF positional duties, including the misrepresentation of any authority, will not be tolerated. The expressed use of any CHF related function to gain an “upper hand” so to speak, in any situation, will also not be tolerated.

Prior to any user being granted staff privileges, they’re to read and understand these policies and procedures entirely. This list should be checked regularly by staff for any changes and/or adjustments. Lack of knowledge of these policies and procedures will not be an acceptable excuse for not adhering to them.

The result of violation of anything listed here will be strictly up to the discretion of the Head Administration and they shall take whatever action(s) they deem fit following any investigation into reports of violation.

It is the goal of the CHF Administration that instituting this in depth guide for all members of staff will result in a better gaming experience for all players. Over time the staff here at CHF has been frowned upon and a lack of respect has formed due to countless negative actions by staff members. This is something we have to and we will certainly change moving forward.


When an offense is committed in-game with a staff member present, that staff member is required to take administrative action against the offender. If it is an offense which cannot be confirmed in-game which results in the need to watch the replay, this must be done. If the staff member has no access to ban out of game.. they’re required to post a ban request for the offense. Failure to take action against violations is unacceptable.

Bans are not to be removed by anyone but the implementing admin or a member of the Lead and Head Administration. You may remove your OWN bans, not anyone else's.

Bans should be implemented in this fashion in-game: !ban (name) (reason). Unless the staff member has access to the administrative panel at, they should only implement bans in-game… not by whispering the bot. If you need a ban implemented outside of the game, please post a ban request so a staff member with valid access may implement the ban for you.

For staff members with panel access, a Head Admin will go over exactly how to use the panel with staff members when they’re granted such access.

When a staff member bans a player for an in-game offense, it is their responsibility to remove their own ban. Please continuously check ban list to ensure you have removed your bans accordingly with the set ban times in the rules. If you don’t have access to administrative panel to remove your own ban, please simply whisper clanhpmm and use !delban (name). Repeatedly not removing your own bans in accordance with set time provisions may result in adverse administrative action.

Third Party Program bans are tricky and require valid experience to implement. Unless you are experienced and have a fog click detector assisting you in your decision making, you should not ban players for use of third party programs. In any case of being unsure of the validity of your ban, do not implement your ban. You need to post a ban request and have experienced members of staff assist you in your decision making. Bans for drophacking may only be implemented by a Head Administrator who is able to review the bot/game directly and determine if the game was in fact drop hacked.

Staff members have been entrusted with a great deal of power by gaining bot administrative privileges. When a player is banned, their ability to play on CHF bots is revoked. It is the duty of all staff members to ensure that all of their bans and actions are righteous and valid. The improper banning of players or invalid use of power is completely unacceptable. By revoking a player’s ability to play for unjust causes a member of staff is severely damaging the gaming experience of players as well as the reputation of this staff. This sort of behavior will simply not be tolerated here at the CHF Network.

Violation of the proceeding procedures and regulations may result in the temporary suspension of your staff privileges, the permanent removal from staff and all related access, a ban on the bots and/or forums and/or any other action(s) deemed fit by the Head and/or Lead Administration.



Responsible for the overall direction, supervision and management of the CHF Network.

The designated person(s) to the Head Administration. Reviews Staff Applications to deny or recommend a person to the Head Administration for a position with the CHF Staff. Responsible for reviewing all Ban Appeals and reporting abuse to the Head Administration. Ensures all Forum and Game Moderators are handling their assigned duties and responsibilities in line with the rules, regulations and Codes of Conduct. And any/all other duties assigned by the Head Administration.


Responsible for the moderation, development and upkeep of the CHF Forums. Enforces all forum rules, codes of conduct and regulations.


Formally known as "admins" or "bot admins." Responsible for enforcing and regulating CHF Games, tournaments and in-houses in line with set rules, regulations and codes of conduct. Responsible for handling ALL posted Ban Requests. Reports and issues such as attacks against the bots, ban dodging, etc. to the Administration directly.


Formally known as “donators.” Members of staff who acquired their permission by donating to the CHF Network. From time to time, these members are given administrative privileges on the bots. These members of staff are permitted to regulate in-game behavior.


