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I played footy 5.4 inhouse match yesterday - Forum

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I played footy 5.4 inhouse match yesterday
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 3:13 PM | Message # 1
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one of my buddy is clan AOM which is 5.4 clan. so I visited his channel and they were about to play inhouse and I had game with them.
actually it was clan match AOM VS PUBs
and their chief and clanie were dissing and flaming to each others. seeing their chat battle as 3rd party was funny
(I heard that chief of AOM JONNY-TRUE-LOVE is the best 5.4 player)


anyway I felt 2 weird thing from that game and after this game from chat.

1st game system like field, spells, items were almost similar with chf but game play were completely different.
also these guys have pretty good individual micro control especially at rifle control. average Action Per Minute was much more higher than chf players.
they moved back all red blood units and healed.
game was slow but more tense in early and mid game. feel like CHF normal mode is SSD to 5.4
and I pooled a lot to my partner but otherS did more than us but mass pool didnt affected game as much as CHF.

2nd they didn't know what is CHF. how come these footy players doesnt know about CHF?
chf need some salesman and promotion lol

Rest in Peace Rookies
Bond009Date: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 3:25 PM | Message # 2
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so normal mode in CHF feels like 5.4 with ssd on?..if there was such thing. is that good or bad lol what do you mean by that exactly lol

also yea i just found out about clan aom the other day from a guy i know in clan pubs another 5.4 clan im getting some of those guys in clan pubs to get hooked onto CHF and they had no idea what it was till i showed them either LOL
Its like 5.4 people are literally living in a bubble much like dota as well.

also these guys have pretty good individual micro control especially at rifle control. average Action Per Minute was much more higher than chf players.
they moved back all red blood units and healed.

so your saying if they got use to chf they would be better than most the good players we have now? lol

But anyway i told them they should come play a game of chf and they didnt want to try it lol so idk about those aom ppl..

also i played a game of 5.4 not too long ago and it felt so slow pace to me and i hate the game mechanics.. thats the first thing i built when i started making CHF was a whole new game system, hated all units dying becuz a building dies.. or all player units dying if a player lags out or leaves.. dumbest thing in the world. tongue

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 5:46 PM | Message # 3
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JONNY-TRUE-LOVE is the best 5.4 player)


Added (2011-11-07, 6:46 PM)

Action Per Minut

need much less in chf, my APM on there is over 200. thats not anywhere near mr.classic...
Quote (Bond009)
so slow pace

u kidding? the only slow pace is mass, coz it doesnt skip time like our crappy mass. everything else there is way faster! you can bk almost 2-3 min after mass. mass pool 1 guy to tech rifles, buy a turtle, get a scroll, frenzy, and 2 demo's and bk. this game is too fast paced sometimes :P.
Quote (Bond009)
hated all units dying becuz a building dies.. or all player units dying if a player lags out or leaves.. dumbest thing in the world.

not that hard to catch back up from. as long as they know theyre leaving. youre fine. 2 hero mass in that game rapes after mass. especially if you have jaood/blademaster.
2nd they didn't know what is CHF. how come these footy players doesnt know about CHF?
chf need some salesman and promotion lol

trust me. almost all imba players know about it, clan gam i think, jelly-bot users, clan efl/fail users also. i put announce masgs here for a month in these bots except GAM, which their chief told about us.
RosarioVampire2Date: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 6:09 PM | Message # 4
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"JONNY-TRUE-LOVE is the best 5.4 player) " <= CRAZY u know???
i played since hatouppp made footies and nvr had i heard of this PRO

"2nd they didn't know what is CHF. how come these footy players doesnt know about CHF?"
chf need some salesman and promotion lol " Every footies player know this game :Pl

"so slow pace"
Go get tinker, mountain king, warden, falcon, lich, death knight, or grim and say this shit
mountain king just stuns for 10000000 sec each time and by the time stun effect is gone...UR DEAD and he lvled!

