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Should we get a new Game Admin Mod? - Page 5 - Forum

Forum moderator: Bond009, Random260, Cou, Bio-AssAUlt  
Should we get a new Game Admin Mod?
Should we get a new Game Admin Mod to help watch over games in the bot and report/ban etc
1. SyLeLeBeLLe_FR [ 5 ] [18.52%]
2. BajsHoran [ 7 ] [25.93%]
3. AccCreate [ 3 ] [11.11%]
4. Aviator [ 0 ] [0.00%]
5. Mr_Dark [ 2 ] [7.41%]
6. Other (fill name in with post, and reason why) [ 13 ] [48.15%]
7. No (dont need new game Mod) [ 1 ] [3.70%]
Answers total: 27
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 11:29 AM | Message # 61
Zombie Pirate
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Choosing your friends won't help.

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 12:53 PM | Message # 62
Robotic Ninja
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It's not about choosing friends, it's about choosing people who've always had a reliable behaviour. If people mentionned Footy Rosa or me even if we are not very active it's because they do trust us. We were never accused of any kind of abusing, so no wonder why we're stated as potential game moderators.

Now once again it doesn't really matter, I did propose to become game mod because I truly think that I could do some great work, but if Random/Bond want to choose someone else who's been abusing but who is only playing the game a little bit more, it's up to them. 
And as Rosa said maybe I don't play that much, because unlike some of you guys I don't have enough time and I do play other games, but at least I visit the forum several times a day.
But if you nominate someone and that he abuses 2 weeks later, don't try to call me back, it will be too late. I'm ready to assume this job, but I have honor, I'm not a puppet that you can feel free to use whenever you want.

If I could give you some advice, I believe that you'd better take someone who is 100% reliable, someone who's been having an irreproachable behaviour for the last year or so. 
To give you my opinion about all the contenders:
- Footy: very reliable, but I'm not sure if he has the time and the willing. Ask him, I dunno.
- Rosa: Doesn't seem to want this role, but very reliable
- Icetea: I'd say not active enough, but he could probably make some effort. His major problem is to be a flamer swearing and insulting people way too much.
- Syle: Very active, kinda reliable. I think he could be great for this job, if he wants to.
- Adam: Very active, has antecedents but also had a positive behaviour for a long time now. I believe he would fill this well too.
- Cheesy: Not enough reliable. He doesn't care enough about the game to be trusted.
- Basj: I saw all of you guys mentionning him, but isn't he already game mod? 
- AlGi: Kinda active, quite reliable but still has some antecedents. I find him too impetuous, but he could maybe fill this role.
- Me: Not very active on the game, very active on the forum, very reliable. To my mind some people would assume the role better than me but I could still do it well

Sorry if I forgot someone. 
I tryed to be as objective as possible for every single person, you guys all know it. So please icetea and other people, gtfo with your flame, there is not any personal hate in this.

GagamelDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 1:27 PM | Message # 63
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Quote FirNesS ()
If people mentionned Footy Rosa or me 

LOL reliable behaviour? You? HAHHAHAHA. You play once in a decade, then use mh and lie about it afterwards.... that is reliable behaviour?
Quote FirNesS ()
we're stated as potential game moderators.

who stated for you as game moderator, again? Beside yourself ofcourse.
Quote FirNesS ()
I'm not a puppet that you can feel free to use whenever you want.

Yeah right you are a princess, a cute flower shining like the sun and trapped in a male body. Sorry if someone hurt your feelings, bro/sis or whatever you want to be.
Quote FirNesS ()
I tryed to be as objective as possible

if it would be objective you wouldn t reccomand yourself so many times... For the others its ok. But hey why not tell everyone you like them if there will be a poll where everyone can vote for each other and suck their ducks in return.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 1:35 PM | Message # 64
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Gagamel ()
LOL reliable behaviour? You? HAHHAHAHA. You play once in a decade, then use mh and lie about it afterwards.... that is reliable behaviour?
Have you ever proved that I did mh? I wish you a good luck, as I didn't ever use it.

Quote Gagamel ()
who stated for you as game moderator, again? Beside yourself ofcourse.
Rosa, Cou, Adam..? These guys's opinion worth more than yours and the other people who did recommend other game moderators.

Quote Gagamel ()
if it would be objective you wouldn t reccomand yourself so many times...
I do recommand myself because I'm convinced that I'd do the job better than most of the contenders, but I still believe that Syle or Adam deserve to be game mod more than I do.

GagamelDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 1:48 PM | Message # 65
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Quote FirNesS ()
Have you ever proved that I did mh? I wish you a good luck, as I didn't ever use it.

you dont need to post in every thread that you mh, i know already. And yes i guess a replay if enough for proof, but since all admins dont care. Why should I?