(All of the following guidelines must be met by the applicant for any consideration)

1. Applicant is both constructive and descriptive while remaining both relevant and to-the-point on their application.
2. Applicant shows a true desire and want for the position of which they are applying for.
3. The Application is constructed in a "mature" and appropriate manner as well as the proper format.
4. No aggressive, derogatory, spiteful, demeaning, harassing, bigoted, disrespectful, or racist comments are included in their application or the majority of their forums posts.
5. All prior posts and threads (overall on made by the applicant on any/all accounts have not been in violation of any listed Rules, Regulations or Codes of Conduct. (Some exceptions for minor infractions)
6. Applicant's prior experience (league, management, VB, elite ladders, etc.) checks out and is not found to be, in any way, misleading or falsely represented.
7. All questions are answered in full to the best of the applicant's ability.
8. Applicant is at least 16 years of age.
9. Applicant is non-secretive, misleading, or otherwise acting in a "sketchy" manner.
10. All CHF Staff Members are requested to use Skype following addition to the staff to leave an easy, open form of communication with the rest of the staff.
11. Applicant responds to Administrators questions in a timely and complete manner.
12. Significant experience playing CHF.

(Other qualifications may exist. This list is not all inclusive, nor does meeting these qualifications automatically qualify you as a member of staff)


Complaints submitted against staff members will be handled at the highest level and taken very seriously. Abuse by members of the CHF Staff will simply not be tolerated.

Once an official abuse complaint is filed in the Staff Complaints section, a Lead Administrator will initially review the complaint for validity.

A Lead Administrator will then immediately deny the complaint as invalid or approve the complaint for review by the Head Administration given there is validity found in the complaint by the investigating Lead Admin.

Following the escalation of a complaint to the Head Administration, a Head Admin will review the complaint in full and make a determination on the issue at hand. If the member of staff is found to have abused their privileges, one or more of the following actions may be taken:
  • Temporary suspension from staff and all related privileges for a specified amount of time
  • Permanent removal from staff and all related privileges
  • An official warning issued to the offending staff member with clear repercussions listed for repeated future offenses.

The intentional submission of a falsified staff complaint will result in severe repercussions. These adverse administrative actions may consist of a temporary or permanent ban from the forums and/or a temporary or permanent ban on the bots.


All additions to the CHF Staff are to be made by the Head Administration only. No one but Head Administrators have, have had or will ever have the right to promise any individual a position with this staff. No staff position is permanent.

The Head Administration reserves the right to remove any member of staff, at any time, with or without advanced notice and for any reason. Furthermore, the Head Administration reserves the right to add any member of staff, at any time, with or without advanced notice and for any reason.

All applicants are required to file a staff application using the required format in the designated forum section under Administration.

Following the submission of an official Staff Application, a member of the Lead Administration is required to review the application in full. At this time, the Lead Administrator will review the application entirely for accuracy and completeness. A forums IP Check must be performed by the Lead Admin ensuring the user does not have multiple accounts on the forums. Then a majority of their threads on should be reviewed to ensure their posts are in line with forum rules and codes of conduct. Additionally, several of the player’s games should be reviewed to ensure compliance with in-game rules and to get a grasp on their general behavior.

The Lead Administrator will then do one of the following:

    1. Immediately deny the application for not meeting the requirements listed within this handbook and/or for other reason(s) deemed fit at that time. If the application is denied, this format must be posted on the application:

Application: DeniedStatus: Closed; does not meet staff requirements and qualificationsPlease wait at least 30 days prior to re-applying for a position with the CHF Staff

    2. Approve the application pending Head Administrative review and approval as well as community and staff feedback and opinions. If the application is approved, this format must be posted on the application:

Application: ApprovedStatus: Open; pending Head Administrative review for approval or denialNotes:

Following Lead Administration deliberation, if the application is approved, a member of the Head Administration will then review the application and all comments by the community, staff members and the Lead Admin’s notes prior to making a final decision.

The Head Administrator will then do one of the following:

    1. Deny the application for any given reason(s). If the application is denied, this format must be posted on the application:

Application: DeniedStatus: Closed; does not been overall qualifications and expectations for staffPlease wait at least 30 days prior to re-applying for a position with the CHF Staff

     2. Approve the applicant as a member of staff. At this time the applicant will be given the relevant forum title, instructed to review this handbook entirely, instructed to review the game rules entirely and finally be granted their bot administrative privileges (if relevant). If approved, this format must be posted on the application:

Application: ApprovedApplicant’s New Position: Applicant’s Trainer:

