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UIM mode needs to be disabled after pre-mass - Forum

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UIM mode needs to be disabled after pre-mass
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 10:16 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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Well, thread name covers it all.

My username this game was "Iamanub"

The game basically went like this. Team 3 decides to stack (is this stack? lol) and go d arrowing. Fine, I'm fine with that. After all, I'm in an alt. Who cares if I lose, right? :P
Well, here is the annoying part where I started getting mad. 

Halfway around this freaking more than 1 hour game, they decide to turn on UIM mode. Mind you, they musta planned this all out. I mean, they all had rez (+ d arrow) and other sh1t.
This back up was so pathetic I raged. I mean seriously, a game should be fair, right? If you lose, you lose right? But noooooo, these fags decided to turn on UIM to win the game.

Well, I played well all game to counter them (I 100% couldn't hit back but was hoping they rage quit
I am crappy allies who well, .... ehh
I was lucky to have a sheep mass and a sheep ally but kinda know late game, pubs kinda get useless fast lol

Anyways, I would like to complain that
UIM mode should not be able to be turned on any time. I mean seriously, turning on after half the game to win a losing game is pathetic. PATHETIC.
Ehh, anyways, rage with me guys. QQ with me
Feel this forum with my AccQQreate aura please <= Killerbeans, that useless player, insisted. lol


CouDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 11:05 AM | Message # 2
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This mode should be named Accreate GOD mode. Let me point out that QQccreate's technique in this game was flawless but decided to hold back and "lose on purpose" so we don't feel intimidated and scared of QQcreate and quit playing CHF.

LMAO I read the chat log. It was a gold war!


pubs: give me gold pls

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 1:40 PM | Message # 3
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RosarioVampireZ, uim mode gives noobs hope but yeah its getting annoying like 1 or 2 mouths back ftd mode and donation were more popular... ever since me and lotrrotk did -uim and told pubs about was the most regretting thing ever in chf(i wish they would do -sheep i never tried it )
bond009 for now make 2 dead to 1 income if you can or put a limit like after 1000 income it stops increasing

lotrrotkDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 2:23 PM | Message # 4
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Web you know we're kind of pubs ourselves just saying
+ even 1000 income is a lot if 1 team pools that's 3000 income so gg

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 2:24 PM
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 3:26 PM | Message # 5
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make pool off if uim mode enabled ?

Added (18-Jul-2014, 3:26 PM)

Quote lotrrotk ()
+ even 1000 income is a lot if 1 team pools that's 3000 income so gg
not really there is always that 1 ally who never pools

ic3dt3aDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 4:21 PM | Message # 6
Robotic Ninja
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i was in the same boat 2-3 days ago and i raged, because it was fucking pathetic. 3 decent players stacked and waited till after mass to vote to make it pass.
Adam_CZDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 5:19 PM | Message # 7
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UIM more is just retarded mode like for example ultimate spell DONATION. Check this game:

yellow had donation and whole game only stay in base with donation + interchange... he got less than 10 HK and he was level 11 while i was level 20... my build bolt, nova, ww druids and i got over 50 HK but still lose. What can i do?
Web-GhostDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 7:40 PM | Message # 8
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
Do you have a replay for every game you play like do you have an excel file with the name chf and in Row A stories about match and in row B links of the match ?

lotrrotkDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 7:49 PM | Message # 9
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Quote Web-Ghost ()
Do you have a replay for every game you play like do you have an excel file with the name chf and in Row A stories about match and in row B links of the match ?
no there's a record for every match you've played  dry

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 7:49 PM
AL_GIDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 8:23 PM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Adam_CZ ()
UIM more is just retarded mode like for example ultimate spell DONATION. Check this game:

yellow had donation and whole game only stay in base with donation + interchange... he got less than 10 HK and he was level 11 while i was level 20... my build bolt, nova, ww druids and i got over 50 HK but still lose. What can i do?

Get nuke...

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 8:29 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Cou ()
This mode should be named Accreate GOD mode. Let me point out that QQccreate's technique in this game was flawless but decided to hold back and "lose on purpose" so we don't feel intimidated and scared of QQcreate and quit playing CHF.

I'm fine with UIM. Ya, I'm totally fine with it. (ehh, definitely not...but still)
But the thing is, no MODES should be turned on after pre-mass. That's just retarded.

It's just like CHF in past where pub admins would turn on -SSD on the verge of a humiliating loss. 100% retarded and pathetic.

Oh btw, here's a free cookie for listening to my QQ aura.

Added (18-Jul-2014, 8:29 PM)
Quote AL_GI ()
UIM more is just retarded mode like for example ultimate spell DONATION. Check this game: yellow had donation and whole game only stay in base with donation + interchange... he got less than 10 HK and he was level 11 while i was level 20... my build bolt, nova, ww druids and i got over 50 HK but still lose. What can i do?

Get nuke...
The fact that you need almost 10,000 gold to counter an ultimate is pathetic by itself too.

Look how overpowered some spells are in CHF. I mean, hero Resurrection ultimate at level 3 is 700 gold in shop.
Unit ressurection level 3 is 6.5k in shop (twice too!)
And then there is.. some op spells (like mindrape) which even a 70k can't counter late game with good

**btw, usually people with donation have allies with resserection thus rendering nuke's better to go straight peng rush than nuke in this rate (just bk! :P)

Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 8:30 PM
AL_GIDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 9:04 PM | Message # 12
Zombie Pirate
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Yes but penguins have a longer CD thats why I said get nuke. And in uim you can easily get 8.5k.. Ye allies can have ressurection. My suggestion was to nuke the ennemie units until you can get pengs.

But the most useful strategy is to mass pool someone get darks the faster as you can and rush bases

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)


Message edited by AL_GI - Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 9:06 PM
RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 11:48 PM | Message # 13
Robotic Ninja
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Quote AL_GI ()
Yes but penguins have a longer CD thats why I said get nuke. And in uim you can easily get 8.5k.. Ye allies can have ressurection. My suggestion was to nuke the ennemie units until you can get pengs. But the most useful strategy is to mass pool someone get darks the faster as you can and rush bases

Unfortunately if you put this strat to real life
(like me donation vs you), you would lose before you even get pooled for nuke. 

Web-GhostDate: Friday, 18-Jul-2014, 11:58 PM | Message # 14
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RosarioVampireZ, get hero with death and decay

AL_GIDate: Saturday, 19-Jul-2014, 0:24 AM | Message # 15
Zombie Pirate
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Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
Unfortunately if you put this strat to real life
(like me donation vs you), you would lose before you even get pooled for nuke. 

Against pubs I mean
But I just said getting darks faster as you can is a better strat and please don't tell me that against you it won't work xD

Added (19-Jul-2014, 0:24 AM)
Everyone tier 2 or 3 human --> Mass pool someone in your team --> Get darks --> Rush base ( Should rush the best player so you won't have problems with him for the rest of the game)

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

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