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Make Rule on Bill...
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:04 PM | Message # 1
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Ive recently been banned for taking the hero ''Bill'' im not going to say how to, b/c it will get more players doing this, but there should be a rule
where Bill is able to be taken,
1. its in the game, he was made a summon for a reason simply the fact hes OP, and purge does not work on him, so clearly the map maker fixed him like that.

2. his codes are 350, which most players do not save codes, which means when they click random hero they got like 1/100 chance to get him
where i got 50% chance to get, seems unbalanced eh? ''ohh but pubs dont know about taking bill'' lots of people are on alts and dont have codes on them,

3. pros have been beaten just b/c a noob has bill, i see a lvl 6 bill wipe out an entire micro and the person ragequit

4. the costs more to take bill than it does to buy a new hero

5. goodbye penguins that took me 15k and all game to earn

6. its honestly just a tactical move, players thinking on the top of there head to get an advantage

7. people say just try and buy a new bill, you could but then hes level one, it makes sense to take another persons thats already leveledĀ 
up, and its not like you can leave him in ability picking area b/c ARS and its bill he got his abilties

i dont care how the rule is changed, but it should be, even if the modes have to be, ARS SSD, and 30 mins into a game,

i ask all who agrees make a post so rule is changed, or admin atleast let it go

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Message edited by AllstarJones - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 5:17 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:11 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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I don't understand.
Bill K is so easy to counter.... to any deecent player in CHF. Honestly, having a custom hero with aoe or unholy aura or hk is far more rigged...

It's not our fault you can't counter it...

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:11 PM
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:16 PM | Message # 3
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ars mode

Added (10-Dec-2015, 2:16 PM)
like i said make rule for ARS, b/c people get such shitty heros and cant repick allow the most OP hero to be taken

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lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:18 PM | Message # 4
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Quote AllstarJones ()
pros have been beaten just b/c a noob has bill, i see a lvl 6 bill wipe out an entire micro and the person ragequit

Lol this is funny to read, one jammy or even a Newt can stop his ulti
Anyone who knows how to "counter" bill would make him look weaker than that wisp hero so don't go on saying that pros lose their match because of Bill.
Also you can practically get a lvl16 hero by paying a little more than he was bought for not to mention the profit you could achieve by using him

Quote AllstarJones ()
and purge does not work on him, so clearly the map maker fixed him like that.

You're being theoretical here about Bond making him like that
Purge does work on him but it requires a condition, that hero is nowhere near op

Quote AllstarJones ()
goodbye penguins that took me 15k and all game to earn

Again, just move the penguins away you're acting like Bill activates his ultimate in a milisecond, he has to raise his sword first then read the books verses all of which takes 2-3seconds which is more than enough time to save your penguins, also why not put Bill to sleep before using your penguins :/

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-This guy that loved me
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:22 PM | Message # 5
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yes but lots of people get trapped.. or there stuff get silenced first, but not all players think like you do, in game is much different than just saying do this, do that, someone can tell me to go aoe, no proof ill use that stuff good

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hanshbraunDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:25 PM | Message # 6
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Mind raping the OP hero is a tactical move, if you are being hit by pengs, and have the item ready for wards, taking bill and using it against the Penguins is just a tactical move
lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:29 PM | Message # 7
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Quote AllstarJones ()
someone can tell me to go aoe, no proof ill use that stuff good

Then don't listen to others
Do what you're good at

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-This guy that loved me
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:30 PM | Message # 8
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im good at taking heros, and countering, thats what i did...

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lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:33 PM | Message # 9
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Quote AllstarJones ()
im good at taking heros, and countering, thats what i did...

I'm sorry but your form of "countering" is not allowed
Also don't go for aoe choose Mr then

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-This guy that loved me
AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:34 PM | Message # 10
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back on track, no argueing just input, carry on

Added (10-Dec-2015, 2:34 PM)
but thats what this post is for to change that, also in ARS u dont have the choice on what hero, if i could pick my hero i would, going for bill is 50/50 with codes, also i cant pick MR

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Message edited by AllstarJones - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:38 PM
Adam_CZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:47 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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no need new rule... this is main point why saving codes is good idea because win codes can give you advantage sometimes... for example you are playing "-ars" game and you need hero with transmute... so you click on hero 150 codes (alchymist/medivh) and you have 50% chance get hero with transmute... you also want make new rule about this?

Added (10-Dec-2015, 2:47 PM)
btw too many people have hacked codes... thats unfair for players who have fair codes... we have also rule "hacking of any sort - ban 2 days" but i didnt see just 1 player get banned for hacked codes? why? because too many admins have hacked codes too and they are silent about this... shame

AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:51 PM | Message # 12
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adam, your point that everyone has hacked codes is actually reason people should be able to take, BILL, these players that didnt earn it are getting bill for free, where others didnt quite make it there cannot,

every good player is using it when it comes to desperation, just not everyones getting reported, a pub even used it on me awhile back, he was like 50-700, before i even knew it was a rule, which it should not be a rule, its in the game and should not be controlled, it does not give unfair advantage, you guys said it ur selves its not that OP, so whys it matter if we take it

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Message edited by AllstarJones - Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:57 PM
lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:54 PM | Message # 13
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
btw too many people have hacked codes... thats unfair for players who have fair codes... we have also rule "hacking of any sort - ban 2 days" but i didnt see just 1 player get banned for hacked codes? why? because too many admins have hacked codes too and they are silent about this... shame
No, I've talked about this before, some people pay for these "codes" so yeah, I already asked that these codes should be banned for but I haven't gotten any response from that

Added (10-Dec-2015, 2:54 PM)

Quote AllstarJones ()
adam, your point that everyone has hacked codes is actually reason people should be able to take, BILL, these players that didnt earn it are getting bill for free, where others didnt quite make it there cannot,even more proof that everyone uses bill in these games, and even use the mind rape thing ***** every good player is using it when it comes to desperation, just not everyones getting reported, a pub even used it on me awhile back, he was like 50-700, before i even knew it was a rule
Quote AllstarJones ()
im not going to say how to,
Sure but you'll post a link about it, here's my advice edit that comment before some head sees it

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RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:55 PM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Honestly, what's the fuss with Bill K.
If you think Bill K is op, then what about mindrape? What about talons? What about ultimate tower? What about tt? What about explosion? What about transmute?
These spells do in most games EVEN BETTER than Bill K's crappy ultimate. Honestly, if you think Bill K is imbalanced, look again at all the custom spells in this game. Unholy aura? Banish? Swarm? Nova? Fire strike? And the list just goes on and on.

AllstarJonesDate: Thursday, 10-Dec-2015, 2:59 PM | Message # 15
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im trying to make the rule for SSD +ars+25+ mins elapsed into game, there for you can not pick your heros abilties, which u have listed, pool is still on team can help you, and SSD you have a constant income

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