" especially if you have jaood/blademaster."
baldemaster is fking op and free win hero but jaood? JAOOD FAILZ IF DONT GET FULL POOL WITH RIFLES AND ITEMS


You do not know me and thus, you can not judge me.
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 6:43 PM | Message # 5
Robotic Ninja
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chf is similar to 5.4....
5.4 requires more skill, IMO
the cool things about chf IMO, are the buy back ally and the rune(kinda but not really that necessary if u can buy back hero)

also, seems gold is easier to get on chf than 5.4(ppl always get ToTs)

i loved tanking with lich in 5.4, it was hilarious(like nick cannon)

TehbigbeeDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 6:53 PM | Message # 6
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5.4 is all about who can get the strongest rifles, I've played with most of the EFL admins and they are all good at rifle micro. The only one that didn't go micro won by sceptering someone's base who was afk for the game.
RosarioVampire2Date: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 7:01 PM | Message # 7
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Rifles arent the only way

when i played footies
in other words...

Only Rifles/Huntress :P
-sometimes troll beserkers but grunts arent worth it..LMAO :P-


You do not know me and thus, you can not judge me.
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 7:02 PM | Message # 8
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Tehbigbee)
5.4 is all about who can get the strongest rifles, I've played with most of the EFL admins and they are all good at rifle micro. The only one that didn't go micro won by sceptering someone's base who was afk for the game.

skels were win...

Bond009Date: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 7:08 PM | Message # 9
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Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
u kidding? the only slow pace is mass, coz it doesnt skip time like our crappy mass. everything else there is way faster! you can bk almost 2-3 min after mass. mass pool 1 guy to tech rifles, buy a turtle, get a scroll, frenzy, and 2 demo's and bk. this game is too fast paced sometimes :P.

i meant the game-play feels slow pace.. not the actual game time. The only reason you can end a game 2-3 mins after the mass in that game is becuz of how imbalanced it is.. lol you sit around and wait 6+ mins for mass to happen and then end it 3 mins after thats funny

Quote (XXkillerbeansXX)
not that hard to catch back up from. as long as they know theyre leaving. youre fine. 2 hero mass in that game rapes after mass. especially if you have jaood/blademaster.

yeah but think of the 1000s of games that there was a lag out or the person just gave up and left or they had to leave all of a sudden.. if you happened to be using that player for tech and you pooled him a bit.. and he leaves.. its gg and a waste of ur damn time lol

Quote (ic3dt3a)
chf is similar to 5.4....
5.4 requires more skill, IMO
the cool things about chf IMO, are the buy back ally and the rune(kinda but not really that necessary if u can buy back hero)

also, seems gold is easier to get on chf than 5.4(ppl always get ToTs)

i loved tanking with lich in 5.4, it was hilarious(like nick cannon)

there is way more strats in chf way more spells/items/creeps/things that can be done. chf requires way more knowlege and skill than 5.4 which is why 5.4 players are afraid to convert to CHF becuz they dont wanna have to start at the bottom of the food chain again..(which i can kinda understand and dont fully blame them).. When a pro 5.4 player comes to CHF they are not 'pro' anymore..

Gold is easier for 1 player to get in chf than 5.4 becuz you can pick your skills and if 1 hero tomes the whole time and lvls up real fast with having 2-3 aoe spells they just farm gold unreal fast. Tomes were made harder to come by becuz of this..
In 5.4 you need to rely on team work more with all 3 heros with their aoe to work together to farm fast in most cases. which is very limiting when it comes to stacked teams vs pubs in 5.4 (but stacked vs pubs in any game is a huge unbalanced gap regardless)

But this can be done in 5.4 also and even faster becuz tomes are ez to come by in 5.4 with 30 sec cd time. on a good hero 1 AoE is = to 2 aoes in CHF
Lvl a MK or a Lich up fast and u can go in there and use 1 lvl 6 aoe spell and kill every footy in a huge area. smile

Quote (RosarioVampire2)
Rifles arent the only way

when i played footies
in other words...

Only Rifles/Huntress :P
-sometimes troll beserkers but grunts arent worth it..LMAO :P-

lol yea certain techs were way imba in 5.4 also such as gunmen/hunts most ppl only teched 2 races ever

XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 7:09 PM | Message # 10
Zombie Pirate
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nope tea
Quote (RosarioVampire2)

r u kidding me? this hero was more op than blademaster. he is amazing hk. dont get lightspeed, get frosties, and go sit in a base for 5 min after ulti.
SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 8:07 PM | Message # 11
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Quote (Bond009)
so normal mode in CHF feels like 5.4 with ssd on?..if there was such thing. is that good or bad lol what do you mean by that exactly lol

I don't know it is good or bad. it depends on game but anway some ppl might feel better at chf cuz it gives more speedy game but I think faster xp gaining can block lots of possible things to opponent. especially tech units.
anyway xp gaps between each team can easily break blance of team and take chance away.

