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I just think EVERYONE Needs to know their place with MH. - Page 3 - Forum

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I just think EVERYONE Needs to know their place with MH.
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 3:50 PM | Message # 1
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So i think a lot of people are ignorant to the fact that me and lizz and a few others can within a matter of sec's watch a replay and know right away if someone is using maphack (MH)

You cant just use it and play careful and throw us off by using dust randomly or shit like that. We dont just assume you are using MH we know for 100% certain that you ARE using it.

There is 0 question or doubt when we check, i just want you all to know before you decide to be stupid and use it.
Theres a way we can see your clicks and camera movements every sec of the game. We can see when you click on people or look at them when you have no sight of them (or shouldnt) but the fact you use maphack lets you see those areas and we know this..
From now on the rules are going to be cracked down on. You use it and are caught you lose your account on the bot simple as that. No questions asked.

When me or lizz or soundwaves because i told him how, check a replay and we see you're mh'ing dont come and ask why you are unable to join the bot with your account anymore.
I just want to emphasis again how when we check, it tells us 100%, there is no denying it and no rebuttal what soever.

Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:09 PM | Message # 31
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Quote (xMoNsTeRRR)
He says he has one replay that proves it. Yet he fails to watch the FIFTY other replays I have uploaded. He says some bogus excuse liek, "you must've turned it off that game." Why would I turn it off against pro players and then turn it on against bond? Come on, get real.

lets be honest you would've used it against me anyway because your scared of me wink lol but it wasnt just vs me it was like a 80% ish inhouse game and soundwaves was also in it.

k ill check it out king.

ArcttyDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:14 PM | Message # 32
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This thread is gold, I wish I had seen it earlier.
KinGDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:24 PM | Message # 33
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Quote (Bond009)
i beat you with your bros on your team and you're all pros with my sis and 9k on my team.. lol I think you know im a much bigger threat then you claim..

o0o0o never seen bond talk so big <3

I'm still winning ....... Like charlie sheen
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:31 PM | Message # 34
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Quote (xMoNsTeRRR)
Sad, blame your losses on maphacks. No wonder this game is dying.

no, ppl like u are the reason its dying.. that have to use mh to play.. should i call u fallen jr.?

TrixxareforkidsDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:35 PM | Message # 35
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So what is my place, anyway? Can I stay at your place if mine isn't in a nice neighbourhood?

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Pyo-LizZoODate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:37 PM | Message # 36
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Quote (Bond009)
here lizz or sound check out the first min or so under his view lol he is stalkin the shit outa me tongue

whoever would have won that game (didnt watched the whole replay) and how many games xMon didnt hacked,...

but in the first 2 minutes xMon clicked on Bonds hero in his Base. Thats a fact, sorry.

//here is another replay btw, its kinda 1 month old or something like that but still......take st4x' view and check his clicks on following time marks:

~1:36 = hero in pick area

~1:53-2.10 = hero of player 1

~ 17.00 = Talk's Arcane tower

~25.00 = papas hero, while he used ww in our base

//ps: no trixx you cant, you are forced to move to germany.

pew pew - hele killer style

Message edited by Pyo-LizZoO - Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:38 PM
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 6:40 PM | Message # 37
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sorry monster.. case closed you lose. pew pew

ps. its kinda sad you felt you werent good enough to play vs others so you resorted to using mh to give you that edge.. :/ its ok man you'll get better the more you play..

jonathan290Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 7:22 PM | Message # 38
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Quote (Pyo-LizZoO)
but in the first 2 minutes xMon clicked on Bonds hero in his Base. Thats a fact, sorry.

i saw the replay and thats true
when game just started the first thing u did was clicking on bonds base and u watched it for like 20 secs, then u picked ur hero and did it again
lspiderlDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 7:23 PM | Message # 39
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I just want to make it clear IF someone drops the Fbomb there post WILL be deleted .

IF YOU QUOTE someones post with the Fbomb in it .... YOUR post will be deleted too

im sick and tired of you childish brats refusing to follow one d#mn simple rule DONt of the fword and IF you do EDIT it replace a few freaking letters with symbols like #$@#$%^ its not f$%king hard

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
KinGDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 7:35 PM | Message # 40
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okay so altho bann the names from the bot is good they can just change there name and come play with there maphack again ive ran into 3 alt accounts today if i didnt know any better i would say it was xmonster so the solution to this problem isnt to bann names but figure out a way to detect the map hack just sayin.....

Quote (lspiderl)
I just want to make it clear IF someone drops the Fbomb there post WILL be deleted .

IF YOU QUOTE someones post with the Fbomb in it .... YOUR post will be deleted too

im sick and tired of you childish brats refusing to follow one d#mn simple rule DONt of the fword and IF you do EDIT it replace a few freaking letters with symbols like #$@#$%^ its not f$%king hard

wat about the fack bomb is that cool why do u care btw ? just sayin......

I'm still winning ....... Like charlie sheen

Message edited by KinG - Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 7:36 PM
CouDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 7:54 PM | Message # 41
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Im not bright enough to hax so I just buy 5 pockys that cost 225 and leave pet with them and theres my maphack right there!

haha fallen jr. bond you beat me to teh punch line lol

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xMoNsTeRRRDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 8:44 PM | Message # 42
Zombie Pirate
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why would i want to click on bonds base and only bonds base? the reason this game is dying due to shitty chieftains and a crappy host clan.

Added (2011-09-05, 9:44 PM)

Quote (Bond009)
lets be honest you would've used it against me anyway because your scared of me

lets be honest its like 19-4 between us

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 8:45 PM | Message # 43
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honestly monster.. i dont even know how to respond to your post because its just that retarded.. sleep

I'm sure you're in defense mode and all after being caught and exposed about what you did but just own up to it and stop using it.. simple as that

xMoNsTeRRRDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 8:49 PM | Message # 44
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But I didn't do it, and if your as pathetic as not to agree then fine. I know you lose to me legitly, so I'm alright with it happy

this account is currently being shared by xmonsterrr and cyray. if i say something nice, its probably cyray so please disregard it.
JST4XDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 8:52 PM | Message # 45
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I can explain that replay and I've done so to bond before cause someone being a little snitch. But it seems like most people in here are just too thick to understand that I don't maphack. So I'm not even gonna try to explain it to you fuckers but I have 2 things to say to you. 1 Stay out of other people's business. 2 Without respect you ain't shit.
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