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Make Rule on Bill...
AllstarJonesDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 7:41 AM | Message # 46
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FirNesS, that's why I ask the rule be created on certain circumstances, the mode must be ARS + SSD, and pool must be on, the game must also be 25mins + into the game, by this time most players should have a second hero, or the mode has already been made into uim, the game I had used this had been all of these, we took the bill simply so it couldn't come destroy or penguins, we had left it dead after, previously in the game he had came with bill and used his ultimate and took 6 heroes out in 1 hit, same thing could happen to anyone if they were attacking a base. Example, t1 attacks t2 with penguins, t2 uses turtle or summons penguins (now our penguins are to slow just to move out of the way) and could cost the game

Added (11-Dec-2015, 7:41 AM)
lotrrotk, and about the emotions thing, I did ask before I did it this time, b//c honestly it's the way to counter code abusers

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Adam_CZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 7:44 AM | Message # 47
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Quote AllstarJones ()
maphack is a 3rd party program which a player chooses to use for an advantage, this is already in the game made by the creator himself, there has been a patchs since, yet nothing been done about bill, even food had been added to game, but u dont think removing penguins with 1 shot, run up with a invul potion and bill bam damage is done, u dont think thats pathetic, plus this isnt even fixed in 4.1 yet, so dont say its bug abuse if the creator isnt fixing maybe some things were there for a reason, to balance the game

This is 100% true. In my opinion banning "bug abusers" is not good solution. Best solution is fix CHF map and repair bugs. Who deserve ban is Bond009 because he know about evevery bugs too many ears but he is lazy release new CHF version.

Also is very hard said "this is bug abuse" because every player is different person with different opinion. For example some people will say using TT ultimate near to mana dragon is bug. In my opinion this is not bug. But in my opinion for example picking blink for Bond or Medivh (double blink in total) is totally bug abuse but for other 100 players my opinon is wrong and they dont agree.
attackers2012Date: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 7:49 AM | Message # 48
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Bill is g@y hero

Added (11-Dec-2015, 7:49 AM)
Why the Duck I got reproof . Wtf
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 8:52 AM | Message # 49
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AllstarJones had been warned before this game that such abuse of bug would result in ban. (by an admin too)

He had willingly after the such knowledge still abused such bug and his chat log in the game implies that he does know that it would result in his ban.
Thus, he really has nothing to say as of this matter and really, it doesn't take a genius to figure out stealing heroes permanently is a bannable abuse.

Your excuse right now is, "well, Bond didn't fix it so it's completely allowed"
Unfortunately, if such is true, the purpose of admin becomes almost useless and there are quite a lot of bugs in CHF that can be abused (which is not 3rd party).
I can literally win a game in 2 minutes just for ELO every game in CHF and so on. However, I think common sense dictates that such would result in a ban.
People are given an attribute called "common sense" for a reason. Don't forget!

AllstarJonesDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 9:33 AM | Message # 50
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I did not say anything about my ban, I know it was a ban, but who the hell would take a treant with this item? The gloves will be destoryed, it's not worth it, and your common sense should click on and tell you, your not talking reasonable, your comparing it to unstoppable abilities that u need warp portal and stuff for which is a bug that can't be fixed do to the editor, but in the case of bill it can be fixed but hasn't, and it can be used in a strategy with no unbalance, where your bugs provide the biggest advantages, like unlimited force field and such, like Adam said, might be a bug too the 2 of u guys but everyone else that commented thinks it's s good idea,

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RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 9:46 AM | Message # 51
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Quote AllstarJones ()
your comparing it to unstoppable abilities that u need warp portal and stuff for which is a bug that can't be fixed do to the editor

Oh, you don't even need warped portal. You can completely do this by simply getting a hero so I don't understand your reasoning.
And fyi, those glitches I mentioned can ALSO be fixed just like Bill's.

And seriously, stealing someone else's hero proves to be some of the BIGGEST advantages in game. The other Bill K carried ward and nuke and penguins? Now it's yours.

Quote AllstarJones ()
t everyone else that commented thinks it's s good idea,

So it's now a "good idea" to abuse these bugs like unlimiteed force fields? What's next? A bug in game to get 4 regular spells and ultimate instead of 3 regular spells and an ultimate is completely okay?

Honestly, your logic is next to horrible. And for your information, the item that is in Bond's secret shop is completely useless as its purpose was to steal summons that are not magic immune. In other words, it is an item poorly thought by Bond himself as it costs a fortune for practically no purpose.
<Which is also pretty much what night terror and necklace of immunity is>

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 9:55 AM
FirNesSDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 9:48 AM | Message # 52
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Quote AllstarJones ()
FirNesS, that's why I ask the rule be created on certain circumstances, the mode must be ARS + SSD, and pool must be on, the game must also be 25mins + into the game, by this time most players should have a second hero, or the mode has already been made into uim, the game I had used this had been all of these, we took the bill simply so it couldn't come destroy or penguins, we had left it dead after, previously in the game he had came with bill and used his ultimate and took 6 heroes out in 1 hit, same thing could happen to anyone if they were attacking a base. Example, t1 attacks t2 with penguins, t2 uses turtle or summons penguins (now our penguins are to slow just to move out of the way) and could cost the game

I don't really agree. At the moment you steal something it's not even like taking the advantage, it's litterally returning the game. Well considering your settings it wouldn't matter that much because people would have much gold, but my point is that it's kinda hard to determine if it's abuse or not. If someone reports such a case on the forum and the guy did steal bill at 24 minutes, you will ban him whereas if he does it at 25 you won't? I mean it's retarded. Better allow it or forbid it completely. Otherwise people will try arguing and avoiding any ban even if they're guilty... There are plenty of ways to win a game you don't win this. Plus that's pretty lame... Especially in ARS. If we were allowing this with certain circumstances, I guess the guy who does it would need not to have 350 wins, the guy being stealed would definitely need to have 350 wins, it would be allowed only once during the game, etc... That makes it too complicated. To my mind we'd better totally forbid it, so that things will be pretty much easier you know. Then if people agree with you I'm fine with it, I won't fight agains this for a while, but I'm against allowing it.

