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mb53Date: Saturday, 26-Feb-2011, 5:32 PM | Message # 1
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You people all seem to get off topic. So yeah, post here now instead of other threads.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
NoBrainDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 1:52 PM | Message # 136
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je l'ai rêvé si fort... que les draps s'en souviennent..

Message edited by NoBrain - Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 1:53 PM
mb53Date: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 2:39 PM | Message # 137
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Yar, starting now I'm going to be deleting spam posts in this thread.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
Master-HeroDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 3:06 PM | Message # 138
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Don't delete them, move them to the recycle bin. People will just cry, when they lose some of their post.

Inactive mod.
mb53Date: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 3:25 PM | Message # 139
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Well no, I'm deleting them to take away posts, thats the point, people were/are just spamming the thread to get post count up.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
NoBrainDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 3:44 PM | Message # 140
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it was not a "spam", i edited my post because i was wrong about something.

je l'ai rêvé si fort... que les draps s'en souviennent..
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 5:04 PM | Message # 141
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as long as there not jstu posting crap like +1 +2 etc and junk lik ethat its fine in THIS thread

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
LittleBDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 5:38 PM | Message # 142
Robotic Ninja
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anty i did see transformers, 1 & 2 lol, but still i dont understand it

Message edited by LittleB - Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 1:44 AM
mb53Date: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 7:12 PM | Message # 143
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Its a human transformer... What is there to not understand?

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
lolbladeDate: Sunday, 03-Apr-2011, 9:13 PM | Message # 144
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lol littleb have u watched transformers??? is that bumble bee anty??? sure looks like it surprised

sig in construction
LittleBDate: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 1:44 AM | Message # 145
Robotic Ninja
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lol guys yes i have 1 & 2 and ik its bubmlebee human transformer, but still i dont understand why u posted it up, why didnt u stick with the zombies? tongue
mb53Date: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 1:56 AM | Message # 146
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Man, IPSTALKERBOT is weird. It was spouting off random facts found online, but then it also knew that I was in HPMM, the name of I smoke rocks alt, and somehow knew shadow's GPA... Seriously, how would it know that.

Thanks to xXHarDCorEXx/bop240 for making my signature ^^
AntyoneDate: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 7:24 AM | Message # 147
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the transformer looks cool.

LittleBDate: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 9:42 AM | Message # 148
Robotic Ninja
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Added (2011-04-04, 10:42 Am)

Quote (mb53)
Man, IPSTALKERBOT is weird. It was spouting off random facts found online, but then it also knew that I was in HPMM, the name of I smoke rocks alt, and somehow knew shadow's GPA... Seriously, how would it know that.

Quote (mb53)

Quote (mb53)

does that answer ur question?

Message edited by LittleB - Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 9:42 AM
Master-HeroDate: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 10:05 AM | Message # 149
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Man I just watched it like 100 times and I still don't know how they made that tongue

Inactive mod.
lolbladeDate: Monday, 04-Apr-2011, 7:27 PM | Message # 150
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Quote (mb53)
Man, IPSTALKERBOT is weird. It was spouting off random facts found online, but then it also knew that I was in HPMM, the name of I smoke rocks alt, and somehow knew shadow's GPA... Seriously, how would it know that.

lol rly??? how do u kno its not lying. it's just using a random forms and putting ur friends inside them and spouting dem off at u???

ask shadow if thats the GPA or not cool

sig in construction
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