ranking best player chf
l3etuce | Date: Thursday, 09-Feb-2017, 6:46 PM | Message # 31 |
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| I want to make it clear when you said best player does it mean he/she go solo ? or does he/she know more tactics and techniques ( micro,creep etc ) ? or has lots of wins and has good stats . And I agree some of the post here . There isnt/wasnt/arent/werent any best player in CHF . All once a newb and they learned from that.
Just my opinion
I love green leetuce
Message edited by l3etuce - Thursday, 09-Feb-2017, 6:49 PM |
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Thursday, 09-Feb-2017, 8:50 PM | Message # 32 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| To me, the 'best' player in CHF is someone who:
Quote l3etuce (  ) know more tactics and techniques ( micro,creep etc ) and can both muti-task (macro) and micro at a very competitive level. AND (most importantly) the player has some of the best reaction/instinct speed.  Usually (just a correlation not a causation) the 'best' of the best players in CHF history tended to have 160+ APM. That stated, APM alone does not imply much about a player's skill level so meh~~
Quote l3etuce (  ) has lots of wins and has good stats If you stack / mass pool and abuse the same broken strat every game in pub houses, you can have an artificially high winrate in chf. So I personally think this is a poor indicator of a player level's skill in CHF>
Quote l3etuce (  ) There isnt/wasnt/arent/werent any best player in CHF . All once a newb and they learned from that. But despite all this 'werent any best player in CHF', there are certainly some players that stood upon the rest when it came to techniques, micro, macro, reactions. I think F00ty_R3b0rn is one great example of a player like this. Some players are legendary in terms of sheer intake game processing and adapting to the game itself. But then again, some players just win through abusing 1 to 3 strats in CHF with a stacked team. So eh~
Personally, I think a lot of players with 145+apm in CHF are some of the best players or at least a vast majority of the 'best' players I think of tend to have at least 145 apm. That stated, I seen some of the worst players in game with 300+ APM. Hahahaha. Especially those 5.4 footies nerd or '1v1 me in ladder nub' nerds. When the world's best current night elf, Lawliet, has around 175~220 apm and he is playing a far more control-intensive game (1v1 wc3), says much about how CHF really only needs like 95+ apm to play at top level.
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Adam_CZ | Date: Friday, 10-Feb-2017, 2:19 AM | Message # 33 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| There is not "best player" but there is 10-15 best players i guess. Also we cant say who is best chess player ever (Kasparov, Fischer or Carlson).
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l3lackownage | Date: Friday, 10-Feb-2017, 7:25 AM | Message # 34 |
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| dstop? lol. thread is about ranking best? so why you engage the troll noob? you are very bad. saying kid doesnt make u cool. i dgaf about votes. wow one vote from ice?
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Priest-Of-Sin | Date: Saturday, 11-Feb-2017, 10:57 AM | Message # 35 |
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| kids behave ....dont go aggro
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stooge | Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2017, 8:02 AM | Message # 36 |
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| Just to add my two cents  some of the strongest players i've every faced were, These guys were very tough to play against and always had one last trick up their sleeves. Cou F00ty_R3b0Rn Cheesy Soundwaves Roystom nihob
Below are some really good players Bond TalkisCheap Cyray Mr_Dark Baj Osetina TangerineSky SyLLeLeBeLLe_FR Principe Xmonster icetea Liz
There were some decent players other than these but cant go around mentioning everyone  But one thing was always for sure AccCreate/Rosa was never anything special. I know he/she keeps bragging about being one of the earliest players but that does not make you good. Every game I played vs Rosa ended up in "i dont wanna try" or "i wasn't trying" :P
Now let the flame begin
If I tell you I am good, You will probably think I am boasting. If I tell you I am bad, You will Know I am lying.
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O_o]-PrincipV | Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2017, 5:18 PM | Message # 37 |
![O_o]-PrincipV](/avatar/65/1224-028133.jpg) Grunt
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| Quote stooge (  ) some of the strongest players i've every faced were, These guys were very tough to play against and always had one last trick up their sleeves.Cou F00ty_R3b0Rn Cheesy Soundwaves Roystom nihob
Below are some really good players Bond TalkisCheap Cyray Mr_Dark Baj Osetina TangerineSky SyLLeLeBeLLe_FR Principe Xmonster icetea Liz Im better than a good player alah is big pd : I back only in the forum ( in games no idk the job is hard :C) success to everyone ;)!!