Quote (Bond009)
so your saying if they got use to chf they would be better than most the good players we have now? lol

no they won't and they can't. I am just saying that they just concentrated on individual micro at units.
I was shammy of ladder clan in asia server. when I first attracted on chf I brought some clanies to chf game but they failed at micro. those guys had pretty good individual micro but mass aoes doesn't allowed this much. top ww aoe players in chf like fallen, jstax, cheesy, iconnect and so on have less than 100apm but they still rape others. this means chf is more close to hero war.

anyway I didn't checked exact damage of aoe in 5.4 but I felt that those were stornger than chf. but those mixed aoe combines hurts more

Quote (RosarioVampire2)
"2nd they didn't know what is CHF. how come these footy players doesnt know about CHF?"
chf need some salesman and promotion lol " Every footies player know this game :Pl

at least those guys who I've met in channel and lobby didn't know about this game.

Rest in Peace Rookies

Message edited by SOUNDWAVES - Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 8:24 PM
ic3dt3aDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 8:12 PM | Message # 12
Robotic Ninja
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Quote (Bond009)
there is way more strats in chf way more spells/items/creeps/things that can be done. chf requires way more knowlege and skill than 5.4 which is why 5.4 players are afraid to convert to CHF becuz they dont wanna have to start at the bottom of the food chain again..(which i can kinda understand and dont fully blame them).. When a pro 5.4 player comes to CHF they are not 'pro' anymore..

ww waves requires no skills
the stronger hero units(hp wise) had no actual high magic damage, am was conisdered strongest but had low hp. now there are his rigged heros for himself(angel of doom and battle mage)

also, i think the 2nd time i played against "you guys"(not sure who) i almost won and finished off the last base but was unaware of rune of shielding and team 1 had 3 so i just left and accused em of cheating. i still have the game saved, lol

5.4 was much better IMO, except it needed a few balancing. when treechopper went to fn and made it, he balanced it ALOT more and added extra recipes
i was in wfe and then quit with sexi and went to fn then hopped to another because of some annoying guy on there who thought he was the shit(songofdeath) and then rejoined once he left then i jsut played on east after quitting games for about a couple months w.e tho. its all "gravy"

SOUNDWAVESDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 8:43 PM | Message # 13
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Quote (Bond009)
there is way more strats in chf way more spells/items/creeps/things that can be done. chf requires way more knowlege and skill than 5.4

true so I couldnt get more interest from 5.4 but chf players doesnt have to use these things.
most of creeps can be pwned by powerful hero spells and choosable xmute. and aoe combines are stronger than most of any other spells. items are cool but saving money for penguins and 15k golem are better option to win. or pool ally for tech. this is sad part. lots of ppl want to take easier method to win instead of trying some creative stuff and builds. w/e I can say that CHF is still much better than 5.4

Added (2011-11-07, 9:43 PM)
if some creeps(which doesnt have resistant skin or magic immunity) can carry spell shield than it might give more chance to use at outside of base.
or buff zepplin hp or armor or give magice immunity so it can be safe shelter to creeps. untill opponent use bat rider or chimeras

Rest in Peace Rookies
XXkillerbeansXXDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 8:50 PM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
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damage of aoe

nova: 525
carrion: 700
shock: 550
forked: 600dmg 20units
chain: same as chf. 2 extra bounce
zoz: 85 dps
immo: 130 dps
flame strike: unknown like chf. high dmg tho it causes ff so not very useful
these are the main aoe's in that game.(only memorized lvl 6 of them, others were not important to me)
TehbigbeeDate: Monday, 07-Nov-2011, 9:25 PM | Message # 15
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Quote (RosarioVampire2)
Rifles arent the only way

when i played footies
in other words...

Only Rifles/Huntress :P
-sometimes troll beserkers but grunts arent worth it..LMAO :P-

Huntresses cost an extra 1400 gold Gold that can be used for wards for rifles, scrolls for rifles, turtle for rifles, damage for rifles, you get the point, and if you have extra gold you'd upgrade to breakers.
@ic3 no idea what you're saying
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