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About every Tier - Forum

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About every Tier
SOUNDWAVESDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 4:08 AM | Message # 1
Group: Investor
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From killerrange's post... that's true range upgrade can't cover these elves weakness.

at the same armor and attack upgrade. tier2 militia can beat tier4 NE
also every upgraded tier4 tech can rape tier5 dark dryad.

some ppl claim that NE is good cuz it can attack tot at out of range.
but it requires so many upgrades and golds.
if it spends same gold to elitian tech they can tear down TOT in front of it.

I've used so many techs against decent/pro teams and here are my conclusion about each techs

Human Tech
Since ver 3.7 human tech has been changed.
tier2 and tier3 units got heavy armor.(it was medium armor before 3.7)
most of other tier1, 2, 3 tech are medium armor.
So this means tier2 and tier3 human tech are stronger than any other tier2 tier3 units. although orc and elitian can upgrade hp+damage.
also it can be survive from cannon tower more than any other tier2 tier3 units. (cannon's attack type is normal so it deals more damage to medium armor type units but not heavy armor)
human tech were used to be good at hero kill (because of feedback. +4 more damage at each attack and mana steal)
and now they got buffed and it became stronger than any other tech.
But still tier4 Knight ain't good. So if I want to go dark then I save gold from tier3 and up directly to tier5

This Human tech should be stayed as good hk tech. So tier2, tier3 armor type should be back to old time.
and Tier4, Tier5 knights requires little bit attack damage buff

Orc tech.
Grunt have the highest HP compare with anyother tech but like ghoul, low hp melee units aren't good to use with unholy, newt combine.
And although raiders are better than kodos tier1, tier2 are hard to use and hard to earn moeny. these two tier are really weak against aoes.
tier4 tauren movement speed is so slow and size are too big. so it is really hard to rush in to enemy units.
But orc tech becomes OP with just one Bill hero or combined with unholy, endurance, vampiric auras.

Tier2, Tier3, Tier4, Tier5 units requires more HP and armor buff(especially Tier4 and Tier5 needs 100~300 more hp). So it can survive more from other opponent tech and AOEs.
I think this orc tech characteristic should be Strongest Survivors.

Elitian tech
This tech is the best overall. Because each tier have their own good characteristic.
The most good thing is it can be upgrade hp and damage at the same time like orc.
but tier 4, tier5 is better than orc. because it can attack base and TOT in range of Ward of GOD.(When there is TOT you should put WOG at out of TOT disepl range but other melee units can't be take WOG effect, )
also they can take true shot aura effect.

This tech is good enough

Undead Tech
Tier4, Tier5 abominations are stronger than anyother tech(if it assumes same upgrade point)
Without upgrade and hero suppport tier5 abomination can tear down 25/25 Full upgrade NE Tier5 dark dryads. Passive skill disease is really sick.
But the problem is its really hard to reach tier4. unless it isnt SSD
Because tier1, tier2, tier3 are really sucks. Don't need discussion, I haven't lost ANY SINGLE GAME who using undead tech.
This race have the worst upgrade system. Although attack speed is good but movement speed is pretty usless.
you can use this race with mass tp but tier2 tier3 units gonna be melted down by AOES.
even skel mages have one of the fastest regen rates but it have only 550 hp and you needs lots of times and moneys to reach tier3(if there is NO POOL)
And while you made tier3 anyother opponents heros have enough levels with AOES to take them down at once.
This CHF game have lots of difference between 5.4. So comparing with 5.4 is really meaningless.

I guess this tech should be stayed as messing up everyother tech units.
So what if tier2, tier3 units armor type are changed to unarmored type and if they have splash damge how is it gonna be?

Night Elf Tech
Every tier of this tech can be buffed by trueshot aura. This is huge advange but....
even it have range advantage this is the one of the weakest race against every other tech and aoes.
though phase shift is good passive against magic skills but it makes much more worse against units.
using mass tp with this tier is one of good plan but you can lose a game that can't lose if you use this plan against decent players.
Tier3 is worse than tier2. although it can attack air units. and even tier4 have heavy armor it gives so much golds to opponent so it is not worthy to upgrade from tier2.

Giving some 20~33% spell reduction to tier 3,4,5 units or (I don't know it could be possible) range upgrade with spell reduction percentage increase would be helpful for this tech.

I believe every tech should have their own characteristic and there needs some balance patch.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by soundwave - Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 6:37 AM
ÜberGeekDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 4:28 AM | Message # 2
Mr. Löwenstein
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tl;dr, but I like the colors.

Undead Tier needs to be buffed.

Elintian Tier needs to be nerfed.


I am Über, the craziest Über ever.

FTL forever

Onwards comrades!

Message edited by ÜberGeek - Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 4:52 AM
Master-HeroDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 4:33 AM | Message # 3
Legacy Staff
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Note to orc tier:

They got pulverize (if it's spelled right) which easy can takes the most unit armies down, if you got a decent amount of them.

But I agree with the most of this.

Inactive mod.
LadyInYellowDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 4:41 AM | Message # 4
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I agree
or at least
Make elitian cpst more
they are elite units... Makw them cost more
SOUNDWAVESDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 5:07 AM | Message # 5
Group: Investor
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while these AOES damage still remain as current. All these tech shouldn't be nerfed.

Rest in Peace Rookies
Master-HeroDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 6:20 AM | Message # 6
Legacy Staff
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Yea I agree. No kind of tech should be nerfed. It's the other techs who should be buffed.

