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I just think EVERYONE Needs to know their place with MH. - Page 4 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
I just think EVERYONE Needs to know their place with MH.
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 3:50 PM | Message # 1
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So i think a lot of people are ignorant to the fact that me and lizz and a few others can within a matter of sec's watch a replay and know right away if someone is using maphack (MH)

You cant just use it and play careful and throw us off by using dust randomly or shit like that. We dont just assume you are using MH we know for 100% certain that you ARE using it.

There is 0 question or doubt when we check, i just want you all to know before you decide to be stupid and use it.
Theres a way we can see your clicks and camera movements every sec of the game. We can see when you click on people or look at them when you have no sight of them (or shouldnt) but the fact you use maphack lets you see those areas and we know this..
From now on the rules are going to be cracked down on. You use it and are caught you lose your account on the bot simple as that. No questions asked.

When me or lizz or soundwaves because i told him how, check a replay and we see you're mh'ing dont come and ask why you are unable to join the bot with your account anymore.
I just want to emphasis again how when we check, it tells us 100%, there is no denying it and no rebuttal what soever.

ArcttyDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:25 PM | Message # 46
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according to him he has a social life, goes to concerts and talks to girls. I bet you guys all wish you did that.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:26 PM | Message # 47
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you know why map hack is shit?

cuz u can see everyothers resources and invisible units. and also every spell, items cool down,

this is worst shit ever that I faced. this is worse than everyother haters and glitchs and so on.

so here are my proof.

This is ars but before mass check where monsters mouse point is.


This game tooked over 1 hour. DG is st4x Brown is xmonsterrr.
you can see mouse aiming following skill shop2 while every t4 were in skill shop 1. Basically WC3 system doesnt allow this. except MH.
even without mouse aim their play were weird.
Clear thing was around 50min ~ 60min. I sent worker(was invisible) to t3(leavers) spot to steal their shield. (they put workers with shield on skill shop2 and I was about to use altar) But he scaned in front of t3 base exactly right time. without any single sentry wards or owl. It happend 3 times and they found it exactly.

most recent one.
you can check mouse aiming either.

And almost last part of game. you can't deny this. Cuz you used impale to ramus hero without any single wards.
Check this again, turn off fog option and set it to xmonstter vision. you can't see anything but he used impale right exactly to ramus hero.

And while we were moving to t4 base as ww. he was about to come to our base but he suddenly came back. there were none of any single wards and no reveals at that time.

last one. while he were moving hero he avoided our sentry wards exactly but there were none of any reveals. compare with these two sets, turn off fog and turn on fog.

w/e I could finish this game much more earlier but I had to prepare every options. Cuz MH players can see my resources. So it tooked so much times.

Well you can enjoy game with hack but if your purpose of using hack is trying to give shit to others then GTFO

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:31 PM
Bond009Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:36 PM | Message # 48
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Honestly though st4x in this case it really is mh.. the feature in wc3 allows us to prove this 100% thats why i know for certain.. there is no room for doubt..

Sound is right.. also i heard from someone that you are the one that provided monster with the link to get the mh program.. and im not saying you still use it anymore st4x but monster was flat out caught red handed..

Honestly i dont see why there is even an argument about this..? Its like monster broke into a bank and got caught on surveillance cameras and it got his face flat out and yet he still trys to deny it.. thats how pointless this is. It is 100% impossible to click on someone in a dark area that you can not see and yet monsters mouse had a unit selected in a area he couldnt see many many many times... the ONLY way this is possible is when using MapHack.. CASE CLOSED.

If any of you honestly still believe monster then i might have to ban your account on the bot also just because i dont want ppl that dumb paying on my bots..

ItSoVeR9000Date: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:39 PM | Message # 49
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Quote (Bond009)

Quote (Bond009)

Quote (Bond009)

Quote (Bond009)

Quote (Bond009)

and there ya have it folks... wink

SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:39 PM | Message # 50
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all these 3 games happend in september.

Rest in Peace Rookies
lspiderlDate: Monday, 05-Sep-2011, 10:56 PM | Message # 51
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Quote (KinG)
wat about the fack bomb is that cool why do u care btw ? just sayin......

because it violates Ucoz rules , because it violates forum rules . because its simply childish

theres a myriad of reasons

but it all boils down to DONT F$%KING DO IT !!!!! OR FACE PENALTIES FOR IT!

I suffer from a condition called dislexix disgraphia so please parden my spelling and typographical errors
Pyo-LizZoODate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 2:45 AM | Message # 52
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Quote (JST4X)
I can explain that replay .....bla bla bla bla bla...

The explaination is easy: You used maphack.

Quote (Bond009)
Honestly though st4x in this case it really is mh.. the feature in wc3 allows us to prove this 100% thats why i know for certain.. there is no room for doubt..


But im sure you will keep on playing under alts with maphack. wink

pew pew - hele killer style

wilzDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 3:06 AM | Message # 53
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isnt this a redundant phrase?? isnt warning suppose to be "pre".....just saying its all...haha

oh btw cou is gay...just saying its all...
CouDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 4:31 AM | Message # 54
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12:23 [All] JohnSmith55: let them hug each other's nuts for a while

12:34 [All] JohnSmith55: there's no harm in that

Legendary Team All Starz pack:
AntyoneDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 5:53 AM | Message # 55
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this is ridiculous, so disappointed wow using mh for chf honestly.

all of ya using mh are so pro, yea beat all these pubs using mh, no problem!
use it for inhouse too why not u wanna prove you are the shit nobody gonna tell u otherwise since u use mh yeaa!

thank god im not playing anymore

stoogeDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 6:10 AM | Message # 56
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its just sad, i didnt think u were that great to play against but im just disappointed that u had to use mh

lol sad

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
Alex[STAR]Date: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 9:11 AM | Message # 57
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I say again, if monster is so desperate to win CHF, that he needs a maphack, let him keep it. At least you guys won't fall down to that level of shame whatever your level of skill...

cyrawrDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 10:28 AM | Message # 58
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Message edited by cyrawr - Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 5:07 PM
LittleBDate: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 11:10 AM | Message # 59
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haw haw haw, this thread is pricless, poor xmon, part of the dream team now mhing...also in replays how do u see what the team is saying and clicking and cooldown and skills etc. i can see when something is clicked but it can be anybody from game not the guy im viewing it from...halp

Added (2011-09-06, 12:10 PM)
p.s. never seen bond this mad.

p.s.s if u ban the acct wont he just make a new acct? also if u get ipban cant u just change ur ip?

Bond009Date: Tuesday, 06-Sep-2011, 11:33 AM | Message # 60
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i have the bots database and have a program that i can open it and look at anything.. i have everyones ips even if they change every time i have them all and i also have everyones names alt accounts everything..

Its funny though because i just made this as a warning for everyone that may have tried it or used it before or always uses it just in general to everyone that actions will be taken now to ppl that MH and notice how monster's guilt made him post instantly under the warning even though i didnt even call him out till after he did that.. kinda funny

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