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Make Rule on Bill...
l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 6:31 PM | Message # 31
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Its in game, i dont think it should be bannable

Message edited by l3lackownage - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 6:37 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 6:34 PM | Message # 32
Robotic Ninja
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Quote l3lackownage ()
I think that since this is such a back and forth thing we should consider unbanning jones,  If it truely is a bannable offense I think that it is still too new to go straight to a ban without a warning first,  just my opinion

Allstar himself said he did a bug abuse in which he permanently stole someone else's hero.
That to me is a ban. I don't care what he says but stealing heroes is in fact abusing a glitch.

"(26:03 / Allied) AllStarJones: i can
(26:08 / Allied) khan-: steal it
(26:09 / Allied) M.I.L.F: druids
(26:12 / Allied) AllStarJones: u steal it
(26:17 / Allied) khan-: idk how to
(26:22 / Allied) AllStarJones: click gloves on bill
(26:23 / Allied) AllStarJones: lol"

Obviously, Allstar knew this was banworthy so he told his ally to do it for him after buying his ally the item.
This is blatantly banworthy -.-

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 6:36 PM
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 6:49 PM | Message # 33
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yes but in the past none of these rules existed it was up to the map creator to patch these things except tower middle that grass makes stuff fancy :), but you think he made the 1 hero that does the most a summon, i say nay nay, the item is in the secret shop for a reason not to many people use it and the people who know about it and use it deserve to have the hero, plus why edit a game with rules..  its in the game also not every one comes on this site... they do not realize the rules, someone is gonna stumble past this and use it, and get banned and not know what for b/c honestly it seems like a innocent thing, a move you can take to the bank, imagine this scene, its the 2016 CHF tournament, the games getting dragged on t1 vs t3, t3 sends penguins and there bill to finish off base, t1 uses rape on bill, destroys penguins, rezes units and then attacks t3 b/c they got pengs not darks, it would be the play of CHF history, if its in the game leave it that way, it doesnt effect players in anyway, doesnt give disadvantage

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:02 PM | Message # 34
Robotic Ninja
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I don't understand. You simply abused a bug in the game that anyone with common sense would realize is ban worthy.

Stop ranting. It's your fault for abusing the glitch after knowing fully that you will be banned.
Just go on with your ban. Honestly, if you think stealing someone else's hero in this game is not ban, then you seriously need some medical attention.

AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:09 PM | Message # 35
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whats next ban dinos they can steal other peoples golems its gotta be overpowered its the custom hero footies and its used to counter OP stuff, ''pros cant win with it in the game''

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:15 PM | Message # 36
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AllstarJones ()
whats next ban dinos they can steal other peoples golems its gotta be overpowered its the custom hero footies and its used to counter OP stuff, ''pros cant win with it in the game'

The purpose of dinos in CHF is to digest golems.

However, it is not the purpose of the game to ABUSE a glitch to PERMANENTLY steal someone else's hero.
There. Common sense laid out nice and flat.
What more you ask?

AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:21 PM | Message # 37
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how do u know thats the purpose? it has mana drain maybe devour was a bug or a clone from turtle?<--- im joking here if u didnt notice, but u dont know if bond did it on purpose or not its in the game, there for a in game issue not admin, it doesnt effect noone else, not like its tking someone or elo abuse

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:48 PM | Message # 38
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Honestly, if you are going to argue about this, I say this.
Bond made dino because of the golem abusers in the past.

But, he did NOT intentionally in ANY way make a glitch in which you can PERMANENTLY steal someone else's hero.
The fact that you are arguing about this to me just shows how pathetic you are.
Honestly, if "stealing heroes permanently" is not bug abuse, then why not say "maphack is not abuse since it's part of game"?
Seriously, speak common sense and admit your wrong.

AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 7:53 PM | Message # 39
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maphack is a 3rd party program which a player chooses to use for an advantage, this is already in the game made by the creator himself, there has been a patchs since, yet nothing been done about bill, even food had been added to game, but u dont think removing penguins with 1 shot, run up with a invul potion and bill bam damage is done, u dont think thats pathetic, plus this isnt even fixed in 4.1 yet, so dont say its bug abuse if the creator isnt fixing maybe some things were there for a reason, to balance the game

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 8:09 PM | Message # 40
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AllstarJones ()
ut u dont think removing penguins with 1 shot, run up with a invul potion and bill bam damage is done, u dont think thats pathetic, plus this isnt even fixed in 4.1 yet, so dont say its bug abuse if the creator isnt fixing maybe some things were there for a reason, to balance the game

You don't think explosion is then overpowered with its ability to decimate anything in an area (with pot of focus) WITHOUT the hero dying?
<add in with its especially low CD and its usefulness in early game as well + its ability to stack with banish>

You don't think mindrape is then overpowered with its ability to WIN a hero with j3b3s ring which costs like 5 times penguins?
Oh ya, mindrape ALSO counters penguins.

You don't think auras are overpowered with its ability to CANCEL penguin? (Frost and slow aura)

You don't think drilliance aura at level 6 is overpowered with its ability to pretty much leave every hero at 0 mana?

You don't think banish is overpowered with its ability to kill pretty much any heroes in an instant?

You don't think death towers are overpowered with its splash ability

You don't think talons are overpowered with its ability to literally destroy towers (and you can't do anything cause all your "jammy" will end up dying or flying in mid air)

You don't think fire strike is overpowered with its ability to kill tier 5 units?

You don't think vengeance's neverending spawn is overpowered with its ability to fill the map?

You don't think mass pool is overpowered with its ability to win games in normal mode?

You don't think .. oh wait, compared to this, Bill K looks pathetic, ain't it?

Added (10-Dec-2015, 8:09 PM)
Honestly, your logic makes it sound like as long as "not 3rd party", anything goes.
I guess by your logic, I can do:
1. Unlimited no CD mindrape
2. Unlimited no CD donation
3. Unlimited no CD forcefield
4. Auto win
5. Invulnerable hero

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 8:07 PM
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 8:13 PM | Message # 41
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i didnt say none of that, but they put a counter to take bill, and no thats considered a bug, theres an item u use to take bill not rely on moves or putting dono on aura spot

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 9:14 PM | Message # 42
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AllstarJones ()
i didnt say none of that, but they put a counter to take bill, and no thats considered a bug, theres an item u use to take bill not rely on moves or putting dono on aura spot

That item is meant to take summons like treants. It is not meant to "take heroes".
Honestly, stop making up crap due to your ban. Accept your ban.

For Pete's sake, what's next:
"Permanently removing a hero from a game is not ban because it is part of game" <btw, this glitch does exist and I dare say you not, do not attempt in any way to reproduce such glitch unless you want to face a happy long ban from admins>

ic3dt3aDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 10:26 PM | Message # 43
Robotic Ninja
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
The purpose of dinos in CHF is to digest golems.

another example then, recall using turtle's clones to devour units. you would usually bring golems and now heroes to bring them to ur base to kill. it was possible to grab the granite golem and even the nightmare(im pretty sure). this was removed due to it being a bug. bond has not(nor probably will) patch the bill bug that is being referred to in this post.
FirNesSDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 2:43 AM | Message # 44
Robotic Ninja
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Ok I got your PM AllStar, now I get it. Well I still think that it should be bannable... Stealing someone's hero is kinda too overpowered to be used that way... Especially when you can buy peasant at start without buying a hero and just stealing it in the first 5 minutes of game. Imagine if you lose your hero during mass, how mad would you be? You cannot play chf without any hero.

lotrrotkDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 4:12 AM | Message # 45
Zombie Pirate
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
You don't think talons are overpowered with its ability to literally destroy towers (and you can't do anything cause all your "jammy" will end up dying or flying in mid air)
2 sets of lvl 16 talons can destroy tier 0 
AllstarJones I know you still won't be satisfied with all the answers you got but this is precisely what I was explaining to you yesterday, the fact that you're bringing up this matter now after getting banned (not when i first warned you not to do it again as it's a bug abuse) shows that you're doing this based on your emotions.

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
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