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All Info About Donations - Forum

All Info About Donations
VexslasherDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 6:01 PM | Message # 1
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Everyone knows that bond has done all of his hard work for us for free, however he needs our help now to continue his work. It's expensive to pay for sites and bots for hosting, and it takes a ton of time to make this game stay balanced and fun for everyone, so if you would please donate as much as possible, but no amount is to small and all donations are greatly appreciated and help to keep new versions coming and bots running.

Top 10 Donators
1. Cou, 490$
1. stooge., 450$
3. Njag, $131
4. Princess.Pink, $100
5. AllStarJones, $93
6. king-of-wars jonathan, $76
7. Firelord, $75
8. xifelol, $70
9 KickStart, $65
10. CyRay, $65

- Knurzfoten, $63
- Web-Ghost, $60
- slayer666, $50
- Pinas, $50
- O_o]-PrincipV, $45
- helekiller, $35
- aviator, $30
- ic3dt3a, $20
- Trixxareforkids, $20
- Fiery_WA, $13
- MASTA_K1LLA, $13
- wilz, $10
- bop420, $5
Legal_life, $-20

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  • - has made a donation
  • - has donated 50$ or more
  • - has donated 100$ or more
  • - made it to the top 10 donators
  • - has been 3rd best donator
  • - has been 2nd best donator
  • - has been 1st best donator
  • - has donated 150$ or more

A new bot + my internet speeds will be sweet biggrin should never be laggy


Cheesy-GordiaDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 6:04 PM | Message # 2
Robotic Ninja
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Dam I only have TD bank >.<.

Dont got anything else, and its for mah tuition.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Bond009Date: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 6:12 PM | Message # 3
Overall Site Owner
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looks pretty cool man someone already gave 20 and stooge gave 10 bucks smile

would be cool to make little icon things like on the Hive also for that kinda stuff

VexslasherDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 6:22 PM | Message # 4
Site Manager
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Do you know who gave you 20? we will need to keep track of all donations in order to make this top ten thing work properly.

I haven't figured out how to add an additional image to the users yet, until I figure that out we might just have to use awards, I'm not sure where you make the awards at tho either do you know?

We may need people to provide their user name in like a message when donating or have them provide there "Order ID:" to know who has giving how much..

Master-HeroDate: Saturday, 14-May-2011, 6:57 PM | Message # 5
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Quote (Bond009)
would be cool to make little icon things like on the Hive also for that kinda stuff

Yea could be cool to do like those in hive.

Inactive mod.
Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 9:33 AM | Message # 6
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I can give $5 from Paypal, but if you can implement OneBip maybe $10.

Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:15 PM | Message # 7
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I donated to bond, but using another email. It's under my friends account, as I currently don't own a Paypal :).

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:17 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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I kinda have 30 000 in mah bank acct but my ma all like "NO ACCESS ^^ ME AZN" Id gladly giv 2000, need the rest for the expensive ass courses im taking.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
lspiderlDate: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:26 PM | Message # 9
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how about donations over a certain amount get a hero named after you in game smile

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:40 PM | Message # 10
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Quote (lspiderl)
how about donations over a certain amount get a hero named after you in game

Yeah I like that

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:47 PM | Message # 11
Robotic Ninja
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Not a bad idea. Could be a chance to get my dam rock hero in.

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
Bond009Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 3:57 PM | Message # 12
Overall Site Owner
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yea that could be sweet, i dont mind giving neat options such as that smile and thanks bop also cou i found out was the one that donated 20
i was kinda thinking of stuff like that for perks earlier too tongue

even though this isnt fully done yet we should open this up for others to see soon

Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 4:05 PM | Message # 13
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Imported is cou then?

Bond009Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 4:11 PM | Message # 14
Overall Site Owner
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yea lol i thought that was already known

just came across this, this is pretty cool we dont have to mimic this but could use it for getting more ideas from or something

also if i ever get enough i can put it towards a new bot server
the one i have now the processor spikes sometimes if ppl lag or when 1 game ends it will make a lag spike for everyone in other games going at that time.
its a 2.4GHz with 1GB of ram i already put some money into upgrading it to try and make the lag spikes go away but i guess it wasnt quite enough.
Next thing now is to upgrade the processor power which is pretty much a whole new server..

Alex[STAR]Date: Sunday, 15-May-2011, 6:09 PM | Message # 15
Group: Users
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Can you pay for a dedi? Not reaply sure if they do GHost lol.
But wow... You will pay for upgrades?
It'll cost a lot lol. What are you going for? Core 2 or i?

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