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
AL_GIDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 1:48 PM | Message # 66
Zombie Pirate
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FirNesS, Sylele is not really active on forum and bajs is already a game mod

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 1:54 PM | Message # 67
Robotic Ninja
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Well then I'd nominate Adam

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 2:06 PM | Message # 68
Robotic Ninja
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it doesn't matter if you're active or not. if you don't know the game and you're active you should go fuck yourself still. You need to know wtf you're talking about which is why again if I do become oone of the mods, I'll post tutorials so you guys can do your job cleaner and quicker. and why I said it doesn't matter if you're active or not is because there will be more than 1 to begin with. With that being said obviously we need atleast 1 active person in the pool. For being active I highly recommend adam. When it comes to judgment support honestly anybody that knows wtf they're talking about works and that's why sadly I have very few people in mind because most of you really don't know a player from an analysis perspective rather than muscle memory prespective

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 2:09 PM | Message # 69
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
most of you really don't know a player from an analysis perspective rather than muscle memory prespective
How can you say that when you don't know most of the contenders as you've been inactive lately?

AL_GIDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 2:17 PM | Message # 70
Zombie Pirate
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Quote Cheesy-Gordia ()
it doesn't matter if you're active or not is because there will be more than 1 to begin with.
It's clearly about being active. How would you manage bans if you're not active?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

FirNesSDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 2:19 PM | Message # 71
Robotic Ninja
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Well no need to be that active, but well AlGi is right to say that a game mod has to be quite active at least; he has to log on every day on forum to check ban requests and he has to play the game several times a week.

Cheesy-GordiaDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 3:43 PM | Message # 72
Robotic Ninja
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There's more than one. there's no need for everyone to be super active. read dude. We really only need 1 or 2 that are consistently active. plus it's not that hard for me to take 30 mins to make sure everything is alright, and that speaks for active and non active

I hate this n***a actin like jesus - SOUNDWAVES

You don't are pro - Adam_CZ
RosarioVampireZDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 3:58 PM | Message # 73
Robotic Ninja
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Isn't the purpose of game mod pretty much to file requests on forum?

You don't really have to be active in game if not play at all (theoretically)
You just have to check forums almost everyday (which btw, pretty much everyone on this thread does)

Anyways, tbh, although I would have supported Adam
His recent annoying thread again about "ban AccCreate for typing" is reason why I'm turned off.
If he is planning to ban me for typing (?), I have no thoughts supporting him for admin.
He needs to mature more.

Anyways, smile
<Unless someone can look after Adam ofc. But seriously, let's be real. Adam has like no clue how to detect fog clicks too. How he even going to properly file ban requests if he doesn't know how to detect maphack? It's not a problem of being active or not. If the game moderators can't even find who is maphacking, there is no purpose 80% of the time of why that player should even be admin>

Someone teach Adam how to detect maphack if he is the new game mod gosh.
And oh ya, make sure he can't ban me for no reason.
This guy was main reason why I lost so much interest in CHF. If this is what a game moderator should be, ehh.

I have no thoughts supporting someone who ruined a game for me and a lot others.
And Adam still hasn't changed. I don't understand all this "1 year" thing. We all know he recently posted threads against me because he was caught spoofing.
And let me remind you.... that was REALLY recent incident.

Adam like a few others in this forum has already been caught spoofing/maphacking very recently.
Why should I bother supporting this guy?
He looked like he changed but then he does the same "old acts" once a while. No thoughts supporting that.

I don't know... just a piece of thought.
He did spoof Vexslasher a couple times in a few months ago.
I hope you guys don't forget that too.

GagamelDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 4:35 PM | Message # 74
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Rosie, i dont care so much what adam_cz did in the past, i think he is one of the active guys around here who also watch replays which is good. Sure i had some personal issues with him but lets live for the future and not for the past.

And about spoofing. Maybe it sounds like a bad thing at the first place. But it depends on how you use it. If you spoof someone to pretend to be this person, yes then its negative. But you also can use it positive in many ways. For example you can lock abusers out of a game this way because 2 people cant join with the same name. Or you can use a spoofed name on holdlist to kick a modeabuser from the red spot when the lobby is full. This hurts noone and only helps the people who want to play legit.

Same goes for the debug mode. I think its kinda funny to use it against known hackers like dan- who come after the game to the forums to complain about me but find out that they got busted instead.

Anyway i think we should bring people together instead of tear them apart.  I started a new clan recently called 'wdap' where everyone is welcome to play some quality games which each others. Feel free to join.

Sure its not good to make advertisement for myself but i saw so many admins with less knowledge than me abuse for elo and stats or other reasons that i thought i can do better than that. I also got some channel bots. So basicially i could replace web-ghost while he is learning for his examens.

if u play a u want, u dont play the game u play a game...but not chess -Feelnoob
GhadDate: Thursday, 02-Apr-2015, 7:24 PM | Message # 75
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people that say you dont need to be active in game are just plain retards to be honest.

90% more people would be banned or there would be far less abuse if there were more active admins playing the game.

Sitting on forum waiting for ban request isn't going to change nothing.You got to realize that most people dont come on this forum

And most people don't even know the bot rules including current admins.
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