Message edited by FirNesS - Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 9:52 AM
AllstarJonesDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 10:17 AM | Message # 53
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Okay the remove the timing on being able to take bill.. You can't take the hero during mass anyway do to secret shop being closed, and if the player decides to take a hero that early in it's a poor decision, that's just less xp going all around and more feed for another team, bill is only useful for late game ARS, it's okay if you disagree, it's your opinion that's why I made this forum, so everyone can get there input, but honestly not everyone cares enough to comment b/c it doesn't effect them or take place enough times for there to even be a rule against it, and I know rosas going to address this and say, so if the force field glitch is only done once in awhile it's fine or something like that, these glitchs provide advantage overall, your heros unstoppable as soon as u do it it's clearly a bug, but taking bill doesn't do such a thing it balances the game, if you get bill and angel at start of game in ars, GG idc how good u are, your towers are gone and the auras are unreal, and bill counters the angel, so take it to counter

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RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 10:25 AM | Message # 54
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In almost every ARS mode, if I get BIll, I repick it.
Why? Because ars heroes in general are infinitely better.

I would rather take an ars hero with an aoe or hk spell than get an all aura hero that is next to impossible to level up.

And now you are claiming by your logic:
It is completely balanced to STEAL heroes in game? Do you know why -no mindrape was implemented on game? Because there used to be a bug to PERNAMENTLY steal someone else's hero and Bond recognized how IMBALANCED the act was.

Don't even talk about balance when you are stealing heroes in game. It gives a tremendous advantage (don't evade this topic) that altars gameplay such that the owner of Bill K just pretty much lost the game by default.
In other words, the act of stealing heroes pernamently ruins the game such that it gives the stealer a tremendous advantage.
And don't bother talking more about this. If you honestly think pernamently stealing heroes makes games BALANCED, I got nothing to say.

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 10:37 AM
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 10:52 AM | Message # 55
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Your excuse right now is, "well, Bond didn't fix it so it's completely allowed"

100% true... Bond must fix bugs instead banning people... 99% of banned players dont even know they abuse bugs. For example somebody use TT near to mana dragon and you will ban him? Maybe he didnt know about this bug. Maybe he didnt even see there was mana dragon. Who know? For example you can charm Polar Bear. Will they ban you because Bond did mistake and forgot add resistant skin for Polar Bear? Will they call you "bug abuser"?

Bugs is not my problem. Bugs is not your problem. Bugs is not AllSTarJones problems. Bugs is only problem of Bond009. HIs problem he is too lazy release new map. He know about every bugs too many years.
lotrrotkDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 11:18 AM | Message # 56
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
For example somebody use TT near to mana dragon and you will ban him?
Could've sworn I read this somewhere before
Quote Adam_CZ ()
99% of banned players dont even know they abuse bugs
Jones did know it was a bug he was already warned about it before
Quote Adam_CZ ()
Bugs is not my problem. Bugs is not your problem. Bugs is not AllSTarJones problems. Bugs is only problem of Bond009. HIs problem he is too lazy release new map. He know about every bugs too many years.
Adam we've already had this conversation before, Bond isn't here anymore (for now at least) so we can't just sit around and wait for him to release a new map
We also can't let people use bugs (or as they define them as "tactics")
Once we create a rule and it can be implemented on, people will stop doing it
When was the last time you saw someone create a tower in the middle (ftd)
I'm not saying people stopped doing it, the number of people doing it have decreased
Most of the people who do it have one of the following problems
1) They don't understand english or what rules are
2) They do know about the rule but still have their own reasons as to why it's allowed
3) They didn't know that the rule existed
Point1 and point 2 have no solutions but point #3 does, whenever someone or anyone joins the game in the lobby it says you can check up the rules on random's website not here, the last time I visited random's website there was some explicit stuff posted there (it's basically a dead website)
So most of the people are being directed over there due to which they don't know about the rules
Therefore they never visit this website (where the rules are updated frequently) unless they look at the loading screen 
Also my point is that if we are to add this as a rule (which it already is, using that "tactic" is clearly bug abuse and is self explanatory) people will stop doing it eventually (if we re-direct them here)
or like you suggested we could let this game die out by waiting for a new version to get released which will also have bugs which will also be exploited
Therefore I'd suggest that we can prevent this from happening by taking some action

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 11:20 AM
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 11:54 AM | Message # 57
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attackers2012, censor your words, read the site rules!!!

AllstarJonesDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 1:53 PM | Message # 58
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Rosa, you would much prefer the ars hero which I would not, I have a different style of play, so does a lot of people, just like a lot of people go mauler which I wouldn't,

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Adam_CZDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 4:26 PM | Message # 59
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i gave up... my english is too bad... so i cant explain what i want
lotrrotkDate: Friday, 11-Dec-2015, 4:46 PM | Message # 60
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
i gave up... my english is too bad... so i cant explain what i want
I'll talk to web
I'm sure he'll give you permission to say what you want in your native language

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
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