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ranking best player chf - Page 2 - Forum

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ranking best player chf
RyanC010Date: Tuesday, 10-Jan-2017, 10:22 PM | Message # 16
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1.) Uranos
2.) Gagamel
3.) Web-ghost

Noobs: Everyone else
MrDark_DevilDate: Friday, 13-Jan-2017, 11:28 PM | Message # 17
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You Was not There to See the best .. Error thered !!! -.-

gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
lotrrotkDate: Thursday, 02-Feb-2017, 4:27 AM | Message # 18
Zombie Pirate
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1) ISUK.
He can't lose, ever (cause if he does, you're getting banned or kicked)

2) Cloudgnome he joins every lobby, taunts you by claiming you spoofed someone then leaves, good lad

3) Johnsmith55, when I first started chf this guy was a pro for me, amazing skills and stuff......that's what me 6 years ago thought
I honestly have no idea how good he was

Last rank) Firness, really bad player, carry him most of the time

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me
AL_GIDate: Friday, 03-Feb-2017, 5:58 PM | Message # 19
Zombie Pirate
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Am I the only one that feels like this community did not grow mentally?

Call me "GOD”

︻芫══一 (—_—)

RosarioVampireZDate: Friday, 03-Feb-2017, 7:10 PM | Message # 20
Robotic Ninja
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Is there anything wrong with that Mr. AlGi?


I'm #1 in CHF. Jajajajaja.
Let the flame begin nerds.

lotrrotkDate: Saturday, 04-Feb-2017, 11:07 AM | Message # 21
Zombie Pirate
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Quote AL_GI ()
Am I the only one that feels like this community did not grow mentally?

Adam started confessing
Please don't demoralize him

Go rage ban love child
-This guy that loved me

Message edited by lotrrotk - Saturday, 04-Feb-2017, 11:07 AM
ic3dt3aDate: Sunday, 05-Feb-2017, 3:08 PM | Message # 22
Robotic Ninja
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principe, j stax, tang, bajs, acccreate/rosa/proglitcher, qqwaves, cou, and one of roystom's team members(secret yefe? i dont know)

those guys would solo you without stacking on a team or would actually carry their team(jstax was a bad motherfucker)

after that, anyone else fits due to the party composition. tdt excelled at wrecking teams because of their good communication. same with the south americans, they played at cyber cafes.
Priest-Of-SinDate: Sunday, 05-Feb-2017, 10:09 PM | Message # 23
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
principe, j stax, tang, bajs, acccreate/rosa/proglitcher, qqwaves, cou, and one of roystom's team members(secret yefe? i dont know)
beat them all(except proglitcher because i never played him)...all by myself,also they beat me too,beat you too most of the time and all ppl i played against except cou and stooge( but then again i played like 2/3 games top against them ),so in my opinion they will have to be nr 1/2 in this game but then again they got loses too so i cant see a Nr 1 here.think you have to agree with me.
Quote RosarioVampireZ ()
I'm #1 in CHF. Jajajajaja.Let the flame begin nerds.
think i have to agree with that...hail to you Nr 1

FirNesSDate: Monday, 06-Feb-2017, 6:00 AM | Message # 24
Robotic Ninja
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easy game easy life

Adam_CZDate: Monday, 06-Feb-2017, 4:12 PM | Message # 25
Robotic Ninja
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I think Principe sometimes MH because his gameplay was incredible. He was playing 99% games with cold strike and blink. He used blink and he moved everywhere across whole map and killed all the low HP heroes by cold strike. But how he saw them?
l3etuceDate: Monday, 06-Feb-2017, 5:08 PM | Message # 26
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I like how Adam will add a berrys in every toppings .

I love green leetuce
ic3dt3aDate: Tuesday, 07-Feb-2017, 6:10 PM | Message # 27
Robotic Ninja
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Quote Priest-Of-Sin ()
beat them all(except proglitcher because i never played him)...all by myself,also they beat me too,beat you too most of the time and all ppl i played against except cou and stooge( but then again i played like 2/3 games top against them ),so in my opinion they will have to be nr 1/2 in this game but then again they got loses too so i cant see a Nr 1 here.think you have to agree with me.

ppl will have wins and losses, it happens to the best of em.
i think i beat cou once? i think he ended up having to golem and i had serp wards + explosion with nets
i beat stooge for sure, it was a gg.  used unhoyl, nova, healing wave, ress and shamans, lol. ppl really ignore lightning shield to clear waves, lol.

proglitcher = rosa, btw

i'd like to add that my first game against bond, jamie, and brooke, i legit thought they were cheating, i saved the game, lol. he used rune shield to defend his base and i was confused as to what was happening...
Priest-Of-SinDate: Wednesday, 08-Feb-2017, 5:35 PM | Message # 28
Group: Users
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Quote ic3dt3a ()
ppl will have wins and losses, it happens to the best of em.i think i beat cou once? i think he ended up having to golem and i had serp wards + explosion with nets
i beat stooge for sure, it was a gg.  used unhoyl, nova, healing wave, ress and shamans, lol. ppl really ignore lightning shield to clear waves, lol.

proglitcher = rosa, btw

i'd like to add that my first game against bond, jamie, and brooke, i legit thought they were cheating, i saved the game, lol. he used rune shield to defend his base and i was confused as to what was happening...
like i said m8 there is and never will be a NR 1 in this bad we dont get new patch.
GG to all players was realy fun to play with or against.

l3lackownageDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2017, 1:15 PM | Message # 29
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Best player is BajsHoran....not
BajsHoranDate: Thursday, 09-Feb-2017, 6:35 PM | Message # 30
Group: Game Mod
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at least i got 1 vote from ice. U will never get a vote from anyone...

Added (09-Feb-2017, 6:32 PM)
I agree with u tho. Im very bad theese days I cant compete with top players. But u are noone. and u willl always remians noone. just mentioned some time for abuse or ruin game.

Added (09-Feb-2017, 6:35 PM)
and... thread is about ranking best... so give some real props. and dstop having downs downs syndrome... ty kid

Green Man - im so jeallous of ur elo
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