Following the final approval to staff, the Head Administration will designate another staff member to work closely with the new member of staff for the first 30 days in order to assist them in their decision making, answer any questions they may have and address any of their concerns. This training staff member will be responsible for closely monitoring them during the first 30 days, ensuring they are doing everything they are supposed to be doing in accordance with set standards and provisions.


lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 12:40 PM | Message # 2
Zombie Pirate
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 1259
Awards: 0
Reputation: 2755
Status: Offline
Psssh who would spend his time reading this
I know I would wink

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 12:41 PM
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 12:48 PM | Message # 3
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
Awards: 0
Reputation: 603
Status: Offline
Quote lotrrotk ()
Psssh who would spend his time reading thisI know I would

lmfao i've already made you read it like what... 3 times now? 

lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 1:02 PM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 1259
Awards: 0
Reputation: 2755
Status: Offline
Quote Bio-AssAUlt ()
(use Google if you don’t know what collude means)
Jee Mr Know it all
Don't waste people's time 
This is for all those people who's time bio wanted to waste

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 1:57 PM | Message # 5
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
SOOOOOOOOO LONG... CHF doesn't deserve my precious time ;P

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 2:27 PM | Message # 6
Zombie Pirate
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 1259
Awards: 0
Reputation: 2755
Status: Offline
Quote AL_GI ()
SOOOOOOOOO LONG... CHF doesn't deserve my precious time ;P
but making a post on every thread does?

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
Bio-AssAUltDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 2:44 PM | Message # 7
Head Administrator
Group: Administrators
Messages: 492
Awards: 0
Reputation: 603
Status: Offline
Quote lotrrotk ()
but making a post on every thread does?

aka spamming and breaking the forum rules  dry
eckone87Date: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 3:12 PM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 64
Awards: 0
Reputation: 72
Status: Offline
bio lol you going afk for 2016? this is to much lol
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 31-Dec-2015, 3:48 PM | Message # 9
Zombie Pirate
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 1476
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3354
Status: Offline
Quote lotrrotk ()
but making a post on every thread does?
This is CHF forum and not CHF...

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

13eastynlDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 4:35 AM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 195
Awards: 0
Reputation: 267
Status: Offline
Quote Bio-AssAUlt ()
Formally known as “donators.” Members of staff who acquired their permission by donating to the CHF Network. From time to time, these members are given administrative privileges on the bots. These members of staff are permitted to regulate in-game behavior.

I invested, buth since the purge no one ever replied
lotrrotkDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 5:13 AM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 1259
Awards: 0
Reputation: 2755
Status: Offline
Quote 13eastynl ()

I invested, buth since the purge no one ever replied

Quote Bio ()
Staff Positions are NOT permanent nor are they guaranteed. Your privileges may be revoked at any time and for any reason that the Head Administration deems necessary with or without prior notice.

In any case of the removal of a donators’ admin, the donation given WILL NOT BE REFUNDED at any point. As a reminder, you are not donating to acquire bot access… you’re donating to support the CHF Network and bot admin is an added, temporary perk.

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
13eastynlDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 6:21 AM | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 195
Awards: 0
Reputation: 267
Status: Offline
Quote lotrrotk ()

Lol not talking about admin, i should get some changes on site smile Still user
FirNesSDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 10:25 AM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 2446
Awards: 0
Reputation: 3754
Status: Offline
Wow I'll read that but later lol

OttoJDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 12:15 PM | Message # 14
Group: Game Mod
Messages: 201
Awards: 0
Reputation: 258
Status: Offline
Thanks for the work BIO.  This should help.  Yep i read like 90% of it.

OttoJ, The Old Man
I play for fun, fast wins bore me and make me feel mean.
OsetinassDate: Friday, 01-Jan-2016, 9:02 PM | Message # 15
Group: Clan Members
Messages: 352
Awards: 0
Reputation: 1351
Status: Offline
but making a post on every thread does?

useless its useless easiest way fix it is that map creator open this map and fix all major bugs.
I think no need rulez this game carry clear gameplay?
So ban players who play dirty i mean these ones who uses bad things to win. Or players who
disturb orther players to play.
Its pretty dumb create rulez in this games even when map creator leave them unprotected.
More interested thing is that that these rulez creating people has very low knowledge about
this game.
And about admin for money. If i pay money why i have keep these rulez? XDDDD very stupid thing take money for admin rights and force them keep rules.
Hope most of you realized broken langue and gramatics.

Message edited by Osetinass - Saturday, 02-Jan-2016, 1:36 AM
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