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Have Fun Noobs
ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 6:32 AM | Message # 1
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So, I realized that Alex[star] kept muting/banning me 24/7 in forums and not his friends
He says my posts are stupid when he post something totally unrelated about this game himself

Thus, until I kept apologized from Alex[Star], I shall be going on fake accounts with proxy ip address to fk up this game and help no new ppl play it

As in chat box, here is the mssg

"Since Im banned from forums and cannt post glitches anymore since Alex[star] HATES any of my comments, I will be abusing glitches in 3.9"

"I will also be using fake acc and a proxy ip adress
I hope u guys have fun getting pissed at me getting AURAS on INFERNO"

"I shall be ABUSING the BoF Shockwave Glitch
I hope chf footies players come to hate me more than fallen..CYA •• Noobs
After all.. If bond doesnt know how the gltich works, HE CAN NVR FIX IT!! MUHAHAHAHAH"

"If u deathy and others want to help abuse gltiches, I shall be happy to tell u how to send 5 BoF Shockwave continuosly at a base nonstopping "

'Just helped 9 pubs to nvr play chf footies again "" come QQ with 5 waves/Shockwaave and an inferno (i had 2 heros)
I have sent my hero auras temprorary to inferno while i had fun seeing there mana 0"

Added (2011-12-05, 7:26 AM)
To Bond
If u arent gonna fix any glitches I show u, u are underestimating how scary it could be

I can give my DRILLIANCE aura / endurance aura only to inferno
and also
use it for mass tp => bk

Added (2011-12-05, 7:32 AM)
The moment I get this account banned or muted or text is edited by ALEX[STAR]
Im gonna tell the chf community


go live with it. Bond can nvr fix this crap

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
killerrangeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 6:33 AM | Message # 2
Zombie Pirate
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-message deleted- (censored)

I'm here to help :D

Message edited by killerrange - Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 7:45 AM
ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 6:38 AM | Message # 3
Group: New Users
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Ask a pro to stop 5 waves and 5 BoF and a shockwave lvl 3 item for bk
And lvl 1 inferno with lvl 6 auras
Till then

Get a life noobs, Go QQ
Im just helping the game become Sh*t

U guys can nvr beat me if i start glitching
Also, if u do almost win, i can always do disconnect glitch at last moment

Im in another lvl, of delusions -credits to chinesekid

Added (2011-12-05, 7:38 AM)

Added (2011-12-05, 7:38 AM)

I shall give u a free maphack if u do

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
killerrangeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 6:40 AM | Message # 4
Zombie Pirate
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-message deleted- (censored)

I'm here to help :D

Message edited by killerrange - Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 7:45 AM
ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 6:42 AM | Message # 5
Group: New Users
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This is the comments i truly want to hear

Im gonna be LameFusion wannabe from now on

go QQ

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
2DaYuDiEDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 7:17 AM | Message # 6
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aww man this thread is funny ^^ im really wandering how u get auras on infernal lolz tongue

ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 7:31 AM | Message # 7
Group: New Users
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Its called Skills that kills the hills

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs

Message edited by ProGlitcher - Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 7:32 AM
killerrangeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 8:25 AM | Message # 8
Zombie Pirate
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im pretty sure you can't kill something that isn't alive

I'm here to help :D
stoogeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 8:26 AM | Message # 9
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Hahahahagagagaga this funny shit...another loser telling us to get a life while he finds glitches n tries to kill a dead game hahahahahaha

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 8:30 AM | Message # 10
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Its totally alive

A glitch only me, and my friends, and bond knows
bond says he fixed it..but i guess not

BTW. alex tells me to go on topic with chf footies even when he posts
Is this guy a serious troller sent to piss me off?

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs

Message edited by ProGlitcher - Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 8:44 AM
stoogeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 8:37 AM | Message # 11
★ Contributor ★ / Legacy Staff
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awww mummy not paying attention? or is dad busy running the "Samsung" empire?
LOL ur pathetic, ur more pathetic then xmonstard and cheesy put together...atleast they have the balls to play the game with or without MH, but u on the other hand have never won a single game unless playing with total pubs...and ur comments to ur every defeat is "im not interested to win" ahhaha idiot grow a pair and get out of ur parents baseme..wait let me correct myself there, get out of ur parents hut to see the sunlight once a while.

If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting.
If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
ProGlitcherDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 9:23 AM | Message # 12
Group: New Users
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Why dont we play a game of 1v1 including glitches

And my family does not own the Samsung Empire
go see the sunlight

Added (2011-12-05, 10:23 AM)
I shall be using Proxy this week so... FK OFF WITH THE IP :P

Im leaving officially forums today. See ya noobs
Master-HeroDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 10:16 AM | Message # 13
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I wont even close this. I can't take it serious.

Anyway I hope that this will make your life complete so you finally can go outside and get some rl friends smile

Inactive mod.
Legal_lifeDate: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 10:26 AM | Message # 14
Zombie Pirate
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So anyways I went outside today, it was pretty fun, try it out sometime.
ItSoVeR9000Date: Monday, 05-Dec-2011, 2:06 PM | Message # 15
Blonde Ninja Mod
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Quote (Legal_life)
So anyways I went outside today, it was pretty fun, try it out sometime.

It's cold..morning frost's a b**ch and a half.

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