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Forum moderator: Bond009  
Are all hpmm admins doing the same?
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 4:08 AM | Message # 1
Robotic Ninja
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absolutely no reason to kick. Your admins abuse to make sure a loss isnt recorded on elo QQ. I bet this will happen again easily to any game cou starts to lose.

I wonder how many other games all admins of hpmm did this to ensure their numbers on the right hand side aren't over 0

I bet random isn't gonna do anything because of donations. He has to buy his rank 1 lol.

I mean yo is there a rule somewhere saying "no alt accounts allowed?"

Funny everyone threatens to snipe us, yet when we do so we get kicked haha.

I remember back in the day with Hato_up, we go on alts, piss off admins when they lose and they kicked us. This refreshes some fun times haha.

This makes ELO system much more fucked now than it already is by the way. How can true players pass top players (WHO HAPPEN TO SO BE ADMINS) when they have the power to kick anybody they lose against?

Ps: Highlight near end before we get kicked. Cyray mindrapes him and I steal a golem. I think that's the turning point in which he couldn't take the fact that the number on the right hand side would go up by one AJAJAJAJAJA. I was brown, cyray dark green.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 4:52 AM
CouDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 4:17 AM | Message # 2
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You guys mad because you were being pussies in alts? and Got accreate to try and set me up? If I lose, it needs to be a fair fight and not a stacked team that risks nothing biggrin Me and random were talking and he knows it's unfair when pussies get to stack in alts and risk no elos. You talk as if you know what's fair when you guys play unfair 99% of the time. 

Go play in your own tdt bot. It's got an elo there. smile

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 4:18 AM | Message # 3
Robotic Ninja
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Oh so I guess you can account that for every other person who gets sniped as well? Okay you should seriously do that. That would indeed be perfect and nice.

Okay so when any of our teammates (even xmonsterrr yes...) gets sniped, Ill just come to you guys and get that fixed sounds good?

That acccreate excuse is a great one it really is. But he had no idea it was us either until he called us out ahaha

Kicking us for being on alts is not a legit excuse haha. No matter what account we are on, it's not like our skill and logic of chf just fucking go god mode. Absolutely retarded. This is legit rigged. Tdt tournament last year was fucking hell of alot more fair than this, no kicks, rematches given, absolute fairness. (Until xmonsterrr got mad ajaja QQ)

I also love how the disconnect thing is legit. I could easily just unplug my internet and go to that section and say "give me the win, I was winning till I dced." LOL.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:15 AM
RosarioVampireZDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 4:54 AM | Message # 4
Robotic Ninja
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I got to admit

Both of u are pussies but Cou, seriously?
Stacking urself and kicking to win for ELO? WTF IS THAT SHIT?

Added (2013-07-15, 5:54 AM)
and wtf is wrong with ELO

I beat lamsauce FAIR anf SQUARE and cause he's fucking admin or some shit Idont get win and he ddoesn't get loss

And when I lose against Cou's gay stacked team who dcs the whole t4 in middle of game to imbalance the whole shit ELO counts it as a loss

uknowwhat? Fuq this sh3tty ELO
Im going on alts too nxt time with ip outside korea to fuq Cou's win rates

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:11 AM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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Added (2013-07-15, 6:11 AM)
Random the only way you can make this fair is you being the only person with admin.

And your anti-snipe rules... well... its always going to happen no matter what you say. people hate tDT that much hahaha.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ

Message edited by Cheesy-Gordia - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:12 AM
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:27 AM | Message # 6
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lol cou kicking for no reason? Sorry its low for me.
Random260Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:50 AM | Message # 7
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Alright. Please lock this thread or remove it. No need for drama and hate.

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Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 5:58 AM | Message # 8
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random you so funny not reproofs for admins? I you making smile in my face. In that replay he kicked players for reason because they played good.
mehrquackDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:10 AM | Message # 9
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Guys elo sucks . All "pros " stacking now more than before............. So we need "rt!" mode by mehrquack :d [may someone will help me ]
Read :
Guys i think chf [clanhpmm bot] need a new game command " !rt " = random teams mode
My idea : 5 players are needed to activate this game mode .Then everyone joins a random team. Moreover admins arent able to swap when this game mode is activated.
So they cant stack therir teams anymore...... In my opinion this mode will make the game more balanced.
It would be nice if u add "!rt "in clanhpmmbot random.