Inactive mod.
DragonWarriorDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 8:05 AM | Message # 7
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Ye i agree about tier 4 being able to beat dark dryads when upgraded. The other day, i was upgrading my knights like crazy and it had about 60-130 attack with 27 +25(from devotion). I was literally crushing the dryads

Added (2011-07-22, 9:05 Am)
I think each tier should be designed for a specific purpose.
Elintian- Hero Killing
Night Elf- Basekilling
Undead- Unit Killing
Human- Money farming (for Donation)/ giving extra gold when x-muted
Orc- A small bit of all around (maybe?)

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
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killerrangeDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 8:56 AM | Message # 8
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (DragonWarrior)
Orc- A small bit of all around (maybe?)

orc are good at tanking, defending ect.

I'm here to help :D
a_chinese_kidDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 9:03 AM | Message # 9
Robotic Ninja
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more techs buffed would get players from 5.4 over here. they dont like it as much cause units arent as important and needed to play. they know that kids just save for pengs etc when they start. in 5.4 its all about trapping with units so stronger units that can do shit to a hero without need t5 or 15 15 upgrades would make it a better game for recruits
LadyInYellowDate: Friday, 22-Jul-2011, 6:30 PM | Message # 10
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I actually agree wiith chinese
5.4 players would want 5 rifles raping heros etc.
killerrangeDate: Saturday, 23-Jul-2011, 4:13 AM | Message # 11
Zombie Pirate
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i dislike when i go over to have a game of 5.4 and all these people just get freaking rifles, i mean seriously whats the fun in that?

I'm here to help :D
DragonWarriorDate: Saturday, 23-Jul-2011, 9:45 PM | Message # 12
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Yer, Rifleman were OP in 5.4... I remember that 12 of them could take out and entire base if you can keep the footies occupied

"It's not how many hours you put into it, but what you put into the hours."-Micheal Jordan
"Be the change you wish to seek in the world"-Ghandi
killerrangeDate: Saturday, 23-Jul-2011, 10:16 PM | Message # 13
Zombie Pirate
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Quote (DragonWarrior)

were and still are.

I'm here to help :D
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 24-Jul-2011, 10:23 AM | Message # 14
Robotic Ninja
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Undead and night elf should be the only concerns.

Humans are actually better than elintian, I only use elintian more because mortars are ranged = trueshot also takes effect. But humans are actually better darks vs darks, they got bash and they attack real fast. In fact Fallen even says humans are better.

Orcs tank as fuck and the taurens pulverize? 20-40% of the time to do 250 damage in an area? Im fucking down for that. And for the fact they got bezerk? More pulverize, all units are fuucked. But if a buff was needed, they definetly deserve to be the race with the most health.

Elintian this techs good nuff I see people be butt buddies with it.

Night elf, Their dark tech is probably the smartest choice but not the best... They are weakest, attack slowest as well but the huge range is a big factor. If you can micro and save ur units efficiently you'll have no problem with this tech. But a buff for this, k lemme think. I think this race to be fair competition vs the other techs, it should have the best kind of armour (heavy) they are by far weaker than undead and anything. These guys deserve to have the most armour and best armour (heavy armour).

Undead, the dark tech is actually fucking amazing believe me, the smoke cloud stays on an enemy for awhile and does if I recall (I dont use this tech alot because it really fucking does suck lolz) aboms attack real fast, great armour, 2k hp default, and the smoke cloud. The dark tech for undead is actually pretty impressive, but all other techs suck dick. How I think this tech can be more balanced? It should in my opinion, be the race with the highest attack (NOT ATTACK RATE, ATTACK DAMAGE!!!)since this tech has really low hp. So 1 negative 1 positive, keeps it balanced. Very very very strong units, but hp thats not the best v farmers lol.

I don't think humans should be buffed or nerf, nor orcs, nor elintian. The reason why people chose elintian more is because they literally are like ranged taurens, but no pulverize so thats a down side. Orcs are the legit counter to elintian I shit you not, the pulverize on the taurens rape butt. Also raiders attack faster but kodos have the same stats as raiders but kodos attack slower (its a little hint to pick the green guys next time). Humans they are great and always have been, people just prefer elintian because alot more people use it, banshees attack faster and rape with acid bomb so why not. All Im saying, or atleast think is that humans, they are the better tech. Infact militia vs skelly 1v1 full upgrades (25 attk 25 armour and 15 special) th militia won with 200 hp left. Also human darks, they got bash and attack real fucking fast, hows that for perma stun in an army lol.

Humans are good (better than elintian, PLEASE TRUST ME ON THIS!!!)
Orcs are good (race with most health)
Elintian definetly good since its the most used so far. (BUTT BUDDIES <3)
Undead to buff, buff the damage and especially when you upgrade. (race of most physical damage)
Nightelf, give them the highest and best armour when u upgrade it. (Race of best defense)

If you shit on my ideas gud for you but im speaking on fact.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Sunday, 24-Jul-2011, 10:39 AM
a_chinese_kidDate: Sunday, 24-Jul-2011, 1:34 PM | Message # 15
Robotic Ninja
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yea i love human cause of its health and speed upgrade i literally raped in ars cause i got darks and all i did was get 12 of my darks and run around trap heroes perma stunned and ez kill. i think humans should have the best armor night elf should have faster attack rate is all maybe a lil evade too that one flashing thing really isnt that good its a good counter to mauler for about 2 seconds then it fails they should get a 10 percent or more evade then darks should have 20 percent or more evade
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