Call Me Messi I was The ex Best Player
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RosarioVampireZ | Date: Monday, 13-Feb-2017, 5:52 PM | Message # 38 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote stooge (  ) But one thing was always for sure AccCreate/Rosa was never anything special. I know he/she keeps bragging about being one of the earliest players but that does not make you good. Every game I played vs Rosa ended up in "i dont wanna try" or "i wasn't trying" :P Kinda hard to win you if you constantly team up in 3s or team up with Cou with mass pool and then mass maim. Gets really hard to win to be quite frank with random teams vs swapped teams :/
That said, let the flame begin. Indeed ^^
Message edited by RosarioVampireZ - Monday, 13-Feb-2017, 5:54 PM |
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Adam_CZ | Date: Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017, 9:54 AM | Message # 39 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote stooge (  ) But one thing was always for sure AccCreate/Rosa was never anything special. I know he/she keeps bragging about being one of the earliest players but that does not make you good. Every game I played vs Rosa ended up in "i dont wanna try" or "i wasn't trying"
AccCreate is only trolling. When he/she is repeating "i can beat everyone" or "i am one of best players CHF" he is just kidding. He is not talking seriously. Its the same like if i will say "i can beat Kasparov at chess" or "i can run faster than Asafa Powell if i want" etc.
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FirNesS | Date: Tuesday, 14-Feb-2017, 10:02 AM | Message # 40 |
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| anyway rosa has a better knowledge of the game than mechanichs, we all know that
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MrDark_Devil | Date: Friday, 17-Feb-2017, 11:56 AM | Message # 41 |
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| FTL Roystom, Cou, or F00ty R3b0rn, and nexsus . da best and after them me for sure XD best team roy f00ty and me debug cant beat us i promise .
gigasus91 : Im Adam bitch .
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DooMs | Date: Wednesday, 12-Sep-2018, 5:49 AM | Message # 42 |
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| Nop, TeeVs is rank 1
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t33vs1er | Date: Thursday, 13-Sep-2018, 6:31 AM | Message # 43 |
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| Quote DooMs (  ) Nop, TeeVs is rank 1 TeeVz too slow reaction time and too passive 
But he is annoying with his double wizard play  Added (13-Sep-2018, 6:33 AM) --------------------------------------------- Dooms. > TeeVz Added (13-Sep-2018, 6:38 AM) --------------------------------------------- And rats does not work against double wizard play - blank golem takes care of that (sparks got angry yesterday and went rats against it. sad I dc'ed. Would have been fun). Only transmutes fucks it up. I consider rage quitting if I see too much transmute unless I feel like going pure golem build (but I prefer prioritizing priest and wizard and even Goatzilla if I rush). Golems are ugly. Wizard and priests look sexy.
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ic3dt3a | Date: Wednesday, 26-Sep-2018, 9:14 PM | Message # 44 |
 Robotic Ninja
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| Quote MrDark_Devil (  ) FTL Roystom, Cou, or F00ty R3b0rn, and nexsus
cou, roystom, stooge, jstax, bajs
these guys didnt need a team to stay competitive but were a much more stronger force with them.
jstax cheesy and cyray, this team was really good due to communication, be it voice comms or just knowing how to play with each other
the same goes for roy's team, communication and knowing each other's style
footy would be teamed with sylle all the time, and firness as well
personally, the best/most fun games i've had have been against cou, stooge, and bajs. some of these games included a team trying to take us each out, but in the process ended up feeding quite a bit.
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AL_GI | Date: Friday, 28-Sep-2018, 9:00 AM | Message # 45 |
 Zombie Pirate
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| Nobody mentionned me and I still raped most of you SOLO.. (I'm not the ULTIMATE BEST HOLYPLAYER but I still think that I should be considered as one of the top players)
My favourite games were with ic3dt3a, bajs, hoje, f00ty, frungy, Principe and sylelebelle_fr
PS: How come no one made a real version of CHF or Footmen Frenzy (like dota 2).. There's a lot of money to make + a lot of fun!
#herecomesthehate #egotalk
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