Edit : When u thing that the "pros " will start to play against each other without stacking like 3 vs 1 u are silly . There two ways : 1. 3vs1 The player who have no team will leave before the game starts . 2. 1vs1 One of the players have a teammates who are playing under other accs


Frist : !sb is an admin command . So "normal " players cant use it. Secondly !sb hasnt any influence of an admin . He can swap the best players into to his team before the game start
The main reason why !sb is totaly useless is that the admins never use this command because they want play in the best team [ they want a easy win , no challange ].
"rt! " would be a good way to make the game democratic . I am not against swapping but have to say admin use this command to often...........
I think swap should be only used for players with same ip [only then u can say that they are friends] and to make the game more balanced so that everone has a chance to win
[this happend not often / Stooge u are a good admin :d ].
I have to agree with fir that it is not fair at all but its make the game more v than it is now................
For this problem a i have a idea . Bond could compare elo with "rt!". The median and the quartiles could be used for the accruement of the random teams
In my opinion we need "rt!"

Chf needs also : Ip check . The bot should tell us if a player joined in the last seven day under a other acc. Exsample : Cou = chimera or J4stx =tdt_Banks and so on
............................................................................................................................................ ........
And what is the difference between stacking under real acc or others ? It is all stacking lol......... So dont cry if someone plays stacked under other accs . Cou ,tdt and others are playing mostly stacked vs good players like 3vs1

Edit : I will try to develop a "rt!" [random team mode based on elo ]... "pros" have only fear to loose elo thats why they disagree=they are pussies :d
rt makes chf much better than it is now

Added (2013-07-15, 7:10 AM)
Random add "rt!" mode by mehrquack . I need the help of bond009
Chf will became suck when we dont add rt!

Being proud to be not an average"chf ucozer"
FirNesSDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:11 AM | Message # 10
Robotic Ninja
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I never used the kick command in this bot, and I played against xmon stax and cyray on alts. But as you guys are pussies I understand cou

CouDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:15 AM | Message # 11
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ahaha sexy meme there. Glad to know tdt are my biggest fans by saving my pics. lol im not phased by all this. Ive taken a loss but tell me coward-gordia and cryray, why not vs me in your real accounts? Scared? Because all I see is a couple of jealous kids setting me up and going through the effort of screwing my elo without consequences. I did kick but i was also going to ask random to add the loss after-all, that's what they wanted. It must make you feel uneasy staring at #1. I just wanted to see you guys break your caps in channel and rage so hard and froth at the mouth when I didnt care what you guys were saying

Bottom line is tdt are finished. Ive got so many replays owning them that I dont need to prove anything and this is the only way they can get me back. Gj for the acting and baiting accreate coz I really did think it was going to be a 1vs1

@mehquack: get your shite right. I dont play full stacked since half of my wins are me alone and the rest with one friend. Otherwise I wouldnt have accepted accreates 1vs1 challenge. Only a few were stacked. Check my play history.

Lol @ QQsetina biggrin

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:42 AM
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:49 AM | Message # 12
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Not i changed opinion cou about you.. they dont post any word in your side and you kicked them. I dont care whatever they are but you kicked/abused your rights.

look from other side cou. First time i heard rason alt. biggrin     Its biggest joke eva.

Message edited by Osetinas7171 - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:52 AM
CouDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:52 AM | Message # 13
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They got what they wanted, I just wasnt going to give them that satisfaction. It was a 3 vs 1 replay with accreate helping them. Ofc I was annoyed and im only a normal guy at the end of the day. biggrin

lol @ QQsetina. Alts are a joke. I dont regret what I did at all. smile

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 6:56 AM
Osetinas7171Date: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 7:19 AM | Message # 14
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ok what does alt means? You can't  prohibit to player's use others accc. I dont even see rule to be kicked because he use another acc LOLOL its shame sorry smile

Its not was 3x1 you had allies noob average or pros but its was your allies. How fuck you got admin if you making shit.

Message edited by Osetinas7171 - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 7:24 AM
CouDate: Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 7:31 AM | Message # 15
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Whats your point? Am I meant to be embarrassed about it? I already said Im a normal guy in the end and got annoyed that my hard working win spree came to an end coz of tdt being oh so pro.

My allies took no aoes and I got them levelled them to 16.

The only thing shameful is adam being right about you being two-faced. biggrin

And ose stfu please. You dnt have tdt runnin around with your pics and talkin smack to you off game.

Legendary Team All Starz pack:

Message edited by Cou - Monday, 15-Jul-2013, 7:42 AM
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